In recent times, Vietnam has experienced a high incidence of dengue fever, with extremely high infection risks in many southern regions, directly affecting public safety and people's health.

In recent times, Vietnam Dengue fever has been highly prevalent, and there is a very high risk of infection in many southern areas, which directly affects public safety and people's health.

This year, 39,317 people infected with dengue fever were hospitalized in 20 provinces in southern Vietnam. Compared with the same period last year, the number of infections increased by 82%, including 36 deaths and 1,193 severe cases.

In the past month, the number of deaths caused by dengue fever has increased significantly, accounting for 50% of the total number of deaths.

In Ho Chi Minh City local hospitals, there are dozens of dengue fever patients in each hospital every day. At present, various localities are also increasing publicity and epidemic prevention efforts to reduce the rate of infectious diseases.

Dengue fever is a viral infection transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected mosquito. The main vector transmitting the disease is Aedes aegypti , followed by Aedes albopictus . The virus that causes dengue fever is called dengue virus. There are four serotypes of dengue virus, and a person can be infected four times.

What you should do to prevent and treat dengue fever is:

1. Prevention:

. First of all, avoid excessive fatigue and pay attention to rest and exercise.

2. Pay attention to regular cleaning of your residence and nearby places to eliminate the environment where mosquitoes breed; pay attention to mosquito prevention indoors (use mosquito coils, mosquito repellent liquid , etc.).

3. Pay attention to prevent and control mosquito bites during the day (mosquitoes carrying dengue virus like to be active during the day, especially in the morning and evening). It is recommended to wear long-sleeved, loose-fitting cotton clothing. Make sure to use a mosquito net when taking a nap or taking a rest during the day.

2. Dealing with fever symptoms (the first stage of dengue fever)

  1. Please take an appropriate amount of paracetamol tablets every 6 hours according to your own situation.
  2. Please soak the towel or cloth in warm water, wring it out, and then wipe the patient's whole body.

3. Drug contraindications: If you have allergies or other medical history, please inform the doctor in time when seeking medical treatment. Such as: diabetes , blood disease , etc. Note: To reduce fever, do not take analgesics.

4. Drinking water: Please add enough water.

5. Diet: Eat light food in moderation.

 1. It is recommended to eat light and soft food.

 2. Eat small, frequent meals.

 3. Do not consume ready-to-eat products.

 4. To prevent nausea or vomiting, avoid eating greasy foods.

 5. Drink sweetened or energy drinks in small amounts frequently.

 6. It is recommended to consume fresh fruit products.