On July 14, a video of a person claiming to be Guo Degang's assistant angrily scolding fans in a live broadcast room aroused strong resentment among netizens. It can be seen from the video that this person named Wang Nan asked fans to give him gifts during the live broadcast. For

2024/06/2403:26:33 entertainment 1349

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On July 14, a video of a person claiming to be Guo Degang's assistant angrily scolding fans in a live broadcast room aroused strong resentment among netizens. It can be seen from the video that this person named Wang Nan asked fans to give him gifts during the live broadcast. For - DayDayNews

On July 14, a video of a person claiming to be Guo Degang's assistant angrily scolding fans in a live broadcast room aroused strong resentment among netizens. It can be seen from the video that this person named Wang Nan asked fans to give him gifts during the live broadcast. For - DayDayNews1

Before the sex scandal happened some time ago, Deyunshe got into trouble again.

html On July 14, a video of a person who claimed to be the assistant of Guo Degang angrily cursed fans in the live broadcast room aroused strong disgust among netizens.

As can be seen from the video, this person named Wang Nan asked fans to give him gifts during the live broadcast. For some reason, he had a conflict with the fans. Then he asked the fan to go out in front of everyone. The fan did not After doing so, he mocked the fan.

On July 14, a video of a person claiming to be Guo Degang's assistant angrily scolding fans in a live broadcast room aroused strong resentment among netizens. It can be seen from the video that this person named Wang Nan asked fans to give him gifts during the live broadcast. For - DayDayNews

Not only that, but the fans who did not give him gifts in the live broadcast room were also ridiculed by him.

He shook his head, gritted his teeth, and although there was a smile on his face, his expression was disdainful and said:

How poor are you?

Why don't you crash to death? You are not worthy of anyone;

You guys No one who comes to my live broadcast room is worthy of being a parent;

Every penny is love. The key is that if you don’t even give a penny to some people, you have no love;

As long as you can count the votes, you will not be on my live broadcast During the period of

On July 14, a video of a person claiming to be Guo Degang's assistant angrily scolding fans in a live broadcast room aroused strong resentment among netizens. It can be seen from the video that this person named Wang Nan asked fans to give him gifts during the live broadcast. For - DayDayNews

, he also gave an example: There was a girl in 's live broadcast room who gave a gift to her brother who reached level 54, worth about 3 million yuan. "As long as you can give away 100,000 yuan, what kind of pattern and mentality do you have to give away gifts! Which onion or garlic are you?"

In the more than 3-minute video clip, he not only named and mocked The netizen is also full of obscenities and curse words. He doesn't look like Teacher Guo Degang's assistant, but more like a street gangster.

Later, some netizens revealed that he was not satisfied with cursing people in the live broadcast room, and continued to curse in the circle of friends.

On July 14, a video of a person claiming to be Guo Degang's assistant angrily scolding fans in a live broadcast room aroused strong resentment among netizens. It can be seen from the video that this person named Wang Nan asked fans to give him gifts during the live broadcast. For - DayDayNews

Moreover, this person’s usual virtues have also been exposed by netizens. At first glance, it seems that he is not a first-time offender, but an experienced veteran.

On July 14, a video of a person claiming to be Guo Degang's assistant angrily scolding fans in a live broadcast room aroused strong resentment among netizens. It can be seen from the video that this person named Wang Nan asked fans to give him gifts during the live broadcast. For - DayDayNews

If this person is really Teacher Guo Degang’s assistant, I wonder what Teacher Guo Degang, who often talks about “virtue”, thinks after watching this video?

But this person didn’t seem to be afraid of Teacher Guo Degang at all. When someone reminded him in the live broadcast room, “Be careful of being scolded by Teacher Guo Degang,” he said, “I didn’t scold anyone, and I didn’t do anything. Why did he scold me?” Anyway, he was confident.

Therefore, the topics of "Deyun Club" and "Assistant Guo Degang" soon became hot searches again.

Although Deyun Club has not made any statement at present, after these two scandals not far apart, how much reputation does Deyun Club still have among netizens?

