Xinmin Evening News (Reporter Wang Jun, intern Li Jiaming) Recently, Ms. Song ordered travel products online and unfortunately encountered "fake contracts", "fake tour guides" and "fake itineraries". All kinds of troubles made "Happy Free Travel" not only unhappy, but also a Bad

Xinmin Evening News (Reporter Wang Jun, intern Li Jiaming) Recently, Ms. Song ordered travel products online and unfortunately encountered "fake contracts", "fake tour guides" and "fake itineraries". All kinds of troubles made the "happy free travel" not only unhappy, but also a Something bad happened. "Happy free travel", the travel agency does not match the contract, the itinerary does not match the plan, and the experience does not match the price.

Caption: Source of the fake contract signed by Ms. Song/Photo provided by the interviewee (the same below)

At the end of June this year, Ms. Song planned to travel with her mother. She found out about the "Happy Free Travel" tourism project through online searches because it was economical and affordable. The itinerary is easy and can be adjusted freely. She added the tour guide "East China Happy Free Tour Xiao Ran" based on the online contact information, signed the "East China Six-Day Happy Free Tour" travel contract stamped by "CITS Group Shanghai Co., Ltd.", and paid a total of two The group fee is 3,800 yuan.

But the actual travel experience was not as smooth and pleasant as Ms. Song imagined. On the first night, because the noise at the accommodation was too loud, she changed hotels after communicating with the tour guide, and put her luggage on the tour bus. When traveling the next day, the tour guide told them that there was no vehicle arranged and they needed to carry their luggage throughout the journey. "This is not tourism at all. It's just dragging luggage." She said that during her visit to Suzhou, the hotels and itinerary arranged by the tour guide were inconsistent with the agreement. There were even unplanned shopping spots, and the family group also increased to 40 people. Join a group.

Therefore, Ms. Song proposed to cancel the subsequent trip and requested a refund. The original six-day and five-night itinerary was actually attended by Ms. Song for only two days and one night, and the tour guide only agreed to refund 700 yuan. Based on various bad experiences, Ms. Song doubted the qualifications of the tour guide and reported the situation to the tourism complaint hotline of the Shanghai Holiday Office. She learned that the tour guide was not a staff member of CITS Group Shanghai Co., Ltd.

The reporter also checked with the customer service hotline of CITS Group Shanghai Co., Ltd. to learn about the situation. According to the customer service hotline prompts, the reporter found that Ms. Song's "travel contract" was not in the order system of CITS Group Shanghai Co., Ltd. and the contract was forged. Immediately, the reporter added "East China Happy Free Travel~Xiao Ran" WeChat and asked Ms. Song about the refund. The other party stated that the contract stipulated that withdrawal from the group midway would result in 50% loss. However, the other party did not reply to the reporter regarding the "fake contract" and "fake tour guide". According to the link to the tourism website provided by Ms. Song, the reporter opened it through WeChat and a browser. The WeChat links that appeared were also different. One was "Xiaoran" and the other was "Xiaoli", but the "self-directed and self-acted" imitation of tourists' Q&A "The copywriting is exactly the same.

Caption: Self-directed and self-acted Q&A Source/Internet screenshot

Ms. Song inquired further and found that her experience was not an isolated case. On Zhihu, she found victim accounts of similar experiences. Currently, Ms. Song has complained to the 12318 hotline and is waiting for feedback. She believes that these "tour guides" deceive consumers in an organized and planned way, and hopes that the relevant departments will pay attention to it and stop it in time to prevent more people from being deceived and to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.