In Shanghai in August, the successful holding of 2021 China Joy added a color for players to this summer. Among the games exhibited at China Joy this year, mobile games account for half of them, including many IP games adapted from console games to mobile terminals such as "Dynas

In August in Shanghai, the successful holding of 2021 China Joy added a color for players to this summer. Among the games exhibited at China Joy this year, mobile games account for half of them, including many IP games adapted from console games to mobile terminals such as "Dynasty Warriors".

Considering that the performance of mobile phones has gradually improved in recent years, and the number of mobile game users in my country has far exceeded that of console games, many high-quality and high-reputation client games have chosen to try mobile games. However, in recent years, console-adapted mobile games often end in failure due to problems such as their own quality after meeting players.

In this regard, how do you deal with "Dynasty Warriors", which has been in public beta and officially met with players on August 10? We have worked with Uncle Fang, the main planner of the "Dynasty Warriors" mobile game, and "Dynasty Warriors" Ryohiro Suzuki, the producer of the "Dynasty Warriors" series, conducted an online communication.

"Dynasty Warriors" mobile game chief planner Fang Shu

"Dynasty Warriors" series producer Suzuki Ryohiro

Excellent quality, authentic Warriors battlefield experience

Many consoles have failed to adapt mobile games, and their reputation has declined. The reason, in the final analysis, is that there is a gap between the feelings of old players towards the game and the content they experience when playing mobile games.

In addition to being disappointed, players have also labeled those shoddy games that use IP to make quick money as "selling dog meat" or "reskinned games". IP-adapted mobile games also seem to be related to "selling games". "Feelings" and "fried rice" are equated. When we look at these labels rationally, they actually reflect the players' requirements for the restoration of IP-adapted mobile games, and this restoration needs to be consistent.

Uncle Fang, the main planner of "Dynasty Warriors", is actually a long-time gamer in private. He is looking forward to the remakes, remakes and sequels of some classic works. Of course, he will complain from time to time. . Regarding the True Three series, Uncle Fang bluntly said, "Almost all 3D Three Kingdoms games are basically influenced by this series, whether it is character images, character settings, etc." The benchmarking of True Three is self-evident. To successfully adapt it to mobile games, we must grasp the core design concept of the work, the skills to construct game rules, and at the same time combine new technologies and platforms to conduct a new interpretation. Only in this way can Lao Zhen San radiate new vitality in the mobile game adaptation. After all, "Feelings can only be called feelings if they can make people feel the same when they are there; and if the cold rice is not fried well, no one will be willing to eat it."

In order to prevent "Dynasty Warriors" from repeating the IP mobile game Following previous mistakes, in the year since "Dynasty Warriors" was first revealed in June last year, the R&D and planning teams have been in close communication with Koei Tecmo.

In this case of mobile gaming, both parties have conveyed their intention to deliver the exhilarating feeling brought by "unparalleled" games to more players through the mobile platform. In order to ensure that the unparalleled battlefield experience of one knight against a thousand is perfectly retained, "Dynasty Warriors" must have excellent quality.

Just as the "Dynasty Warriors" series was born from the fighting game "Dynasty Warriors" with the hope of innovating in gameplay and better showing the battlefield through the high performance of new hardware, "Dynasty Warriors" · Ryohiro Suzuki, the producer of the "Dynasty Warriors" series, is also very concerned about the quality of this mobile game. After "using multiple tests to delve into the shortcomings and optimize the quality and experience of the game," in terms of art, "Dynasty Warriors" continues the setting of the 6th generation, and the original paintings and action modules of the generals are faithfully restored. In terms of combat control, the classic CD-free double-button rubbing handle control feel, powerful EX skills and Unparalleled skills must also be reproduced.

  A new attempt at multiplayer gameplay, the game is not a clock-in at work

In addition to pursuing the restoration of the "unparalleled feeling" in visuals and operations, the transition from console to mobile phone must also take into account the social nature of the mobile phone. Different from consoles and PC platforms, which are mainly single-player modes, mobile platforms inherently have a more active user group. Multiplayer games also undertake community functions that enhance player interaction and communication, and the social attributes of the game are also amplified.

In reality, some people yearn for the strategic wars of the Three Kingdoms, while others yearn for the passionate heroes of the Three Kingdoms. Producer Ryohiro Suzuki also said that the Three Kingdoms in his heart "is a world where heroes from all walks of life, from generals to soldiers, show off their talents." "The mobile game "Dynasty Warriors" can become the focus of all players' yearning for the Three Kingdoms. In fact, many players have indeed expressed interest in adding a multiplayer mode to "Dynasty Warriors". Uncle Fang revealed that "the multiplayer mode is a consensus reached by the team and Glory long ago, because it is necessary to make a ( Players) can play together, so the multiplayer cooperative mode is a natural choice. "

" It can be said that the multiplayer mode is the innovation of the "Dynasty Warriors" mobile game, which splits the double screen. Thrown into the dustbin of history, the newly added team PVE and PVP competitive gameplay also gives players more opportunities to show themselves. If you like to cooperate with friends, you can choose to join forces with heroes and guild expeditions; if you like the excitement of PVP battles, there are also solo battles and guild ladder battles to choose from; there are even friends and enemies like the famous general Jing Wu Case.

The design of these multiplayer gameplay does not mean that the game will task players to play online. The addition of multiplayer gameplay is a trend and inevitable. The purpose is to allow more people to find the part of the game that suits them, and then Feel the joy. Regarding this, I think what Uncle Fang said is very good: "Everyone can find a suitable way to play when they want to play. After all, games are not work. If they are all tasks that must be done every day, then the meaning of the game will be lost."

The road to commercialization is still on the way, but it will not take a detour

The most important thing about a game is fun. As a mobile game adapted from the host IP, "Dynasty Warriors" is currently improving in terms of restoration, gameplay, and sociality. The development team has taken this aspect into consideration. But if you want a mobile game to be successful nowadays, it is not enough to make good content. Commercialization is an unavoidable topic for mobile games. There have been some good-looking console-adapted mobile games before, and their commercialization has been quite controversial. They seem to prove to the market that the commercialization of console-adapted mobile games is quite difficult, so the upcoming open beta of "Dynasty Warriors" is another How do you view the commercialization of mobile games in the future?

Regarding this question, Uncle Fang actually once gave his own answer: “We must give different players appropriate entertainment space, rather than forcing different types of players to become each other’s entertainment experience. "

" Although the issue of commercialization cannot be avoided, he hopes that the design in this regard will be based on the premise of "helping players in need", so that the player experience will be better, rather than forcing krypton. Discourage some players. As mentioned before, a game planner like Uncle Fang is just an ordinary player when playing the game. If it is a design that even the planner hates and feels is unreasonable, he will not stay in the game. Players will probably You can rest assured.

As for the future operation of the game, it seems too early to talk about it now, but Uncle Fang still hopes to write new stories in the game with the players. "After all, the world of True Three is built by countless players. So I believe that with everyone's joint efforts, we can produce countless more exciting contents and enrich our 'True Three' together."

Finally, I hope that "Dynasty Warriors" can, as Mr. Suzuki, the producer of the Dynasty III series, said, "I believe this game will live up to expectations" and bring players the best Warriors experience this summer.