On July 14, a video of a person claiming to be Guo Degang's assistant angrily scolding fans in a live broadcast room aroused strong resentment among netizens. It can be seen from the video that this person named Wang Nan asked fans to give him gifts during the live broadcast. For - DayDayNews

On July 14, a video of a person claiming to be Guo Degang's assistant angrily scolding fans in a live broadcast room aroused strong resentment among netizens. It can be seen from the video that this person named Wang Nan asked fans to give him gifts during the live broadcast. For - DayDayNews

On July 14, a video of a person claiming to be Guo Degang's assistant angrily scolding fans in a live broadcast room aroused strong resentment among netizens. It can be seen from the video that this person named Wang Nan asked fans to give him gifts during the live broadcast. For - DayDayNews2

I still remember the last hot search on Deyun News. It was a sex scandal that caused a stir on the Internet not long ago.

Former cross talk actor of Deyun Society Chen Xiaohua broke into his neighbor's house without authorization and was suspected of attempted sexual assault after being drunk.

On July 14, a video of a person claiming to be Guo Degang's assistant angrily scolding fans in a live broadcast room aroused strong resentment among netizens. It can be seen from the video that this person named Wang Nan asked fans to give him gifts during the live broadcast. For - DayDayNews

The girl involved said that she and Chen Xiaohua did not know each other. He lived on the 3rd floor and she lived on the 5th floor.

On the evening of June 24, Chen Xiaohua went to a friend's house on the 14th floor to drink. He didn't come out of his friend's house until about 5 o'clock the next morning.

At that time, the girl did not go to bed until around 4:30 in the morning due to working overtime the night before and watching dramas all night long. And because the weather was getting hotter at home, the girl only wore underwear and covered herself with a thin blanket.

Unexpectedly, not long after she fell asleep, the girl's bedroom door was opened. The man approached her while naked, and kept saying: "Wait for me here", "It's really nice"...

The girl who was frightened and woke up hurriedly put on her glasses and picked up the items on the bed to defend herself. and asked loudly. Judging from the man's reaction, he was not drunk at the time, there was no obvious smell of alcohol on his body, and his body movements were very smooth.

But in the face of the girl's resistance, the man had no intention of stopping. The girl had no choice but to shout loudly: Mom, help!

Fortunately, this move deterred the man. After the man took two steps back hesitantly, the man next door The roommate was also awakened by the girl's shouts. The girl quickly put on her clothes, picked up the mobile phone on the desk and pointed it at the man.

Unexpectedly, when the sound of opening the door came from next door, the man who was still conscious just now suddenly panicked and picked up the cushion on the chair to cover his sensitive parts, squatted behind the door, and began to behave like a drunkard. .

Later, the roommate who came over helped her call the police. Later I found out that this wretched man was Chen Xiaohua from Deyun Club. In 2012, he passed the audition and entered Deyun Club to study, and became a disciple of Guo Degang. He was the younger brother of Guo Qilin .

On July 14, a video of a person claiming to be Guo Degang's assistant angrily scolding fans in a live broadcast room aroused strong resentment among netizens. It can be seen from the video that this person named Wang Nan asked fans to give him gifts during the live broadcast. For - DayDayNews

Soon, this incident caused an uproar on the Internet, and the message area of ​​Deyun Club was also occupied by netizens. Deyun Club had no choice but to urgently issue an official statement on the morning of June 27 to clean up the company, quickly fired Chen Xiaohua, and canceled all his cross talk performances.

On July 14, a video of a person claiming to be Guo Degang's assistant angrily scolding fans in a live broadcast room aroused strong resentment among netizens. It can be seen from the video that this person named Wang Nan asked fans to give him gifts during the live broadcast. For - DayDayNews

Perhaps a statement can cut off the career ties between Deyun Society and Chen Xiaohua, but can it really tear off the label that Chen Xiaohua was once a disciple of Deyun Society?

Looking at the dark history of Deyun Club in recent years, you will find that cheating, domestic violence, abandonment, sleeping with fans, dislike of poverty... are jokingly called by netizens: put together, it is a collection of history of scumbags. .

also used earthquakes to make fun of, and national calamity and comfort women to shake off the burden. All this made netizens furious with it, mocking Deyunshe for increasingly lacking "morality" and that it should be renamed "Yunshe".

Even the official media, which rarely engages in gossip, this time did not hesitate to criticize: Deyun Club should take a good self-examination.

