According to reports, there is currently a high incidence of crime in casinos. From 2018 to September this year, the procuratorate has prosecuted 98,069 cases and 255,850 people.

The Supreme People's Procuratorate recently issued a statement on the performance of procuratorial functions in accordance with the law and severe punishment of crimes related to the opening of casinos. According to reports, there is currently a high incidence of crime in casinos. From 2018 to September this year, the procuratorate has prosecuted 98,069 cases and 255,850 people.

Supreme People’s Procuratorate: Curb the high incidence of crime in casinos

According to data released by the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, the current crime rate in casinos in our country is high.

Compared with the average number of cases handled by procuratorial organs in the same three-year period from 2018 to 2020, procuratorial organs nationwide approved 18,739 arrests of 36,780 people from January to September this year, an increase of 17.79% and 6.4%; and prosecuted 25,140 cases and 63,238 people, an increase of 49.27%. and 45.71%.

Miao Shengming, director of the First Procuratorate of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, said that in terms of crackdowns and punishments, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, together with relevant departments, has combined with the current new situation of casino opening crimes to provide legal application opinions for various localities to punish the crime of opening casinos in accordance with the law, and to specialize in key areas. Issue a notice setting out clear requirements. Procuratorates across the country gave full play to their advantages in procuratorial integration and supervised the handling of 14 series of casino opening cases involving 16 provincial-level regions.

Someone who has experienced being deceived: Who can escape from the gambling trap

Payment method and the balance of a certain deceived person. The picture comes from the screenshot of the defrauded person's account.

Xiaocheng (pseudonym) introduced his experience of being defrauded to Guoshi Express. As a "post-85s generation", he was nicknamed "little capable person" by his friends because he was smart and able to make money among his peers. The whole family relied on him to do business and have no worries about food and clothing.

In September 2018, I accidentally discovered that a friend was playing games on an APP called "Macau Star Casino" and was easily "earning" 300 to 500 yuan every day. According to a friend, the probability of winning or losing every time you bet is 50%. If you win, you will be doubled, and if you lose, you will be compensated in full. When betting, start with 100 yuan. If you win, continue to bet 100 yuan. If you lose, double your bet. In this way, according to the probability, after winning and losing are offset, you will "guaranteed profit without losing money."

Xiaocheng also has an extra "careful mind". He was worried that after being introduced by a friend, he would be deceived by collusion between his friend and the " banker " who set up a gambling game. He secretly wrote down the website address and downloaded it himself according to the "cheats" his friend told him to try. Get rich".

At first, he tried a few tricks according to the "cheats", and it really worked, making hundreds of dollars a day. Then he began to bet from 100 yuan, to 1,000 yuan, to 10,000 yuan, and gradually upgraded. A few days have passed, and the overall calculation is indeed that I only made a profit but not a loss.

Large amounts of funds will not be withdrawn after entering the online gambling platform. The picture comes from a screenshot of the defrauded person's account.

The funds injected by Xiaocheng reached nearly 700,000 yuan in about a week. At this time, he wanted to withdraw some of the money because there was a sum of money to be settled in the business. However, the so-called customer service refused to withdraw cash for various reasons. Now three years have passed and they have not been able to get back a penny in cash. After

was deceived, Xiaocheng reflected that the so-called "gamble" was actually a scam, and everything was under the control of the scammer. Through big data analysis, the scammer quickly knows how much the deceived person will bet next, and what kind of win-loss matching method will make the deceived person invest money crazily. In the end, the "closed door and slaughter pig" will make the entrants lose all their money.

's originally good days were brought to a freezing point in more than half a month. Xiaocheng borrowed money from everywhere to fill the "hole". It was difficult to raise the expenses for the hospitalization of his wife who was about to give birth. If the settlement amount was not settled as soon as possible, Xiaocheng faced criminal risks. Amidst suffering and torture, he struggled to hold on to the precarious life brought about by the "gambling" scam. The friend who showed off the "secrets" to him at the beginning is now hiding from debts and has disappeared.

Xiaofeng (pseudonym) is also a "post-80s generation". He and two fellow villagers opened a building materials store in Beijing in partnership. His wife has worked in a beauty salon for many years and is planning to raise funds to become her own boss. She has a lively and lovely son and a happy life. Make him the envy of his friends and family.

