Recently, the news that "Zhang Yimou is urgently selling Wuxi Lakeside villa for 30 million yuan" has appeared in the hot search, arousing strong attention from netizens who eat melons. Public information shows that the rough price of the villas in the relevant areas is at least

2024/06/2403:22:33 entertainment 1104

Recently, the news that

The famous director Zhang Yimou is in the spotlight again!

Recently, the news that "Zhang Yimou urgently sells Wuxi lakefront villa for 30 million yuan" appeared in the hot search, arousing strong attention from netizens who eat melons. Public information shows that the rough price of the villas in the relevant areas is at least 40 million yuan. When they suspected that "Director Zhang was short of money," some media reported that "the mysterious buyer finally sold the deal for 61 million," which once again stirred up the incident.

The overwhelming public opinion soon reached the eyes of Zhang Yimou's wife Chen Ting. She also responded to the outside world immediately, saying that "it is just an inquiry, not an urgent sale" but she did not comment on the rumors of price figures such as 30 million or 61 million. Chen Ting's unclear words made many netizens Zhang Er Monk - whether there is any mystery Buyer? Or is it a complete hype show directed by intermediaries and media?

61 million "Rashomon"!

Zhang Yimou's every move is particularly eye-catching, probably because people are afraid of being famous. Of course, everyone knows about his overflowing artistic attainments, and everyone is dissatisfied with it. Apart from honors, the most controversial thing about him is his professional background as a director. unrelated economic behaviors and emotional experiences.

Recently, the news that

On the morning of July 11, 2022, a blog post in Wuxi local media "Jiangnan Evening News" "Zhang Yimou urgently sells Wuxi Lakeside villa for 30 million yuan" exploded on social platforms with lightning speed, landing on the hot search list. One of the original sources quoted by Jiangnan Evening News comes from an intermediary’s circle of friends. According to the intermediary’s description, the house is called Huxi Manor, with a property certificate of 721 square meters, a garden of 1,000 square meters, luxurious decoration, the first row by the lake, and scarce resources. , one set sold, one set missing.

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"Jiangnan Evening News" also said that Zhang Yimou is looking for a buyer for a single-family villa in Wuxi. It is currently listed for 35 million yuan. Considering the "urgent sale", if the payment method is good and there is sincerity, the price will be around 30 million yuan. It is expected to win, but the capital verification of 30 million yuan is required to view the house.

Recently, the news that

According to the Internet, the interior view of No. 100 Huxi Manor

Considering the excellent location of Huxi Manor, it is regarded as a geomantic treasure by many celebrities. According to an early report by "Shenyang Evening News ", an insider revealed that in addition to Zhang Yimou, in the lake In addition to the villas purchased in Xi Manor, many Hong Kong celebrities have purchased properties here. For example, the first villa was bought by Guo Jinan. There are also rumors in Wuxi that Jackie Chan, Aaron Kwok, Lai Ming and Xu Zhian also have properties here. .

The favor of celebrities may have also become a factor in the continuous appreciation of the community. According to public reports, since the opening of the market in 2005 (some say it was opened in 2003), the housing prices of Huxi Manor have continued to appreciate. From the initial price of 10 million+ The opening price has soared to about 50 million today. If it is a hardcover/luxury decoration, it is not too much to sell it for 60 million+.

Recently, the news that

After a simple combing, it is not difficult to find that Zhang Yimou is uncharacteristically selling such a scarce house for 30 million yuan. It is hard to understand why some netizens speculate that Zhang Yimou is short of money. However, it may be due to Zhang Yimou's fame. The villa was finally sold at a premium of nearly 70%.

According to "Blue Whale Finance", the intermediary it contacted said that Zhang Yimou's mansion in Wuxi was sold for 61 million, which was more than 200% more than the original selling price. The buyer was an "industry insider", but which acting star was it? Ka, the agent did not disclose it.

Recently, the news that

html On the afternoon of July 11, Zhang Yimedia’s current wife Chen Ting posted two Weibo posts to “refute the rumors,” saying, “The house in Wuxi is not for sale urgently. I just asked about it. My parents are getting older and they are considering taking it over to live together for convenience.” She also She posted a self-portrait video of her working out, with the text "Whether it's spreading rumors or cheating, it doesn't affect our mood! Happy unlocking." It can be seen that Chen Ting's mentality is still very stable.