On July 14, a video of a person claiming to be Guo Degang's assistant angrily scolding fans in a live broadcast room aroused strong resentment among netizens. It can be seen from the video that this person named Wang Nan asked fans to give him gifts during the live broadcast. For - DayDayNews

On July 14, a video of a person claiming to be Guo Degang's assistant angrily scolding fans in a live broadcast room aroused strong resentment among netizens. It can be seen from the video that this person named Wang Nan asked fans to give him gifts during the live broadcast. For - DayDayNews3

Deyunshe, which starts with the word "德", why has it always had problems with "德" in recent years?

Excluding some internal management reasons, the most important thing is that Deyun Club is no longer a simple cross talk group, it is more like an Internet celebrity production base.

When Yue Yunpeng became popular, Guo Degang once told the media: had a plan to make everyone famous.

On July 14, a video of a person claiming to be Guo Degang's assistant angrily scolding fans in a live broadcast room aroused strong resentment among netizens. It can be seen from the video that this person named Wang Nan asked fans to give him gifts during the live broadcast. For - DayDayNews

His son Guo Qilin was also revealed to have hosted 15 variety shows during the epidemic, supporting the entire Deyun Club on his own.

On July 14, a video of a person claiming to be Guo Degang's assistant angrily scolding fans in a live broadcast room aroused strong resentment among netizens. It can be seen from the video that this person named Wang Nan asked fans to give him gifts during the live broadcast. For - DayDayNews

But variety shows are not enough. He has also started to get involved in many film and television works, and has achieved remarkable results. Among them, for his role as Ning Yi in " Son-in-law ", he single-handedly won the Best Actor at the Macau International Television Festival.

has overshadowed many actors with professional backgrounds.

and the recently popular Internet celebrity artist Qin Xiaoxian . Although he has not been a disciple for a long time, he is very popular on a certain short video platform.

On July 14, a video of a person claiming to be Guo Degang's assistant angrily scolding fans in a live broadcast room aroused strong resentment among netizens. It can be seen from the video that this person named Wang Nan asked fans to give him gifts during the live broadcast. For - DayDayNews

Deyunshe's pursuit of victory not only allowed him to appear frequently in the cross talk world, but also allowed him to play rock with Big Wave Band in " Band's Summer", which vividly showed his unknown side.

This also makes female fans even more excited.

According to incomplete statistics, Deyun Club members will participate in no less than 20 movies, TV series, and variety shows in 2021, and many stars of phenomenal programs are rushing to appear.

Because they know very well that selling cross talk cannot sell variety shows, and they have to rely on capital to attract traffic.

Even Guo Degang, who used to rely on cross talk to express his emotions, said that today's cross talk has little to do with creation. What it sells is personal charm.

It can be seen that in the era of Internet celebrities, traffic and popularity are the magic weapons to make money. Who cares whether your cross talk is good or not.

When Liu Genghong was most popular, there were "Liu Genghong girls", and Deyun Club also had "Deyun Club girls", and they were no less popular than Liu Genghong girls. Almost 13 million people request updates online on a certain video platform every day.

They also call Deyun Club "Asia's No. 1 Tiantuan Group" and treat everyone in it like idols.

After Zhang Yunlei's of Deyunshe became popular, his first single "Yuzhen" sold over one million copies within one minute of its release. In 22 days, fans also raised 600,000 in support funds for him. When

toured the country, there were thousands of fans waving light sticks and singing along, which was as good as any concert by a big-name star.

and Deyun Club, as soon as they perform, almost every venue is full, and tickets are sold out as soon as they go online. The ticket grabbing scene is comparable to the Spring Festival travel rush. Even scalpers can't get tickets. A ticket can be sold for up to 28,800 yuan.

Moreover, as long as someone says bad things about Deyun Club on the Internet, they will attack them in groups, allowing many new members of Deyun Club to debut in the C position.

When Deyun Club was at its most prosperous, they were not only the guests and anchors of many domestic variety shows, but they also took advantage of the victory and recruited a group of people to start their own variety show. They also filmed the self-made idol drama " Deyun Washe" 》.

On July 14, a video of a person claiming to be Guo Degang's assistant angrily scolding fans in a live broadcast room aroused strong resentment among netizens. It can be seen from the video that this person named Wang Nan asked fans to give him gifts during the live broadcast. For - DayDayNews

At the opening ceremony of "Deyun Washe", Guo Degang also said that Deyun Club will produce three sitcoms that will start with 300 episodes.

