The Chinese version of One Piece Chapter 1013 has been updated. The war in Wano is becoming more and more exciting. Luffy lost to Kaido and was knocked down to Onigashima. When he landed on Onigashima, he had already fainted. He rolled his eyes. There was the sea below. If not If

The Chinese version of One Piece Chapter 1013 has been updated. The war in Wano is becoming more and more exciting. Luffy lost to Kaido and was knocked off the ghost island. He fainted when he landed on the ghost island. He rolled his eyes. There is the sea below. If If no one saves Luffy, One Piece will be over. This possibility will never happen at all. Yamato has already gone to help Luffy, and he will probably rescue Luffy, or red-haired Shanks will appear in Wano Country and rescue Luffy. This possibility also exists.

Kaido has already reflected on not taking off Luffy's head with his own hands, otherwise others would have thought that Luffy could win. This was Kaido's mistake. Luffy is the protagonist of cheating. It is impossible to defeat Luffy with this level of damage. The plot is a bit like the Alabasta chapter. Laosha kills Luffy many times, and Luffy is resurrected infinitely. Kaido did not take off Luffy's head. Next time, Kaido will be defeated by Luffy. According to this situation, Luffy will realize a higher realm and develop the fifth gear mode or awaken the devil fruit ability.

Auntie abandoned Thunder Cloud Zeus and ordered Hera to devour Zeus

Auntie Yonko was in the banquet hall, and she happened to meet Nami, Usopp, Xiaodama, Peggy Wan and Ulti, the sixth son of the Beast Pirates. It was a tragedy for the two siblings, they were both beaten down by their aunt. Ulti was seriously injured. He was hit by the combined skills of the three Homiz and his body was pierced. He will probably receive a box lunch. This is Big Mom's revenge for Xiaoyu. Ulti was very angry, aren't we a pirate alliance?

Thunder Cloud Zeus quietly returned to Big Mom. He saw a new Homitz appearing next to Big Mom. Zeus was very frustrated. He knew that Big Mom had abandoned him. When it saw Nami, it showed a happy expression again, but in the next second, Zeus was about to be in tragedy, and he was about to get his lunch box. Thundercloud Zeus's life came to an end, and Homitz was created by Big Mom using the Soul Soul Fruit ability, but it went against Big Mom's wishes.

The new Homiz is named Hera. She is a thundercloud like Zeus. Prometheus has always wanted a girlfriend, so he begged his aunt to abandon Zeus and create the new Homiz Hera. What a scheming boy. ah! When Big Mom found out that Zeus was back, she ordered Hera to eat Zeus. Even though Zeus begged for mercy, Big Mom eventually abandoned Zeus and let Hera devour Zeus' body.

Thunder Cloud Zeus is actually quite good. He has followed Big Mom for decades, but his end was so tragic. Zeus even resisted Big Mom before dying and helped Nami escape. Auntie ruthlessly took away Zeus's lifespan. He got his lunch box, and Nami's most powerful cheat died. Without Zeus's help, Auntie wanted to kill the Straw Hats. With the strength of the two of them, there is no way they can escape. Aunt even wants to kill Xiaoyu.

Kidd hero rescued the beauty, rescued Nami and Usopp, and punched the aunt

Nami and Usopp ran away desperately. They didn't even have a chance to fight back. Fortunately, Kidd appeared at the critical moment. Kidd's target was the Yonko Aunt, and he blocked her attack with one punch. When Nami saw Kidd appearing, it was like seeing a life-saving scarecrow. After being rescued, Nami was very grateful to Kidd. If Kidd hadn't come to the rescue, Nami and Usopp would have received their lunch boxes.

Kidd came to the rescue handsomely. He told Nami to get out of here and not to get in the way. Auntie was his prey. Kidd obviously wanted to fight to the death with Big Mom. Big Mom was not paying attention and was punched to the ground by Kidd. The huge steel arm pinned Big Mom to the ground. Auntie felt aggrieved that she had been humiliated like this. She would definitely fight back against Kidd. Luffy's fate would be Kidd's end.

In the latest episode of One Piece, the Yonko Aunt abandoned Thundercloud Zeus and let Hera eat the body of Thundercloud Zeus and drained its lifespan. Nami and Usopp were ruthlessly hunted by Big Mom. Kidd was in time. Appeared and performed a heroic feat of saving the beauty. I wonder if Nami fell in love with Kidd? Auntie was beaten to the ground by Kidd, looking very embarrassed. What do you think of this? Everyone is welcome to leave comments below. The pictures are from the Internet. We apologize for the infringement and deletion!