When he was doing business, he saw his partner betting on lottery tickets in a WeChat group. He reminded his friend not to be deceived, but his friend told him that this was the number based on the real-time results of the official lottery. If you bet through a private lottery platform, you can't fake it and you will win. The probability is many times higher than the official one, and he has made tens of thousands of yuan in just a few days of playing.

After some "observation" and "discussion" with his peers, Xiaofeng believed that his "money-winning logic" was better, and he was secretly happy that the remaining gap of several hundred thousand yuan to open a beauty shop for his wife was finally settled. Then he teamed up with his companions to enter the game, and the large-scale operation was indeed more effective than the "small fights" of his companions.

Not long after, tens of thousands of yuan had already been purchased, but after winning and losing several times, the funds to open a beauty salon for his wife poured into the gambling game. The two people were so anxious that they started to make up excuses and went around to find friends and relatives to borrow money to recoup their losses. Finally, when the bet reached one million, they won. The two people stared at each other with red eyes and punched each other several times to celebrate. Win millions instantly.

However, the celebration ceremony was not over yet, the WeChat group ended, and everything disappeared without a trace in an instant. The two of them tried to find a "beautiful" introducer they had found nearby, but they also turned into "strangers." They smashed their phones in anger and slumped down on their chairs, knowing that they were finished.

Compared with Mr. Mao (pseudonym), these young people were only defrauded of a small amount of money. Mr. Mao, who started running a logistics business in Tianjin in the 1990s, is nearly 60 years old, but he is strong and energetic. With a net worth of hundreds of millions, he has become a self-made legend in the circle. The fellow villagers and relatives who have joined him have become rich with his help. Several bosses with a net worth of tens of millions who have been "brought out" by him regard him as his Big brother.

But a "beautiful and warm-hearted" girl he met in social life led Mr. Mao into the abyss of traveling abroad and gambling. His "die-hard" brothers who originally followed him were "borrowed" by him. When everyone knew that he was gambling, they broke off the friendship. He suffered a cerebral hemorrhage after losing money at a "gambling table" abroad. Although his old brothers chipped in to bring him back for diagnosis and treatment and saved him half his life, the sequelae of cerebral hemorrhage not only left him unable to take care of himself, with unclear speech and blurred consciousness, The life of Mr. Mao and his family has also plummeted. Every day they have to face a pile of court enforcement orders for collecting various debts. That "warm-hearted" girl doesn't know where to look for the next "Mr. Mao".

Five "jackets" of online gambling

According to the investigation, the gambling scam "trap" originated in my country more than 4,000 years ago Xia Dynasty . After 4,000 years of spread and changes, coupled with the current Internet and big data technology, it has been constantly updated. Iterate. But the word "greed" is constantly used to lead people into the bottomless abyss.

The Internet Police of Shaoyang County, Hunan Province summarized five forms of online gambling:

1. WeChat red envelope gambling. Use the method of grabbing red envelopes to deceive people into the game. There are generally two types of grabbing red envelopes, one is ordinary red envelopes of equal amount, and the other is "lucky red envelopes". And criminals have taken advantage of the randomness and openness of "lucky red envelopes" to develop various gambling games.

2. Online game gambling. Appearing in the form of an online game, it is very confusing. But as long as a game has entrances for deposits and withdrawals, and there is actual currency redemption, it is essentially gambling.

3. Online lottery gambling. Online lottery is a lottery that uses the Internet to directly participate in gambling. As long as the winning amount of the lottery ticket does not exceed the amount of the lottery ticket sold, the lottery buyer will make a guaranteed profit without losing money. The big prize cannot be redeemed and there is no way to complain.

4. Shopping platform gambling. Through "entertainment shopping" and other models, consumers are induced to participate in some guessing games after purchasing goods on the shopping platform. If the guess is successful, they can obtain higher-priced goods; it is purported to cultivate traffic, but is actually a gambling scam.

5. Sports and competitive betting. Gambling on the "results" of competitive activities, such as football, horse racing, roulette, and other sports competitions, not only attracts gamblers, but also attracts fans, horse fans and other enthusiasts to enter the scam .

The end of the year is approaching, and it is also an active period for gambling scams. Everyone should open their eyes and recognize the "tricks" of gambling scams that are constantly being updated. Otherwise, once you are "trapped" by scammers, you will not only lose your money and life, but may also be guilty of " gambling crime" and face the risk of "spending the New Year in jail."

source: Guoshi through train