Ah Cheng (left) tutors a student. Interviewee provided Ah Cheng teaching students in class. Interviewee provided planning: Tao Yong. Coordinator: Su Yuncai. Writing: Yangcheng Evening News all-media reporter Long Xi wrote in front: "I" was released at the beginning of the year. "

Ah Cheng (left) tutors a student. Interviewee provides

Ah Cheng teaches students in class. Interviewee provides

Planning: Tao Yong

Coordinator: Su Yun

Interview and writing: Yangcheng Evening News all-media reporter Long Xi

Written in front:

html A movie " My Physical Education Teacher " was released in early 2011. It depicts a physical education graduate entering the campus and leading students to achieve transformation, changing the long-term neglect of physical education and physical education teachers. As we enter the graduation season in early summer, students majoring in physical education are about to leave campus and enter the workplace. They may become teachers, coaches, civil servants, rehabilitation therapists , e-sports commentators, or entrepreneurial bosses. But what is different from the past is that they will encounter more unexpected difficulties. For them, this year's graduation season is not only another new world in life, but also a "game" with considerable pressure and challenges.

The following stories include not only the aspirations and confusion of graduates, but also the struggles and struggles of those who have experienced it. No matter what, the road is at your feet. As a sports person, not retreating and fighting hard are the genes that should be in your blood. Everything in the past is a prologue. Take the first step bravely and persist, and you will be the winner.

Being a physical education teacher is the most traditional employment direction for physical education graduates. In the impression, physical education teachers are all "little transparent" in the school, people with marginal subjects, who are bullied all the year round, have low status and poor remuneration...

But With the implementation of " minus ", physical education has become a real main subject, and students' enthusiasm for physical education has surged; the physical education scores in the high school entrance examination have increased year by year, parents have paid more and more attention to physical education, and the importance of physical education teachers has also been highlighted.

The physical education teacher who was once "getting sick" at every turn has gradually moved to the center of the teaching stage of various subjects in the school. As the status of physical education teachers rises, so does their salary. It is even hard to find a "first-class" teacher. Behind such a policy, physical education teachers have become one of the best employment options for physical education students.

The "double reduction" policy has been implemented, and opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared.

Driven by the policy and the popularization of national fitness awareness, physical education teachers have become a "hot potato". Ross, who is about to graduate, has already taken the fast train to employment as a physical education teacher.

Ross, a "post-2000s generation", studied at the School of Physical Education of Jinan University, majoring in physical education. He had been preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination since his junior year, but he didn't care about job hunting information at first. However, his failure in the postgraduate entrance examination gave him a blow. There was no time to be frustrated. Ross quickly adjusted his status and applied for the physical education teacher preparation examinations in Dongguan , Zhaoqing , and Zhuhai. He passed the recruitment examinations in Dongguan and Zhaoqing with good ability. In the end, he chose a middle school in Dongguan with higher salary and better environment.

Compared with other students, Ross’s employment path can be described as “cheating”. "It's not Versailles. My job search process was not too stressful and went quite smoothly. But at the same time, I will not give up taking the postgraduate entrance exams and will continue to review and prepare for the exams while working."

Ross's successful employment is not only based on his own Regarding application selection, the more important thing is strength. During his undergraduate studies, Ross participated in the Guangdong Basic Skills Competition for College Physical Education Students twice, constantly strengthening his basic teaching skills. During his internship, Ross also served as the director and coach of a national youth sports club, accumulating management and teaching experience. "After going through the postgraduate entrance examination and job hunting, I understand that hard work is important, and choice is even more important. With hard work, the right choice may make success faster and easier."

Ross told reporters that because of the reality During the job search process, he did encounter situations that were somewhat different from those in previous years: for example, during the recruitment process, recruitment in many schools was postponed due to epidemic management. Due to the closed campus management, students are not allowed to go out to take recruitment exams, which results in many recruitment exams being held together. The difficulties caused are an increase in the number of exam applicants, increased competition, and overlapping exam times.

