Seeing their son crying, his parents gathered around Xiaowen and cried. His sister had just broken her hand in front of the house the night before. She had surgery at 7 a.m. on the 18th. At about 8:30 a.m., her sister Xiaoxuan (pseudonym) and her 2-year-old son My younger brother

Watching their son cry, the parents gathered around Xiaowen and cried

My sister just broke her hand at the door of the house the night before. She had surgery at 7 a.m. on the 18th. At about 8:30 a.m., my sister Xiaoxuan (pseudonym) and My younger brother Xiaowen, who was only 2 years old, was run over by a car when he was defecating on the roadside outside a rental house in the community. Fortunately, passers-by found him and helped him in time. More than a dozen people lifted the car and rescued him. His life is not in danger at the moment.

[Sister and brother defecating on the roadside were rolled under a car]

html On the morning of 18th, when reporters rushed to the West District of Quanxiu Garden where the incident occurred, the two injured children had been sent to the first hospital for treatment.

The accident occurred in the open space between buildings 27 and 14 of the community. The shoes of two children were still left on the scene, and there was a garbage house next to it. The area where the incident occurred is relatively empty and has become a "parking lot" for residents on weekdays. The child's family rented a storage room in a building less than 20 meters away from the incident.

"At that time, two children ran to the side of the road to defecate. They were still young. They squatted down and sat in the car and didn't see it. The couple in the car must have gone to work, and they were involved in the car when they were reversing." An eyewitness told reporters that the incident should have occurred around 8:30 in the morning. Because he lived nearby, he ran over when he heard the noise. He was the third one to rush to the scene. The mother of the child lay under the car and kept touching her son. The little girl must have been carried out and was sitting aside. She had a wound on her stomach and couldn't cry. Her floral dress was also stained with blood. The little boy huddled under the car with his head on his belly.

"I saw her mother lying there and scratching, shouting 'ouch ouch'. I knew something must have happened. The child was under the car." Ms. Chen, a nearby resident, said that she hurriedly took her husband who was still sleeping. Call for help. Nearby residents heard the shouts and a dozen people gathered around. The little boy was still under the car. Finally, everyone worked together to lift the car and take the child out. "Thanks to everyone's efforts, the child should not have been under the car for more than 5 minutes." Ms. Chen said.

"The little boy was so crushed that his face turned purple and he couldn't even cry." Ms. Chen said that before the 120 ambulance arrived, the owner of the car and the child's mother hurriedly sent him to the hospital first.

It is understood that the couple who drove the car live in Building 27 of the community. They were also frightened and kept calling 120 for an ambulance. At noon yesterday, reporters did not find the couple in the community. The child's mother told reporters that they sent the child to the hospital together.

Xiaoxuan was lying on the hospital bed in the emergency room, silently weeping without saying a word.

[Excessive fright, the two children were silent]

In the emergency room of Quanzhou First Hospital East Street Campus, Xiaoxuan was still under observation. On her stomach, a scratched wound was bright red and glaring. The little girl was lying on the bed, so quiet that she didn't say a word, tears hanging in the corners of her eyes, biting her lips from time to time.

"Children usually don't talk much. Maybe they were scared. After entering the hospital, they didn't speak no matter how much they asked." Xiaoxuan's grandfather, Lao Luo, accompanied her and touched her granddaughter's little hand lovingly. He said that Xiaoxuan was only 4 years old this year. After arriving at the hospital, he finally slept for a while, but suddenly woke up in his sleep and pulled off the quilt.

The doctor said that Xiaoxuan suffered trauma, with abrasions on his stomach and limbs. No abnormalities were found in other parts for the time being, and he still needs to stay in the emergency room for observation.

Xiaoxuan's younger brother Xiaowen has been sent to the inpatient ward of the thoracic surgery department. Because the chest was squeezed, the child's face turned purple. He was lying in bed and was very emotionally unstable. His hands and feet were shaking all the time. She was crying and couldn't stop no matter how much her parents tried to persuade her. She looked around in horror.

"Don't be afraid, baby, mom will always be with you, okay? Don't cry. Mom won't leave. It won't hurt anymore..." Watching her son suffer, mother Ms. Zheng stood in front of the hospital bed, holding her little hand and sometimes sticking it to her. On the face, there were kisses and tears. The father, Mr. Luo, held the child's other hand. He looked distressed and sighed. From time to time, he buried his head in his arms and secretly wiped away tears.Dr. Lin, the physician in charge of

, said that Xiaowen had three suspected fractures on his left ribs, a fractured left clavicle, and some contusions on the skin on his back. Although no abnormalities have been found in other parts of his body, this situation is most likely to cause intrathoracic bleeding and pneumothorax. , lung contusion, so continued observation is needed.

A car happened to pass by the scene of the incident, and under the car there were shoes left by the siblings at the scene.

[Family: One day apart, all three children had accidents]

"I was packing clothes in the house and preparing to send them to the hospital to see my eldest daughter. I never imagined that the two younger ones would also have accidents at once." Ms. Zheng said They have three children. The eldest daughter is only 6 years old. At about 9 o'clock the night before yesterday, she fell and fractured her arm while playing outside the rented house. The surgery was completed at about 7 o'clock yesterday morning. After Xiaoxuan and her brother had breakfast, her sister took her brother to the toilet next to the trash can. She hurriedly packed her clothes and prepared to rush to the hospital as soon as possible. Unexpectedly, she heard her little daughter's cry and ran out of the house. I saw my daughter crying sitting next to a car. After walking over, I saw my son huddled under the car with his head on his belly.