Recently, the news that

Recently, the news that

However, Chen Ting's response did not seem to calm the storm, because she did not explain clearly why she simply asked, if Chen Ting and Zhang Yimou were not authorized, the intermediary could disclose the key sales price of the villa. The details of the house, and it cannot explain the description mentioned in the media reports that "many groups of people came to see the house with the agent, and Zhang Yimou's father-in-law opened the door." The "61 million transaction" made netizens confused. The answer can only be

or Chen Ting lied and the house has been handed over to the agent (prepared) for listing, but she did not publicly list it on the real estate app because of the influence of the celebrity, or the agent and the media are making excuses and adding fuel to the fire to create rumors and "hype"... …

What is the truth?

Zhang Yimou's "Metaverse": He loves beauties and real estate

Director Zhang's rich emotional experience is his personal charm and freedom. We have no right to blame him, but Director Zhang's obsession with real estate to a certain extent also aroused public doubts. There were reports a few years ago that Zhang Yimou's purchase of a fund-raising house caused controversy. Combined with public reports, Zhang Yimou's villas and mansions in at least two places in Beijing and Wuxi were exposed. The purchase of the unit's fully funded housing aroused public opinion, but Huang Jian, the then project development manager of Guangxi Film Group Co., Ltd., said that Zhang Yimou's purchase of the unit's fully funded housing was legal and legitimate, but the controversy has not subsided. The core point is not to question Zhang Yimou. Whether one is eligible to purchase a public-funded house depends on whether one is an employee without a house.

Recently, the news that

In May 2013, New Express published a report that "Zhang Yimou's Wuxi mansion was revealed to be worth more than 40 million yuan." In other words, unless Zhang Yimou's name is not on the property certificate of Huxi Manor, his "houseless employees" in 2016 "Identity cannot stand.

Recently, the news that

Since he is a house lover, he will definitely not easily sell the feng shui treasure land where he has lived for many years and witnessed the love story with Chen Ting. What's more, Director Zhang, who is equally brilliant in business acumen, is not short of money!

The latest "Man Jiang Hong" starring Yi Yang Qianxi , Shen Teng and other stars has been launched in Shanxi, which shows that his artistic creativity is still in a state of youth, and Zhang Yimou is actively deploying the metaverse and real estate related industries. , is an ever-growing trend catcher.

Recently, the news that

According to Tianyancha query, Zhang Yimou currently has 18 affiliated companies, and 7 of them are still in existence, including LeTV Pictures, popular Qitian , Yide Assets, etc.

It is worth mentioning that the popular Qitian International Cultural Technology Development Group Co., Ltd., co-founded by Zhang Yimou, Qixiao and others, is an emerging technology company focusing on VR technology and XR R&D tracks. Since 2016, as of It has received four rounds of financing so far, including many well-known investment institutions such as Lenovo Ventures , Mango Cultural and Creative Fund, Intel Capital, Xiaomi Group and Blue Cursor .

Recently, the news that


Zhang Yimou subscribed for 1 million yuan and held 1% of Yide Assets. It is a company focusing on diversified business formats such as LOFT, finely decorated residences, and commerce, and has a deeper cooperative relationship with Zhang Yimou. The latter once became the production company of Zhang Yimou's "Impression" series of live performances.

combined with relevant reports from the media that "the mysterious buyer of the 61 million transaction" is an insider. If you use your imagination and make bold guesses, it is not impossible for Director Zhang to sell the house to Yide Asset.

As a national treasure-level director, Zhang Yimou is indeed an outstanding people's artist. His corresponding commercial interests are all based on his strength. There should indeed be less sour grapes on the Internet. Of course, the Internet is like a mirror, no one is perfect, some The continuous excavation of information has also allowed us to see the real Zhang Yimou who dared to love and hate, and was obsessed with artistic creation while maintaining a free desire for wealth.

Who said that everyone in the arts deserves to be poor? !


Zhang Yimou’s 30 million villa is urgently sold? I respond! ——Shanxi Evening News

reveals the secret of Zhang Yimou’s Wuxi villa: worth 50 million yuan, next to the king of heaven——Shenyang Evening News

30 million yuan! Zhang Yimou is selling a villa near the lake in Wuxi - People's Media

Zhang Yimou's villa has not been sold! Wuxi’s ultimate luxury area has taken advantage of the situation to get out of the circle! ——Wuxi Property Market Information

Zhang Yimou’s Wuxi mansion sold for 61 million? Industry: If the transaction is sold for tens of millions higher than the market price, the picture may not be a house - Times Weekly

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