On the Double Ninth Festival, respect the elderly. The 25th is also the eighth Respect for the Aged Day in the country. How do the elderly in Shanghai spend their daily leisure time to enjoy their old age? A reporter from Liberation Daily and Shangguan News recently walked into t

Double Ninth Festival, respecting the elderly, the 25th is also the eighth Respect for the Aged Day in the country. How do the elderly in Shanghai spend their daily leisure time to enjoy their old age? A reporter from Jiefang Daily and Shangguan News recently walked into the "Lohas Space" of Yanchang Community in Daning Road Street in Jing'an District and saw a lively scene. In the afternoon, the 90-year-olds chat and laugh here, while the 70-year-olds are just "little brothers" and "little sisters" here. Everyone works out together and chats about home life, just like a big family. Many elderly people said: "I didn't spend a penny. I really enjoyed the blessings of the Communist Party. Allah celebrates Respect for the Aged Day every day!" "This is our 'other home'. I feel uncomfortable if I don't come here."

[ A "nursing home" that reassures juniors]

8-year-old Shen Yueqin has just had her hair done and looks to be in her early seventies. While she was telling reporters about the urgent matters she encountered, she still had a smile on her face. It turned out that she had an appointment with her old sisters to have lunch out that day, and she changed her bag specially, but she forgot her keys and didn’t have a mobile phone with her. Urgent! Fortunately, there is a "Lohas Space" next to her home. She found the staff member Wang Siyuan to help call the juniors at home and ask them to come back early, and the problem was solved.

Wang Siyuan, a staff member of the "Lohas Space" in Yanchang Community, teaches the elderly how to use WeChat.

"If you have any difficulties, go to Xiao Wang!" This has become a mantra among the elderly. At the beginning of 2018, Yanchang Community’s “Lohas Space” was officially opened to the public. It provides professional aging-friendly fitness equipment and rehabilitation equipment, covering the elderly within 1 km of the surrounding communities. Wang Siyuan is a professional fitness instructor at "Lohas Space". He usually greets the elderly and asks him for help when they have various problems such as losing their keys and not knowing how to handle their mobile phones. Over time, Wang Siyuan became a caring junior to the elderly. He was also rated as one of the "Top Ten Stars of Filial Piety and Respect for the Elderly" in Daning Road Street.

87-year-old Yu Xiudi told reporters, "I am happier here than at home. Xiao Wang treats me better than his own sons and grandchildren. When an elderly person has urinary incontinence or feces on his body, Xiao Wang does not mind it at all and helps clean up. When the old man arrives, "Lohas Space", juniors can rest assured, it is like a "nursing home". "

There are two steps at the entrance of "Lohas Space". Wang Siyuan "welcomes and drops off" every day to ensure the safety of the elderly.

After the doors opened at 1:30 p.m., the elderly gathered in the "Lohas Space" one after another. 83-year-old Zhang Hongdi walked to the door pushing a walker and carrying a bag of melon seeds. Wang Siyuan, who was quick-sighted and quick-witted, hurried forward to help the old man. Zhang Hongdi lives on the fifth floor. Sometimes she goes out to buy lunch and then goes directly to the "Lohas Space". 89-year-old Shen Hengjun suffered fractures due to repeated falls and steel nails in both legs. He is not suitable for exercise, but he likes to sit here. "Come here to be in a good mood and in good health!"

"Lohas Space" is a community sports and health promotion center for the elderly. It is both a gym and a living room. Its unique social function alleviates the emotional loneliness of "lost only children" and empty-nest elderly people. The problem. Some people love to joke, and some love to listen. Whether you are a cheerful or introverted old man, you can find a way to make yourself comfortable.

A pleasant "community living room".

2-year-old Xu Yueying spoke humorously. She told reporters, "It was too 'busy' for me to be alone at home, so I came here to 'calm down'." She likes to wear hats all year round. On this day, she wore a baseball cap backwards on her head like a young person, which aroused the curiosity of other elderly people, "How do you wear this, like a little boy?" The elderly people laughed and laughed. , the afternoon time flows quietly.