In addition, during the examination process, the recruitment of physical education teachers usually requires a sports skills test. Due to epidemic prevention and control, it can only be changed to an online examination (recording skills video).However, when recording videos, it is difficult for examiners to distinguish students' skill levels from high to low, and it is also difficult to reflect the spirit of physical education teachers, causing some students with better skills to be affected in their job search.

Teaching and educating people gives you a sense of accomplishment, and you are more motivated despite pressure.

After graduating with a master's degree in sports journalism, A Cheng has been working as a physical education teacher in a university in Guangzhou for 9 years. He is mainly responsible for teaching remedial physical education classes for college students and second-year specialized physical education classes. The main courses are traditional martial arts and taekwondo.

As a native of Guangzhou, A Cheng has no pressure on car and house loans: "I am very satisfied with my current job. I just want to teach and educate people with a sense of responsibility. In addition to attending classes, teachers should also pay more attention to students' personal lives after class. Although it takes a lot of time, I have become more responsible.”

For a while, the school’s physical education classes became online classes due to epidemic prevention and control, and how to manage and teach each physical education class became particularly important. What should I do if I can’t teach step by step and the students’ movements are not standard? The suspension of classes due to the epidemic has led to a decline in students' physical fitness. What should I do if the final physical fitness assessment fails to meet the standards? What should I do if my grades are not up to standard and my graduation is affected? Students are under pressure, and teachers are under even greater pressure.

Because he graduated early and has been working for a long time, A Cheng has adapted to the pace of college teaching. In his opinion, "taking your own classes well is the first priority." Today, when all walks of life are seriously " integrated into ", A Cheng feels that schools are more about healthy competition and mutual promotion.

Regarding the current employment environment, A Cheng has always been glad that he graduated early: "It is more difficult for sports students to find a job now than it was for me. The threshold for colleges and universities is getting higher and higher. Many colleges and universities, such as our school, require admission to national second-level students. level athletes , and both bachelor's and master's degrees are required to major in physical education. There are really few graduates who can meet these two conditions at the same time. "

As a physical education teacher in the new era, physical education teaching alone can no longer meet the requirements of development. In addition to being a physical education teacher, Ah Cheng is also very good at speaking English.

Before the epidemic, A Cheng’s school would cooperate with some schools in the UK to carry out exchange activities. Every year, British students come to Guangzhou for exchange studies for about half a month. The school also sends teachers to foreign schools for visiting teaching.

"Foreign students hope to learn our traditional Chinese culture, such as calligraphy, flower arrangement, and martial arts." A Cheng, who is excellent in spoken English, took on the task of teaching traditional martial arts courses to foreign students.

Not only that, as a national second-level taekwondo athlete, A Cheng also serves as the coach of the school's taekwondo team. "There is a provincial competition and a national competition every year. So far, I have won three championships and countless runner-ups." Speaking of his teaching work, Ah Cheng feels very accomplished.

With the development of the times, teaching methods are changing, teaching tasks are changing, and schools’ requirements for teachers are also changing, and the impact on everyone is also different.

Huahua, who graduated with a master's degree in ethnic traditional physical education, has been working as a middle school physical education teacher for six years. She has not been in the industry for a long time, but she has gradually felt the process of "involution" in the teaching industry: "Physical education teachers have to participate in various competitions, such as speech contests. , sports skills competition, teacher gymnastics competition...all teachers under the age of 35 in the district must participate."

Huahua described the pressure she faced in detail to the Yangcheng Evening News reporter: "Not only the competition, but also the teachers in class. Continuous innovation. For example, in open physical education classes, teachers design pre-class warm-up exercises and post-class relaxation exercises. Different from the simple warm-up exercises in the past, teachers now really need to be creative in designing courses. For example, after and Liu Genghong became popular. , some teachers have included the "Compendium of Materia Medica" warm-up exercises in their courses. There are also sports equipment in open classes. Not only are they complex and diverse, but the most exaggerated thing is that exercise equipment that would only appear in professional gyms actually appears in middle school classes. "

Huahua told the Yangcheng Evening News reporter that she has been under pressure in family, work and self-improvement since she started working.The teaching industry is very demanding. Nowadays, the overall quality of an individual is also one of the important considerations for employers. It is necessary to learn a variety of sports skills and try to be able to specialize in multiple skills. In addition to professional abilities, you must also improve your communication and cooperation skills. As a mother, Huahua feels that the key word to balance work and family at the same time is "wholeheartedly": "devote yourself to work at work and devote yourself to your family at home."

