Reporter Han Xiaowei Louhua intern Lv Jinyan The recent rise in egg prices has made many consumers feel that "rocket eggs" are making a comeback.

Reporter Han Xiaowei Lou Hua Intern Lu Jinyan

The recent increase in egg prices has made many consumers feel that "rocket eggs" are making a comeback. On July 24, the reporter learned that according to statistics, the price of eggs in Qingdao wholesale market has reached three levels in July. As of the 24th, the middle price has risen from 8 yuan/kg to 9.6 yuan/kg; in the retail market The price has increased from a little over 4 yuan per catty to more than 5 yuan now, or even close to 6 yuan. According to industry analysis, factors such as reduced egg production due to hot weather and rising breeding costs have an impact on egg prices, which is a normal rule of the market.


The highest price of eggs was close to 6 yuan

A few days ago, a reporter visited the market and found that the price of eggs has continued to rise recently, and the market price has basically exceeded 5 yuan. In most places, the price is between 5.1 yuan and 5.3 yuan. In some places, the price is between 5.1 yuan and 5.3 yuan. Even close to 6 yuan.

In a small supermarket in Maidao market, Mr. Wang, the person in charge, said that in the recent period, the price of eggs has risen from about 4.2 yuan to 5.2 yuan, a full one yuan increase. Ms. Li, who came to buy eggs, lamented that the price of eggs is rising day by day, which makes people panic, "Now I buy less eggs. One is that the price is a little more expensive, and the other is that it is hot in summer and I am afraid that the eggs will spoil." . rdquo;

html On the 24th, the reporter visited a number of large and small supermarkets near Hong Kong Middle Road, Ningxia Road and Kaohsiung Road. In one of the supermarkets, he saw a long queue of people buying eggs. The price sign said, member price. 4.9 yuan per catty, and the non-member price is 5.76 yuan per catty.

ldquo;The price of eggs has indeed been rising in July, from a little over 4 yuan to now, and it feels like it will soon exceed 6 yuan per pound. Ms. Zhao, a citizen who is buying eggs, said that she still remembers buying eggs for 3 yuan per catty this year. Compared with the current price, the price difference is huge. ldquo;Although the price has increased, you should still eat when you should. After all, the amount you eat every day is relatively fixed, and you won’t eat too much. rdquo;


Prices rise, sales decline

Most egg retailers told reporters that as egg prices rise, sales have declined slightly.

A staff member of a chain supermarket on Anqing Road told reporters, "When it was cheap, we could sell 4 baskets a day, but now we sell 2 to 3 baskets, all of which are full and weigh 45 kilograms." rdquo;

In several supermarkets visited, the reporter found that in order to attract more customers to buy goods, merchants have launched promotional activities, and eggs are often one of the promotional items. In a supermarket on Xiaoyao 2nd Road, a staff member shouted, "Eggs are now being sold for 4.79 yuan during a promotion. A few days ago they were selling for 5 yuan." rdquo;After hearing this, many customers rushed over to buy a pack of eggs to take away.

There are promotional activities in supermarkets to stimulate consumption, but some small shop operators say that the purchase price through their wholesale egg channels is nearly 5 yuan/catty. If they sell for less than 5 yuan/catty, they will lose money or make no profit, so they only Ability to bite the bullet and promote sales to attract consumers.

Boss Yang, a retailer on Dayao 3rd Road, told reporters, "In the first two months, our store just opened. At that time, eggs were selling well, and we could sell seven or eight baskets. Now we can only sell four, five, or three baskets a day." Four baskets. Of course, another change is that the price changes greatly. rdquo;


html The price has increased by 1.6 yuan per kilogram since the beginning of March

In terms of data, according to the statistical information released by the Shandong Provincial Animal Husbandry Station, through fixed-point monitoring of prices in 26 markets across the province, egg sales during the period from June 24 to June 30 The average price was 7.77 yuan/kg, and then there was an increase for two consecutive weeks: from July 1 to July 7, the average egg sales price was 8.12 yuan/kg, a year-on-year increase of 15.34%; from July 8 to July The average egg sales price on the 14th was 8.71 yuan/kg, a year-on-year increase of 20.64%. From 7.77 yuan/kg to 8.71 yuan/kg, an increase of nearly 1 yuan in two weeks; at the same time, year-on-year rebound data shows that eggs this year are also more expensive than last year.

Data from the island city also show a similar pattern. The reporter learned that from July 1st to 24th, egg prices have reached three consecutive levels.According to data released by the Qingdao Origin Agricultural Products Price Information Network, the middle price of eggs in the wholesale market in early July was 8 yuan/kg; starting on July 7, it rose to 8.6 yuan/kg and continued until July 14; Next, the price of eggs rose to about 9.2 yuan/kg, and then to 9.8 yuan/kg on July 19. On July 24, the central price of eggs was 9.6 yuan/kg, down 0.2 yuan from the previous day and up 1.6 yuan from the beginning of the month. As can be seen from the price trend table, the price of eggs this month has almost climbed to the third "step".

