In order to conscientiously implement the epidemic prevention and control arrangements in Wuxi City and Xinwu District, further tighten the responsibilities of street epidemic prevention and control, and effectively promote the implementation of various decisions and arrangements

China Jiangsu Network News In order to conscientiously implement the arrangements for epidemic prevention and control in Wuxi City and Xinwu District, further tighten the responsibilities of street epidemic prevention and control work, and effectively promote the implementation of various decisions and arrangements for epidemic prevention and control. Recently, You Wei, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Xin'an Street, and Qian Yueshuang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Xin'an Street and Director of the Office, respectively led teams to the front lines of community epidemic prevention to carry out supervision and inspection work.

html On the evening of August 13, You Wei, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Xin'an Street, went to Xin'an Community to supervise and guide the epidemic prevention and control work in the old trading market. You Wei inspected the implementation of temperature measurement, code scanning, and wearing of masks on the spot.

You Wei pointed out that the current epidemic prevention and control situation is still severe and the task is still arduous. It is necessary to tighten the string of epidemic prevention and control, always maintain the confidence and determination to fight a tough and protracted war, and effectively prevent external importation and internal prevention of spread. , manageable and controllable, precise management and control implemented. He requested: First, the gate post control should be "meticulous". The "three-piece package" for epidemic prevention and control must be implemented for motor vehicles, non-motor vehicles and pedestrians entering the community. In particular, practical control measures must be taken for outsiders such as takeaways and express delivery. Second, the thorough investigation must be "strict". Regarding the difficult and complicated problems that exist in data verification, we must firmly grasp the data verification in the way of "walking in and asking questions" and firmly guard the "data checkpoint". Third, emergency preparedness must be “real”. Necessary epidemic prevention materials must be adequately prepared to ensure they are available and used; the epidemic prevention duty system must be strictly followed to ensure immediate feedback and efficient response when any situation arises.

html On August 14, the main leaders of Xin'an Street, You Wei and Qian Yueshuang, went to Xinan Huayuan No. 5 Community Health Service Station to supervise and inspect the new crown vaccination work.

"How many medical staff and staff are arranged here?" "How is the vaccination situation today?" You Wei learned in detail about the vaccination organization, staffing, vaccination capacity, implementation of prevention and control measures, etc., and expressed his appreciation for the hard work of the medical staff. Give condolences.

Regarding promoting vaccination work efficiently, You Wei emphasized: First, the process must be scientifically standardized. While implementing health inquiries and verification of vaccination contraindications, protective measures such as code scanning and temperature measurement, environmental disinfection, and "1-meter noodles" will be implemented to ensure the safety and orderliness of the vaccination process. The second is to create a strong atmosphere. It is necessary to continue to vigorously carry out vaccination publicity through WeChat, phone calls, leaflets, etc., and effectively turn the government's advocacy into the people's conscious action. The third is to optimize vaccination services. Ensure that supplies and personnel are in place, and the vaccination work is truly implemented.

html On the evening of August 15, Qian Yueshuang, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee of Xin'an Street and director of the office, led a team to Guanhu Community and Xinhu Community Preparatory Team to investigate and supervise the epidemic prevention and control work.

In Guanhu Community, Qian Yueshuang carefully checked the epidemic prevention and control ledger, listened to the epidemic prevention and control work report, inquired about the situation of people in home isolation and whether their living security was in place, and randomly inspected the epidemic prevention and control work with community staff Control policy mastery.

is building a team in Xinhu Community. The community leader introduced in detail the current community epidemic prevention and control situation. Qian Yueshuang fully affirmed the community's work, and also put forward requirements and suggestions for community epidemic prevention and control work.

She pointed out that there is no room for sloppiness in epidemic prevention and control, and all staff must work together to publicize and implement various policy requirements. We must do a good job in providing support services to those who are quarantined at home, so that they can truly feel care and warmth.