The job is stable and organized, and the physical education teacher has taken the "C position" "

"The end of the universe is the system", this is not a joke. The famous sprinter Su Bingtian and the football player Zheng Zhi successively taught at Jinan University and Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education, which is the epitome of employment behind this sentence.

Admission into the establishment is now the most popular option for sports graduates. Coupled with the implementation of the "double reduction", physical education classes are receiving more and more attention, and the demand for physical education teachers is gradually increasing. The first plan of many students majoring in physical education and sports training after graduation is to become a physical education teacher.

Like other industries, teachers in schools are also divided into establishment and employment systems. With the changes of the times, the size of the school establishment has been reduced, and many schools have gradually turned to the employment system. Very few physical education teachers have actually entered the establishment within a short period of time after graduation.

"80% of physical education teachers are rigidly needed contract workers, and the school hardly releases them." Eason, who has worked for two years, told reporters. Eason's major is social sports guidance and management. He is currently working as a physical education teacher in a middle school in Nancheng District, Dongguan City. "Including the internship period, I have been a teacher for three years, but I was admitted to the urban junior high school physical education school this year. Establishment, I have always been a contract teacher in the school." When

was asked why he was admitted this year, Eason said: "Nancheng District, Dongguan has not released the establishment since 2016. This year it was unprecedented because of the expansion of the teacher team. There were four places, and it was a national audition. I was lucky enough to pass."

Eason was very proud: "Luck is a reflection of strength, and opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. I have never given up on taking the exam. Exam." After working for two years, Eason has a very clear goal and must be admitted. While working and preparing for exams, he continued to improve his exam skills. Hard work paid off, and Eason, who was always prepared, finally stood out at the critical moment.

Stable preparation, moderate work pressure, winter and summer vacations, time and energy to take care of the family... These labels virtually increase the appeal of being a physical education teacher. It is precisely because physical education teachers are becoming more and more popular that they attract a large number of outstanding talents to apply. In recent years, the competition for examinations has been fierce. Most sports graduates are top students from prestigious schools such as 985 and 211, with solid majors and outstanding skills. Many of them are national first- and second-level athletes.

Hua Tsai , who has a master's degree in sports training, was lucky enough to be admitted as a teacher in a primary school in Shenzhen after graduating in 2016. From a student to a teacher, Hua Tsai has also grown through experience.

Recalling the process of his first class, Andy remembers it vividly: "It took me a long time to prepare myself mentally for the first class. I was very nervous. I prepared the course materials one night in advance and even wrote down every sentence I wanted to say in class and memorized it by heart. , that piece of paper is crumpled.”

New teachers will be afraid of open classes at the beginning, fearing that they will fall over, that the classroom atmosphere will be bad, and that there will be discordant voices in the classroom. Andy, who has just joined the company, is no exception. Until one open class, I was very successful. The students were very engaged in the class. After I got into the state, the class atmosphere was harmonious and there was constant laughter. Since then, Andy has overcome his fear of taking public classes.

From fear to enjoyment, he began to gradually summarize teaching experience: how to organize language, how to set up content, how to mobilize students, how to learn through play and practice while learning.

Now Andy is a physical education teacher with rich teaching experience and loved by students. As I watch the students I teach gradually transform from the little, adorable first graders into sixth grade graduates, mature and independent, I marvel at how time flies and feel a full sense of accomplishment in my heart.

With physical education teachers in the "C position", physical education students have more opportunities and choices, and the benefits are "visible to the naked eye." For every graduate, finding a job is an exam that must be completed. From campus to the workplace, everyone will experience the ups and downs of finding a job. Face unknown challenges, complete this set of admission questions with an optimistic attitude, and make adequate preparations before entering the workplace. No matter what your career is, you can never go wrong with improving yourself.

Source: Yangcheng Evening News