We solemnly celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. The Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Party made the third historical resolution to win the battle against poverty as scheduled, build a moderately prosperous soc

Working hard in the wind and rain, the spring blossoms and autumn fruits fill the courtyard.

Dear colleagues and dear students:

Good morning!

 The sound of firecrackers marks the end of the year, and the spring breeze brings warmth to Tusu. Thousands of households always exchange new peaches for old charms every day.

 2021 is an extraordinary year in the history of New China. We solemnly celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. The Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Party made the third historical resolution to win the battle against poverty as scheduled, build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way as scheduled, achieve the first centenary goal, and start the comprehensive construction of the country. The new journey of building a modern socialist country has written an important chapter in the historical process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The past Year of the Ox in the lunar calendar Xin Chou was a year for us to summarize history and review the past. It was also a year for us to pay tribute to history and face the future.

Over the past year, our country has maintained a leading position in the world in economic development and epidemic prevention and control, taken new steps in building a new development pattern, achieved new results in high-quality development, accelerated the growth of national strategic scientific and technological strength, reached a new level in reform and opening up, and improved people's livelihood. Guarantees are strong and effective, the construction of ecological civilization continues to advance, carbon peaks carbon neutrality work is fully deployed, national defense and military building are vigorously expanded, Hong Kong has transformed from chaos to governance, the struggle against "independence" and promotion of reunification continues to intensify, and major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics Continue to advance, the study and education of party history has achieved remarkable results, the overall social situation has remained stable, and the "14th Five-Year Plan" has achieved a good start. In the complex situation of a century of changes and a century of epidemics, our achievements have greatly enhanced the pride and confidence of the entire party and the people of all ethnic groups to forge ahead on a new journey and build a new era. In 2022, the Beijing Winter Olympics will kick off and the battle is in full swing. The Chinese people have made full preparations and presented a simple, safe, wonderful, and green Olympic Games to the world, contributing China's strength and China's strength to the world. Wisdom provides Chinese solutions and Chinese actions. We will strive to maintain a stable and healthy economic environment, a social environment where the country is peaceful and the people are safe, and a clean and upright political environment, and we will take practical actions to welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

Over the past 100 years, the Communist Party of China has delivered an excellent answer to the people and history. Now, the Communist Party of China has planned a development blueprint for the next 15 and 30 years. The party has united and led the people of all ethnic groups across the country to embark on a new road to achieve the second centenary goal.

In 2021, the school’s college entrance examination has reached a new high in history. In the four years from 2018 to 2021, the school’s college entrance examination scores have improved year after year, making steady progress and setting new highs repeatedly. The number of high-level students has achieved historic breakthroughs, and the level of admission to the school has greatly improved. Improved, fully exceeded the college entrance examination goals set by the municipal bureau, and won the College Entrance Examination Contribution Award from the Xuzhou Municipal Education Bureau, putting the school at a historical high point in the college entrance examination. The school management has been institutionalized and normalized. The school style, study style, teaching style and class style have been fundamentally reversed. The construction of the cadre team has been gradually improved. The construction of the teacher team has made great progress. Teachers and students have received numerous awards. The frequency, number, scale and level of awards are getting higher and higher. , for example: the college entrance examination preparation plan for four consecutive years in 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 won the first prize, and the first prize in 2020. The mental outlook of teachers and students has changed, the humanistic environment has been improved, and a harmonious campus has gradually formed. The social reputation of 36 Middle School has continued to improve, and the social influence has continued to expand. The spring of high-quality development of 36 Middle School has arrived.

These achievements are the result of the united struggle of the 36 people. United struggle is the most significant spiritual symbol of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese people. Unity is strength, and struggle creates the future; we have created a glorious history through unity and struggle, and we must also rely on unity and struggle to open up a better future.As long as all the 36 people in the group always hold hands and look toward the future together, they will definitely be able to continue to create impressive miracles on the new journey!