Who do you want to compete with? The answer is self-evident.

Some institutions once valued Deyunshe’s assets at 2 billion, which is no less than that of a listed company.

Just from Deyun Club’s self-made variety show, another problem of theirs was exposed, which is Deyun Club’s traditional “teacher-to-teacher” system.

It can be seen from the homemade variety shows that the disciples are almost respectful to Guo Degang and Yu Qian and dare not speak nonsense. Even when playing games, be careful.

can see that even though Deyun Club is now commercially operated, the seniority hierarchy is still strict.

On July 14, a video of a person claiming to be Guo Degang's assistant angrily scolding fans in a live broadcast room aroused strong resentment among netizens. It can be seen from the video that this person named Wang Nan asked fans to give him gifts during the live broadcast. For - DayDayNews

On July 14, a video of a person claiming to be Guo Degang's assistant angrily scolding fans in a live broadcast room aroused strong resentment among netizens. It can be seen from the video that this person named Wang Nan asked fans to give him gifts during the live broadcast. For - DayDayNews4

Logically speaking, this "teacher-to-teacher" system in the cross talk world is passed down from the older generation, so it is not a bad thing.

As a two-way choice between master and apprentice, in the early days of Deyun Club, when Guo Degang personally recruited apprentices, it helped Deyun Club avoid a certain degree of employment risks.

Therefore, in today’s Internet celebrity economy, many representative stars have emerged, such as Yue Yunpeng, Guo Qilin, Qin Xiaoxian, etc. They are highly professional, have distinctive personalities, and have their own Internet celebrity qualities.

Therefore, at that time, the "teacher-to-teacher system" served as a two-way choice between master and apprentice, which helped Deyun Club avoid a certain degree of employment risks and facilitate expansion.

After all, many years ago, before he became famous, Guo Degang had already tasted the sweetness of marketing. Therefore, from the day Deyun Society was established, it was more than just a cross talk group. Guo Degang wanted to build it into a "star manufacturing organization."

On July 14, a video of a person claiming to be Guo Degang's assistant angrily scolding fans in a live broadcast room aroused strong resentment among netizens. It can be seen from the video that this person named Wang Nan asked fans to give him gifts during the live broadcast. For - DayDayNews

It’s just that when Deyunshe got on the Internet celebrity express, the moral principles in this “teacher-to-teacher” system became incompatible with the interests in the business society.

In the past, there were few people, and Guo Degang could still take care of the moral conduct of his apprentices, so much so that he still had a reputation of "strict family tradition". However, as Deyun Club became more and more popular, small theaters became more and more popular. is open, and there are still waves of variety shows to be released, resulting in insufficient manpower.

Therefore, the masters have no time to carefully examine the virtues of their apprentices. They only need to recruit those with some talent and train them. Deyun Club is like an online celebrity assembly line. Everyone will be sorted into categories as soon as they come in. Those with characteristics may become famous by luck, while those without characteristics can only suffer in the club.

The apprentices also know that this is no longer a place where they just talk about cross talk. It is like a performing arts school, and they all want to seize any opportunity to become famous.

Take Chen Xiaohua, who was expelled. Compared with other people who became famous in the company, he is not famous. Seeing the people around him becoming famous, he began to feel restless.

He once expressed in the live broadcast room that he wanted to be on the trending search and be popular, and he would even step on other people in the same community to get the upper hand.

So now many people want to join Deyun Club, not to learn the craft of cross talk, and maybe they are not interested in cross talk.All they want is to get out of the circle quickly with the cross talk halo of Deyun Society.

On July 14, a video of a person claiming to be Guo Degang's assistant angrily scolding fans in a live broadcast room aroused strong resentment among netizens. It can be seen from the video that this person named Wang Nan asked fans to give him gifts during the live broadcast. For - DayDayNews

However, in addition to rapid expansion in recent years, Deyun Club has not properly reorganized its internal affairs, let alone a decent corporate operation. As a result, there is a lack of systematic management of apprentices (artists), which has led to more and more problems. Appear.

Although the apprentice cannot simply blame the master if there is a problem, how to balance "the rules of the world" and "commercial interests"? This is the urgent problem facing Guo Degang.

If this problem is not solved, Deyun Club will become the hardest hit area for unscrupulous artists.

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