From "Brother Overcoming Troubles" to "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves", a young face named Qi Sijun appeared in front of the audience. Is this another facade host that Hunan TV wants to continue to create after He Jiong and Wang Han?

2024/06/2520:15:32 entertainment 1620

text | Xixi

From " The Brother Who Overcomes the Troubles " to " The Sister Who Rides the Wind and Waves ", a young face named Qi Sijun appeared in front of the audience. This is what Hunan TV wants to do in He Jiong, Is it another facade host that Wang Han continues to create after ?

Judging from the current job opportunities arranged by Hunan TV, the answer is yes!

CCTV hosts need to innovate and need fresh blood to take over the microphones of those facade hosts. The same is true for local station hosts. Obviously, in the process of changing the host of Hunan Station, Qi Sijun took the lead in becoming the young face favored by the producers.


Compared with Li Shaminzi , Shen Mengchen , Liang Tian and other host florets, Qi Sijun's competitiveness among the young faces of Hunan TV is more outstanding. With the facade hosts such as He Jiong and Wang Han gradually fading out of the audience As the ages of Li Weijia and Du Haitao gradually increase, Hunan TV needs more young faces like Qi Sijun to support its appearance.

Just judging from the audience’s understanding, besides Qi Sijun, are there any young hosts on Hunan TV who can be appointed and reused?

In the absence of competitors, Qi Sijun's career development path can be said to be "unimpeded."


From the first recording of " Star Detective " to the recording of " Singer " as a "partner", Qi Sijun's career has been going more and more smoothly with the support of Hunan TV.

Compared with other local stations, and even compared with CCTV, Hunan Station can be said to be far ahead in the production of variety shows. Qi Sijun naturally understands this in his heart, and based on his hosting style, he is also suitable for this type of TV program hosting work.


Of course, the support of the platform is part of it. The support of the platform is also based on the host's outstanding business capabilities. In addition to these conditions, the reputation of the market audience will also affect the development of young hosts.

Compared with those hosts who open high and go low , Qi Sijun is obviously a representative of the "cultivation system" host.

has gradually become the face of Hunan TV from being unknown. More and more viewers are liking Qi Sijun. With the increase in fans, what remains unchanged is the market’s recognition of Qi Sijun’s business capabilities.


At the Golden Eagle Award press conference hosted by Hunan TV, Qi Sijun appeared on the hosting stage at the venue, and the other host who was his partner at the scene was CCTV's facade partner Zhu Xun.

is similar to the hosting activities carried out in cooperation between TV stations. The hosts assigned by each TV station to participate in the work can be called facades. Zhu Xun’s position among CCTV hosts proves this, and her appearance is exactly the same. It can prove Qi Sijun's influence among Hunan TV hosts.

Based on this, the possibility of Qi Sijun becoming the successor to He Jiong and Wang Han as the facade increases again.


Putting aside the trust of Hunan TV, based on Qi Sijun’s personal business ability, is he worthy of the job opportunity provided by the platform?

He is not the type of host who "reaches the peak when he debuts". Qi Sijun's growth is the result of his own efforts step by step, down-to-earth, so his results are more convincing, and the market audience will not know it. any dissatisfaction arises.


As the host of a variety show, with the help of the platform of Hunan TV, Qi Sijun cooperates with well-known artists in the entertainment industry every time he has a job opportunity. Through the interactions between these celebrity guests and Qi Sijun, his business ability has once again been improved. prove.

Especially the hosting performance on the stage of "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves" was not only recognized by the audience, but also the sisters who participated in the recording of the program were full of praise for Qi Sijun's ability.


When Hunan TV is willing to assign a young face to co-host CCTV, the young face’s career development is already on the right track. What’s more, in addition to party-type programs, Hunan TV is also willing to give him the hosting job of a facade program. In comparison, Li Weijia does not receive this kind of treatment.


On the basis of being reused, Hunan TV will continue to give Qi Sijun more job opportunities. On the other hand, it also needs to consider whether this young face will choose to go to a bigger stage in the future.

However, from the overall perspective of career development, whether it is Qi Sijun’s personal hosting style or the opportunities provided by the platform, Hunan TV will be the best choice. It is only a matter of time for him to support Hunan TV.

proofread丨Wang Xixi

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