Seizing the opportunity of national development and the upcoming relocation of the school's new campus, let us make an agreement with the future. Looking forward to the future, we will strive for another 5 years, 15 years or even 30 years of vision: 36 Middle School Campus will definitely become the center of all teachers and students. It is a paradise for students who are enterprising, yearning, and dreaming; every student who walks out of 36 will have high aspirations, be virtuous, study hard, innovate and create, be full of knowledge, sunshine and wisdom, have the motherland in mind, and look at the world. The pillars of the country; teachers in 36 middle schools will also surely have a large number of educator teachers, senior teachers, special teachers, famous teachers, and subject leaders who are influential in Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province and even the country. , , a newcomer in the teaching world. By then, the political status, economic status, and social status of teachers will be greatly improved, and the sense of security, gain, belonging, happiness, and satisfaction of all teachers will be greatly improved, and a healthy and benign educational ecology will be fully formed, with respect for teachers. The atmosphere of emphasizing education has been completely consolidated. We must forge the titles of "Teachers of 36 Middle School" and "Students of 36 Middle School" into a resounding golden sign, making our school a place that everyone respects, yearns for, and worships. of holy places.

Comrades, adapting to the new development stage, implementing new development concepts , and building a new development pattern are urgent requirements for high-quality economic development; in-depth and sustained study of new textbooks, exploration of new curriculum standards, grasp of the new college entrance examination, adapt to new changes, and achieve Breakthroughs in the new college entrance examination reform and sharing the dividends of the new college entrance examination reform are the school's urgent expectations for high-quality development; the teachers and students of the senior high school class of 2022 are working hard and are about to face the college entrance examination. I wish all the teachers and students of the senior high school students to have a happy ending after more than a hundred days of countdown. In the sprint stage, the school has made a successful start and continues to be brilliant; the teachers and students of the class of 2023 have just successfully completed the qualifying examination and entered the semi-senior high school stage. The admission score for the first year of high school in 2024 exceeds Xuzhou Senior High School and Shuren Middle School by 30 points, and enters the course selection score. In the new stage of the class, sometimes choice is more important than hard work. I hope that the first-year students can make scientific judgments, follow guidance, and make correct life choices. We must accurately grasp learning, teaching, and testing, accelerate the transformation of education methods, follow the laws of education, adhere to the principles of science, precision, and efficiency, take a clear-cut stand to cultivate new people of the era who are worthy of the nation's responsibilities, and constantly satisfy the Xuzhou people's expectations for education high quality requirements.

Dear students, the college entrance examination has never been a pure intellectual battle separated from politics, and has never shied away from competition. It is a reflection of the will of the country. Students study hard and work hard day and night for their ideals, which shows that you believe in yourself and your country. A strong sense of responsibility and historical mission to family, society, and country. Each generation has its own responsibility and mission. On your shoulders, you carry the great responsibility of national rejuvenation. Your heart should be filled with gratitude to your parents, teachers, and the motherland. You hope to add more glory to the class and prevent the class teacher from doing so. You are worried. I hope you can be proud of 36 Middle School today, and 36 Middle School will be proud of you in the future. I look forward to hearing the good news about you building your hometown and serving the country many years later!

Colleagues and classmates, this semester is another exam season, admissions season, and harvest season. The new horn has sounded, the new atmosphere has begun to emerge, the new journey has begun, and new tasks are waiting for us to complete. Miracles are waiting for us to create, and new happiness is waiting for us to enjoy; students think about the teachers’ teachings, teachers also look at the bright smiling faces of the students, happiness must belong to each of us who strive, let If we "work hard despite the wind and rain", we will surely be rewarded with "spring flowers and autumn fruits filling the courtyard". Let us work together to build a high-quality high school that is connected to the central city of the Huaihai Economic Zone, matched with the old four-star high school and even the high-quality high school in the future. The educational highland, let us shout in unison: Let’s move towards the future together! ! !

Picture: Zhou Ting / Text: Zhang Chuanling