At about 3:30 in the afternoon, after the stock market closed, Yu Xiudi's lover and some old investors also came to the "Lohas Space" leisurely. After the elderly register and take their blood pressure as usual, Wang Siyuan will take everyone to do shoulder and neck rehabilitation exercises.

Wang Siyuan measured the blood pressure of the elderly and taught shoulder and neck rehabilitation exercises.

[Exploring long-term mechanisms for community physical education integration]

Ministry of Civil Affairs data predicts that during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the country's elderly population will exceed 300 million, and our country will enter moderate aging. Shanghai is the large city with the highest aging population in my country.The latest data shows that in 2019, there were 5.1812 million registered elderly people aged 60 and above in Shanghai, accounting for 35.2% of the total registered population. This proportion increased by 0.8 percentage points from 34.4% at the end of 2018. In recent years, Shanghai has vigorously encouraged and supported the participation of social forces and promoted the diversified and diversified development of the elderly care industry, allowing more elderly people to find elderly care services that suit them.

In 2016, Daning Road Subdistrict and Shangti Health Technology Company opened the city’s first embedded community “physical care integration center” for the elderly in the Yuexiu Mingdi Comprehensive Service Center for the Elderly, which is in line with the “Healthy China 2030” plan. The Outline proposed to provide the people with comprehensive and full-cycle health services and pioneered the concept of "LOHAS Space". Currently, there are 7 "Lohas Spaces" in Daning Road Subdistrict, all of which are open to the elderly in the community free of charge and have achieved good social benefits in the public construction and private model.

After the material life is basically guaranteed, the high-quality life of the elderly requires emotional communication. Wang Hailong, founder of Shangti Health Technology, told reporters that some elderly people go to the supermarket every day to buy unnecessary things, or spend high prices to bring health care products home, all because they are lonely at home and want to go out and communicate with others. Nowadays, the elderly come to the gym to exercise, receive guidance from fitness coaches, and chat with their elderly friends. Staff can also teach the elderly to use WeChat and Alipay to narrow the "digital divide" and reduce the anxiety of the elderly being disconnected from society. The

"Lohas Space" model has been replicated across the city. There are 7 of them within the jurisdiction of Daning Road Subdistrict. Their staff provide excellent service and treat the elderly as their own family members, allowing the elderly to feel the warmth of "home". An old Shanghai couple who have lived in Australia for more than 20 years were unable to return to Australia to reunite with their children due to the epidemic at the beginning of the year. They discovered the "happy space" of the senior citizens' home in Yantie Community at their doorstep. The couple come here every day to "check in" for fitness and praise that the welfare of the elderly in Shanghai is better than that in Australia.

Sun Lang, a staff member of the "Lohas Space" in Yantie Community, treats the elderly like his own parents. The relevant person in charge of the

street said that the policy purchase of services is a purely public welfare act, which eliminates the possible sequelae of market behavior, such as companies affecting services for profit, etc. After several years of cooperative operation, the street is also constantly optimizing its asset portfolio and forming a long-term mechanism. For example, the age-appropriate fitness equipment used has been changed from original purchase to rental, ensuring the update rate of the equipment.

In the "Lohas Space", the elderly have a greater sense of gain, happiness, and security. Recently, Shangti Health Technology Company was awarded the title of National "Respecting the Elderly Civilization" by the National Health Commission and the China Association on Aging, becoming another successful case of social forces participating in the elderly care industry. During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, Shanghai will build a higher-level national fitness public service system, push the health barrier forward, and establish a new model of sports promotion for health with the participation of the whole society. Shanghai’s experience in promoting community-based exercise and health promotion service centers for the elderly is expected to be promoted across the country.

column editor: Chen Hua Text editor: Qin Dongying Source of title picture: Xiao Yu

source: Author: Qin Dongying