Mr. Luo's family is from Anhui and rents a storage room in Quanxiu Garden. Usually, the family of three goes out to make a living, while Ms. Zheng takes care of her children at home. According to reports, Mr. Luo’s parents work as sanitation workers near Quanxiu Road, and Mr. Luo sells vegetables nearby. Three children were involved in an accident at the same time.

reporters learned that after the incident, the driver and his wife sent the injured children to Quanzhou First Hospital and paid some medical bills. According to Fengze Traffic Police, when the police received the alarm and rushed to the scene at 8:50, the driver had sent the child to the hospital, and the accident was still under further investigation.

[The child was rolled under the car, and the force received needs to be analyzed according to the specific situation]

The child was rolled under the car, causing squeezing, causing traumatic asphyxia. In this process, how much pressure did the child bear? The reporter interviewed a physics teacher about this content.

The physics teacher said that the force on the bottom of the car should be analyzed according to the specific situation. For example, the weight of the car itself, the model, the state of the car at the time, the front and rear wheels or other positions, and the force-bearing area at the time all have a great relationship. , each of which has a great impact on the force. For ordinary cars, even the forces on the front and rear wheels are different. Because the front of the car is relatively heavy, generally speaking, the force on the front wheels is relatively greater. The weight of the truck is on the rear wheels, so the rear wheels bear greater force.

[Beware of 3 blind spots when reversing. It is best to look around the car first]

According to many car owners with many years of driving experience, when reversing, you should pay special attention to the following 3 blind spots. The first is the front of the car. While paying attention to the situation behind the car, you cannot ignore the observation of the front and the areas on both sides of the front. The area crossed by the front of the car is much larger than the area occupied by the body. It is easy to pass in front of the car accidentally. The pedestrian was knocked down; the second is the area near the side of the car. When turning the steering wheel when reversing, the trajectory of the front wheel is an arc, and there is a wheel difference with the rear wheel. At this time, you should focus on observing the situation near the side of the car to prevent scratches; The third is the part below the rear windshield. If no auxiliary equipment is installed, this area will be completely invisible when reversing. And when encountering some low obstacles, including children, the reversing radar cannot guarantee complete judgment.

[Cars have blind spots, how to avoid accidents caused by blind spots? 】

"You should be more vigilant when driving, especially when the car is just starting up or reversing." Mr. Du, who has many years of driving experience, said that because children are short in stature, it is sometimes difficult for the driver to notice when they come into contact with the car body. To avoid accidents caused by blind spots, the most important thing is for car owners to pay attention. Before the vehicle is ready to reverse or start, car owners should pay more attention to the situation around the car and observe whether there are people, animals or obstacles in the blind spots. The bottom of the car is also an area that cannot be ignored. Some children or small animals may appear under the car. In addition, special attention should be paid to slowing down and observing when reversing or turning in unfamiliar places.

Traffic police reminded that car owners should develop good habits and walk around the car before reversing to observe the surrounding situation.When reversing, you should keep an eye on all directions and listen in all directions. Scan the three rearview mirrors on the car at all times. If you only look at one angle, the accident rate of reversing will be much higher. Of course, many vehicles are now equipped with reversing radar or imaging. These tools can assist in the reversing process, but car owners cannot rely entirely on the equipment. After all, in some blind spots, it is difficult for the equipment to issue alarms in time. In addition, if you accidentally hit something, don't panic. Secondary accidents are more terrible. Car owners should stay calm and don't mess around. Don't forget to shift gears, apply the handbrake, apply the brakes, release the accelerator, etc.

[Link] Accidents suspected to be caused by car blind spots

1. At about 3:30 pm on June 23, 2016, a 7-year-old girl was squatting and playing with sand at the entrance of an industrial park in Lunchang, Nan'an, and was driven out of the industrial park by a truck. Crushed to death. Witnesses said that the little girl might have been squatting at the entrance of the park and playing in the sand, and was in the driver's blind spot.

2. On July 27, 2015, a 22-month-old boy in Jinjiang was hit by a reversing car and rolled under the car while playing in front of a store. His hands and feet were crushed, but There is only a scratch on the back, nothing serious at the moment. Judging from the video, the child seemed to be in the blind spot of the vehicle that was difficult for the driver to observe when he was hit.

3. At about 9 a.m. on June 30, 2015, a 4-year-old boy sitting at the intersection was hit by a car on the Nan'an Liucheng Maoshan section of Provincial Highway 308. The driver did not notice that he hit the child and ran over the child with his car. Due to the slow speed of the car, the little boy only suffered minor injuries and bleeding. Judging from the video, the child seemed to be in the blind spot of the vehicle that was difficult for the driver to observe when he was hit.

4. On April 27, 2015, on the road near the Yuejin Village vegetable market in Xibin Town, Jinjiang City, a 4-year-old boy got off the school bus with his schoolbag on his back and prepared to go home. When he was about to walk towards his grandfather who was about five meters away on the other side of the road, he was hit by a school bus that was about to leave. He ran over him and died on the spot. At this time, the driver flew away without knowing it. .

5. In April 2015, two consecutive accidents involving reverse vehicles and collisions occurred in Fuzhou. On April 6, in front of a hospital in Gulou District, Fuzhou, a woman suddenly reversed her car. Her husband, who was standing behind the car, was knocked down and died of serious injuries. On the 8th of the same month, also in Fuzhou, three passers-by were hit by a reversing vehicle within 5 seconds. Caught under the car, causing one death and two injuries.

(Reporters Lin Jiahua Gong Cuiling text/picture)
