Jamie Campbell Bower talks Stranger Things season 4. "I read the description of the killings in the script, the broken limbs and bleeding eyes. After reading it, you know, okay, it seems that this character has no restrictions and can be used as much as he wants.

Jamie Campbell Bower talks Stranger Things season 4.

"I read the descriptions of killings in the script, the broken limbs and bleeding eyes.

After reading it, you will know, okay, it seems that this character has no restrictions and can be used to his fullest.

I have a bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder, so every time When I want to capture something, I push myself as hard as I can to get it done.

Before any shoot, I spend almost four days getting into character, and the first two days I clear out everything in the real world in order to set up. channel, open enough.

I did enough character research and foreshadowing to really focus on the core and get it grounded and present.

I had a small bottle of Black Widow Spider that I would stare at for hours at a time. I also had a book where I would write and draw, much like young Henry in the show.

I would also spend hours looking at my fingers and imagining them becoming as long as Vecna.

Then I started. Hitting things in the room haha ​​to vent this fear.

Sometimes when the set is called off, I will go out for 5 minutes to have a cigarette and calm down.

It may sound strange, but it is actually good. , which shows that the fire really emerged in my heart.”
