China News Service, May 13. Wang Huaqing, chief expert of the immunization program of the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, pointed out on May 13 that during the Omicron epidemic, relevant experts conducted a study on Jilin City and the results have been announced

China News Service, May 13. Wang Huaqing, chief expert of the immunization program of the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, pointed out on May 13 that during the Omicron epidemic, relevant experts conducted a study on Jilin City, and the results have been announced. Among people over 60 years old, the incidence of severe illness in those who have not been vaccinated or who have only received one dose of inactivated vaccine is more than 20 times that of those who have received two or three doses of the vaccine. From these data, we can see that full vaccination will have a better protective effect against severe illness and death.

Data map: Several street and town organizations in Fengxian District, Shanghai provide COVID-19 vaccination services in batches and time periods for the elderly in the prevention area. Photo by China News Service reporter Yin Liqin

A press conference held by the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council was held on May 13. A reporter at the meeting asked: Judging from the current situation of Omicron infection among the elderly in my country, what is the difference in the protective effect between not being vaccinated and being vaccinated with two or three shots? What are the differences, including the risk of severe illness and death?

Wang Huaqing introduced that from the current monitoring and evaluation results in areas where Omicron is prevalent in my country, especially in areas with widespread and severe epidemics, it can be seen that the protective effect between unvaccinated and vaccinated with two doses and three doses The difference is very obvious, and there is also a clear difference in the prevention of severe disease and death between two doses and three doses. Generally speaking, the difference is mainly reflected in two aspects: one is the change in antibody levels; the other is the difference in incidence, severity, and mortality.

Wang Huaqing said that according to information released by the Hong Kong Department of Health on May 5, the case fatality rate among 70-79-year-olds who have not been vaccinated in Hong Kong is 5.55%, and the case fatality rate among those who have received two doses of the vaccine is 0.59%. The case fatality rate for three doses of the vaccine is 0.16%. In other words, the case fatality rate of unvaccinated elderly people aged 70-79 is 9 times and 34 times that of people of this age who have received two doses and three doses respectively.

Wang Huaqing pointed out that during the epidemic period of Omicron, relevant experts conducted a study on Jilin City and the results have been announced. Among people over 60 years old, the incidence of severe illness in those who have not been vaccinated or who have only received one dose of inactivated vaccine is more than 20 times that of those who have received two or three doses of the vaccine.

"Through these data, we can see that full vaccination will have better protection against severe illness and death," Wang Huaqing said.