Explore the increase in breeding costs due to the decline in

As for the reasons for the increase in egg prices, the reporter interviewed many island city farmers. Mr. Qiao said that the increase in egg prices is because summer is here, the weather is hot, and the appetite of chickens has decreased. , The egg production volume has obviously decreased. "It is roughly estimated that the overall egg production volume has decreased by about 10%." The output is small but the market demand is large, and the supply exceeds the demand, so the price rises. rdquo;

At the same time, Mr. Qiao said that not only has the production of chickens declined, but the cost of breeding has also increased a lot. In summer, when the weather is hot, chickens also need to cool down. “We turn on the air conditioner to cool down the chickens, and we also have to ensure that the chickens drink enough water, so the utility bills have also increased a lot. rdquo;

Livestock experts analyzed that the rise in egg prices is still due to tightening supply and demand. The early high-temperature and high-humidity weather began to turn into further high-temperature weather, which affected the egg production rate and affected the overall supply from July to August. After the short-term consumption slowdown during the student holidays, the downstream demand turned into low stocking for holiday consumption and processing, and the overall supply and demand began. Turn to tight state.


may continue to run at a high level in the near future

By analyzing the reasons for the current rise in egg prices, livestock experts believe that egg prices still have upward momentum. This means that it will take some time before you can enjoy cheap eggs.

Many egg retailers said that the rise in eggs is a normal law of the market and there is no need to panic too much. It should fall back in about two months. Generally speaking, food prices will remain in a stable range. They may fall first and then rise, but they will eventually stabilize.

According to the 2017-2019 wholesale market egg price trend chart recently released by the Municipal Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau, it may be possible to predict the general trend of egg prices in advance.

According to the price trend chart, it can be seen that there are "peaks" and "troughs" in egg prices every year: between March and May every year, egg prices tend to be low. The main reason is that the supply exceeds demand in the market; 7 Eggs are at high prices from mid-to-late September to September. The specific reason is that during this period, the temperature is high, which leads to a decrease in chicken egg production. At the same time, the demand is large. In addition, as the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day are approaching, the demand for food increases, resulting in widespread egg prices. On the high side.

In 2017 and 2018, the peak price of eggs in Qingdao wholesale market occurred in August and September. Among them, the highest egg selling price in 2018 occurred in September, exceeding 10 yuan per kilogram.

The trend of egg prices this year is significantly different from that of the past two years. In the first quarter of this year, egg prices fell seasonally. In the second quarter, affected by rising pork prices, egg prices also continued to rise. The Municipal Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau released an analysis of agricultural product prices in the wholesale markets of origin in the first half of the year, stating that it is expected that egg prices will continue to rise and run at a high level in the second half of the year.


Eggs are expensive, are cakes also expensive?

Impact on egg prices, the reporter visited several pastry shops in Laoshan District and Shibei District, and found that pastry food prices were hardly affected by the rise in egg prices. In the short term The price increase has not put any pressure on their food retail prices, and they still sell at normal prices.

A staff member of a cake shop on the East Road in Hong Kong told reporters that the price of egg tarts has always been fixed and has not changed.

The reporter walked into a cake chain store and found that the egg tarts in the food cabinet were on sale. They used to be 4 yuan each but are now 3 yuan each. The prices of other foods that use eggs as raw materials have also not changed. The staff said that the prices in the store are uniformly set and will not change much unless there are any special circumstances.

ldquo;Price transmission will definitely exist, but it will not be very violent. In many cases, you may not even notice it if you are not careful. rdquo; A merchant told reporters that as egg prices rise, the amount of eggs may change in some places. "A more obvious example is that in some restaurants, when eggs are 3 yuan per pound, the eggs in scrambled eggs with tomatoes are likely to be A little more than now, but not too exaggerated. On the other hand, tea eggs usually sell for 1 yuan or 1.5 yuan each. You may find that the eggs have become smaller, or the price has increased by 5 cents each. rdquo;

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ldquo;Vegetable basketrdquo;In line with the law of seasonal fluctuations

The production and supply of agricultural products are generally guaranteed.

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Tang Ke, director of the Department of Market and Information Technology of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, said that currently there is sufficient supply of bulk agricultural products such as grains, cotton, oil, and sugar, and the overall price changes are not big; "Vegetable basket" products are affected by adverse factors such as early climate and epidemics, and the prices are The increase is still consistent with seasonal fluctuations.

Grain prices are basically stable. In June, the monthly average price of rice, wheat and corn in the trade market was 119.70 yuan per 100 kilograms, down 1.1% month-on-month and 2.2% year-on-year; the corn market was weak at first and then strengthened, and the temporary grain auction transactions were active; domestic soybean prices were stable On the weak side, the price of imported soybeans fell slightly. Tang Ke reminded that as the guiding effect of policy purchases on the market gradually emerges, the summer harvest wheat purchase and sales market will become more active, but the market price is unlikely to rise significantly. It is recommended that farmers seize the opportunity to sell grain to achieve a bumper and bumper harvest.

Vegetable prices ran at a high level in the first quarter, and then gradually fell back in the second quarter after they were put on the market. Fruit prices have continued to rise due to the early production reduction. As a large number of summer seasonal fruits are on the market, the increase has gradually slowed down.

The supply in the pork market is temporarily tight, and coupled with the influence of cyclical factors, prices continue to rise. Affected by the trend of pig prices, the prices of beef, mutton, chicken, and eggs have generally strengthened. Tang Ke said that with the increase in the production of livestock and poultry products such as poultry, eggs, and milk, the adjustment of the consumption structure has accelerated, and the amount of imported pork and its products has also increased, and the supply of the meat market is generally guaranteed.