Recently, Wu Zijia, chairman of Green Media, responded in eight words, saying that the DPP has reached a "critical point where it cannot govern." Tsai Ing-wen's satisfaction rate is less than 20%, and Lai Qingde's has dropped to 30%. To a certain extent, such an authority has bas

Overseas Network, December 11th After losing the "nine-in-one" election, how miserable is the current situation of the Democratic Progressive Party? Recently, Wu Zijia, chairman of Green Media, responded in eight words, saying that the DPP has reached a "critical point where it cannot govern."

According to Taiwan's " China Times Electronic News " report, Wu Zijia said that the current support of the Democratic Progressive Party, including Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen and Taiwan administrative department head Lai Ching-te, is so low that it does not have the ability to "rule Taiwan" extent. Tsai Ing-wen's satisfaction rate is less than 20%, and Lai Qingde's has dropped to 30%. To a certain extent, such an authority has basically no way to continue to operate. Wu Zijia said that although the DPP still has a majority of seats in the legislative branch and has rigid legal power, it is difficult for Tsai Ing-wen to operate because she has lost the trust and basic prestige of the Taiwanese people.

Wu Zijia said that Taiwanese people basically don’t want to pay attention to Tsai Ing-wen’s current speech. Judging from the current situation, people across Taiwan will strongly oppose regulations such as the mandatory installation of ABS on new motorcycles, so some of her measures are simply Unable to be executed. The worst thing is that Tsai Ing-wen's attitude after the "nine-in-one" election is causing her prestige and support ratings to plummet, and this decline shows no signs of weakening or stopping.

The Democratic Progressive Party was completely defeated in Taiwan's "nine-in-one" election. The Kuomintang won 15 counties and cities, successfully turning green lands into blue skies.

Taiwanese media pointed out in a commentary article that this election is mainly at the administrative, economic and democratic levels, and is the Taiwanese people's stance on the economy and people's livelihood. The election results prove that the Tsai administration's actions such as "de-Sinicization", "green terror", "smearing and smearing", "hidden Taiwan independence", "confrontation with the mainland", and "Eastern Olympics name referendum" are unpopular and doomed to failure. . Through the painful experience of the past two years, the Taiwanese people should have fully realized that peaceful development across the Taiwan Straits is good, that some of the KMT's performances are worth cherishing, and that the DPP's ideological priority is unhelpful, annoying, and terrifying. That's why There will be such a resolute and violent vote. If the Tsai administration remains stubborn and insists on going its own way, what awaits them will be an even greater tsunami of public opinion and public indignation, and Tsai Ing-wen will surely pay a heavy price for this. (Overseas Network Zhang Shasha)

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