1 Maybe many people don’t know when it comes to Zhuge Ke, but he is actually the nephew of Zhuge Liang, the famous prime minister throughout the ages, and the eldest son of Zhuge Liang’s eldest brother Zhuge Jin. Zhuge Ke has been very smart since he was a child, which is clearly

When it comes to Zhuge Ke, many people may not know it. In fact, he is the nephew of Zhuge Liang, the famous prime minister throughout the ages, and the eldest son of Zhuge Jin, Zhuge Liang's eldest brother. Zhuge Ke has been very smart since he was a child, which is clearly recorded in "Three Kingdoms". The "Puyang Biography of Zhuge Teng's Second Grandson" in "Three Kingdoms" records that Zhuge Jin's face looked like a donkey. When Sun Quan was meeting with the ministers, he had a donkey brought in. There was a label on the donkey's face that read "Zhuge Ziyu". Ziyu It's Zhuge Jin's name, and the implication is that Zhuge Jin is the donkey. If Zhuge Jin couldn't respond quickly, he would not only lose face but also be ridiculed by the world. However, the little Zhuge Ke asked Sun Quan for a brush and added two words "the donkey" after "Zhuge Ziyu", so Zhuge Ziyu’s donkey became Zhuge Ziyu’s donkey. This shows that he is very witty and Sun Quan likes him very much.

Another time, Zhuge Ke visited Sun Quan, and Sun Quan deliberately asked a difficult question: Who is better, your father or your uncle? Zhuge Ke replied without hesitation: Of course it is better to submit to your father. Sun Quan asked the reason, and Zhuge Ke said that his father knew who he should work for, but his uncle did not, so he was more virtuous. In fact, this question itself is indeed difficult to answer. If it is biased, Zhuge Ke said that his father was better than his uncle Zhuge Liang, which is obviously untrue. If he said that his uncle Zhuge Liang was better than his father, then he would naturally be embarrassed. , but Zhuge Ke did not fall into the trap, but from the perspective of choosing a monarch, he was indeed clever.

An envoy from Shu visited Sun Quan. Sun Quan deliberately introduced Zhuge Ke to the envoy and said, "This is your prime minister's nephew. He likes horses. Please get some horses for him quickly." Sun Quan's question actually posed a problem for Zhuge Ke, and Zhuge Ke immediately thanked him. Sun Quan was puzzled. Zhuge Ke said, "Shu is the stable where you raise horses. Now that the order has been issued, good horses will be sent to you." Sun Quan admired Zhuge Ke very much and gave him political affairs to test him, but Zhuge Ke was bored. Judging from these records, Zhuge Ke should be the kind of eloquent and quick-thinking eloquent rather than a true pillar of the prosperity of the country. Is it really the truth?

Although he is famous for his talents, he knows a son better than his father. Zhuge Jin did not take Zhuge Ke seriously. He commented on Zhuge Ke and said: "If Zhuge Ke does not prosper my family, he will destroy our clan." This means that not only can Zhuge Ke fail to revitalize, The family will be destroyed. It's a pity that Zhuge Jin's words came true, and the subsequent facts were accurately realized. The "Wu Zhi·Zhang Cheng Biography" records that when Zhuge Ke was a boy, everyone was amazed at his talent, but Zhang Cheng said, "The one who finally defeated the Zhuge family was Yuan Xun." Yuan Xun is Zhuge Ke's name. It seems that Zhuge Ke's talent can be seen. There are many people who are committed to their future destiny. It is difficult to decide whether these records are true or not, and it is up to the readers’ own judgment.

Zhuge Ke’s expansion is well funded. "Three Kingdoms" records that Zhuge Ke suggested to Sun Quan that the barbarians in Danyang County who were not convinced by the king should be moved out and brought under the guidance and governance of the royal court. In three years, more than 40,000 soldiers could be added, but all the ministers at the time disagreed. Zhuge Jin's prediction of Zhuge Ke's future outcome was also made because of this incident, but history is really strange and a coincidence. Zhuge Ke just adopted a method of occupying territory and starving his people, and gradually conquered the mountain people of Danyang County. He was expelled from the mountain, quelled the rebellion, and returned to the rule of the royal court. For this reason, Sun Quan sent his minister Xue Zong to comfort Zhuge Ke's army. , Huo Qubing cannot be compared with it. Zhuge Ke was in a daze.

After Lu Xun's death, Zhuge Ke was promoted to general and took charge of Jingzhou's military affairs. After Sun Quan became seriously ill, because the prince was young, he appointed Zhuge Ke as the prince's tutor. Zhongshu ordered Sun Hong to lead the young tutor. Before Sun Quan died, he entrusted himself to Zhuge Ke, Sun Hong, Lu Zhi, Sun Jun and other ministers. Sun Hong had a rift with Zhuge Ke and wanted to get rid of Zhuge Ke while Sun Quan was dead. Sun Jun secretly informed Zhuge Ke to kill Sun Hong. He died and took charge of the government from then on.During this period, Zhuge Ke did many major things, such as streamlining officials, exempting tax arrears, canceling tariffs, etc. He attached great importance to the kindness to the people. Therefore, Zhuge Ke was deeply loved by the people. Every time he went out, the people rushed to see his appearance!

Regarding Zhuge Ke's appearance, "Wu Lu" records that Ke was seven feet six inches long, with a short beard, a broad forehead, and a loud mouth. Converted into modern data, Zhuge Ke is about 1.75 meters tall, with a relatively short beard, a wide forehead, a relatively low mandible, a large mouth, and a loud voice.

There are many legends about Zhuge Ke, the most bizarre of which is a story recorded in Liu Jingshu's "Yiyuan". During the period of Sun Quan, someone in Yongtang County entered the mountains and encountered a giant turtle and tied it with a rope. This magical turtle It can actually talk. It told the turtle catcher that it was caught because it was traveling against the schedule. The man who caught the turtle was very surprised and wanted to dedicate it to Sun Quan, so he put the turtle on the boat. In the middle of the night, the turtle catcher suddenly heard the big tree on the river asking the big turtle, calling him the leader. The big turtle said, "I have been caught and will be cooked and eaten. However, if I use up all the big trees in Nanshan, I will be eaten." Can't cook me to death. Dashu said, Zhuge Ke is knowledgeable and well-informed. What if we burn you? Big Turtle said: If you understand, don't say more, otherwise it will harm you. After being sent to Jianye, Sun Quan ordered people to cook the turtle, but it never became soft. Zhuge Ke told Sun Quan that old mulberry trees could be cooked until they were cooked. The man who presented the turtle also told Sun Quan what he heard about the conversation between the big turtle and the big tree. After using the mulberry tree as fuel, the big turtle was indeed boiled to death.

Although this is a legendary story similar to a mythical novel, it can prove that Zhuge Ke is indeed extremely smart and knowledgeable. However, some people do not think that Zhuge Ke is the most outstanding person of his time. "Jiang Biao Zhuan" records that Hu Zong went to Sun Deng's place to be a guest and said that Zhuge Ke's "outstanding talent is beyond the ordinary", which means that no one can match Zhuge Ke's talent. But Yang Xian retorted: "Yuan is inferior in talent but sparse", which means that Zhuge Ke is indeed talented, but his character has shortcomings.

There is also a legend recorded in Qian Bao's "Sou Shen Ji". It is said that when Zhuge Ke was the governor of Danyang, he often hunted between the two mountains. He encountered something that looked like a child and stretched out his hand to pull people. Zhuge Ke ordered his men to If you give it your hand, the child-like thing will pull the person down and he will die. Many people were very surprised. Zhuge Ke said that it was recorded in "Baize Picture" that it was not a god but called Xinang. This shows that Zhuge Ke is very knowledgeable.


Zhuge Ke’s death was actually his own doing. In order to fulfill Sun Quan's last wish, Zhuge Ke recruited more than 200,000 soldiers on a large scale and led an army to besiege the new city. Both sides attacked and defended the new city for several months, but could not capture it. Because of the hot weather, many soldiers suffered from diarrhea and edema, and more than half of them were killed or injured. But Zhuge Ke He was stubborn and self-willed and did not trust his subordinates. Anyone who reported the truth would be executed. No one dared to report it later. Not to mention, Captain Cai Lin repeatedly suggested military strategies to Zhuge Ke, but Zhuge Ke not only refused to listen but also took away his military power. Cai Lin fled to the state of Wei. The state of Wei sent a large army to conquer, but Zhuge Ke returned with the defeated army with his remaining troops. , this time has greatly lost the support of the people.

Sun Jun, who killed Sun Hong together with Zhuge Ke, saw that Zhuge Ke was dominating the government and people were resentful, so he conspired with Sun Liang, the leader of Wu, to hold a banquet to get rid of Zhuge Ke. Before Zhuge Ke left, "Three Kingdoms" recorded, "The water smelled fishy, ​​and the clothes also smelled." After changing clothes and water, the smell was still the same as before. When Zhuge Ke was about to go out, his pet dog bit into his clothes and wouldn't let go. The Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, which has always been rigorous in collecting materials, actually records these rumors, which makes people feel strange and confused. During this period, although they also conveyed dangerous news to Zhang Yue and Zhu En, the regular servants of Sanqi, Zhuge Ke still did not escape the fate of being killed by Sun Jun. After Zhuge Ke's death, his second son Zhuge Ke was killed, and Zhuge Ke's nephew and others were exterminated. After Zhuge Ke died, his body was wrapped in reed mats and thrown to a stone hill. It was very miserable.

Cleverness leads to misunderstanding, which is probably what Zhuge Ke is saying. Although Zhuge Ke is very smart and talented, his character is headstrong and his political skills are indeed not very good. In the end, he ended up with such a tragic end. Is it because of himself or because of man-made disasters? ?