This regulation further standardizes the national household registration management system in the form of law. It is an important symbol of the formal formation of a unified household registration system in urban and rural areas across the country. It is also an important milesto

On January 9, 1958, China's first household registration system, the "Household Registration Regulations of the People's Republic of China", was promulgated and implemented. This regulation further standardizes the national household registration management system in the form of law. It is an important symbol of the formal formation of a unified household registration system in urban and rural areas across the country. It is also an important milestone in the history of the development of the household registration system in contemporary China. The

household registration carries the functions of birth, old age, illness and death, schooling and employment, marrying a wife and daughter, dividing land and building a house, social security and welfare, etc. It can be said that it affects the joys, sorrows and joys of thousands of households. The traditional household registration system is directly linked to land and is a family-oriented population management method. The modern household registration system is a legal system for the state to collect, confirm, and register citizens’ basic demographic information such as birth, death, kinship, and legal address in accordance with the law. It is designed to protect citizens’ rights and interests in employment, education, social welfare, etc. based population management approach.

The origin of the household registration system

The household registration system originally referred to the important system in which China's feudal society managed the national population and used it to collect taxes, labor and recruit soldiers, as well as to distinguish occupations and grades of households. China is the first country in the world to conduct a population survey and formulate and implement a strict household registration management system.

The emergence of China's household registration system can be traced back to the Shang Dynasty. The oracle bone inscriptions at the Yin Ruins indicate that before or during large-scale military conquests in the Shang Dynasty, most of the orders were issued to "land the people", that is, to recruit soldiers. The number of "denizens" ranged from a thousand to more than 10,000 people at a time, which was very large for the time, and was undoubtedly based on household registration records. According to records in the "Book of Rites of Zhou", as early as the Western Zhou Dynasty, China established a full-time household registration official named Simin under the Qiu Guan Sikou, who was responsible for calculating the number of household registrations in the country and reporting regularly to the King of Zhou. In 789 BC, after King Xuan of Zhou failed to conquer the Quanrong army, he immediately conducted a large-scale population survey, which was called "Kemin" at the time, in order to quickly replenish troops. From these early records on household registration management in ancient China, we can see the close relationship between household registration management and the use of manpower.

Since the main production undertaking in China's feudal society was agriculture, and the vast majority of the population was agricultural, the household registration management of the past dynasties was closely related to land taxes and servitude. In the early years of the Western Han Dynasty, the "preliminary calculation of taxes" began to levy taxes and levies based on population. The tax system in the Tang Dynasty was changed from rent to tax. In the Song Dynasty, it was stipulated that an accounting memorial should be submitted every year. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, a memorial book should be submitted every year, all from It was developed from the "Shangji" system. The Ming Dynasty's household registration yellow list, also known as the tax and servitude yellow list, listed the number of people and properties under each household's name. Each household had to indicate whether it owned or owned land, how much land it owned, its quality, tax grade, quantity, etc. The Qing Dynasty basically followed the Ming system. All this shows that household registration management and tax and service management have basically been integrated into one.

Since the founding of New China

China's household registration management system has begun to undergo tremendous changes

68 years ago, in order to prevent counterrevolutionaries and other sabotage activities that endanger society, on August 12, 1950, the public security system internally promulgated the "Interim Measures for Special Population Management" 》, officially started the management of key populations, which was the starting point of the household registration system in New China.

On July 16, 1951, the Ministry of Public Security promulgated the "Interim Regulations on Urban Household Registration Management", which stipulated the control measures for births, deaths, immigration, emigration, "social changes" (social status) and other matters. This is the first household registration management regulation after the founding of New China, which basically unifies the household registration system in cities across the country.

60 years ago today,

was a historic moment.

On January 9, 1958, the "Hukou Registration Regulations of the People's Republic of China" were promulgated and implemented. The regulations stipulate that the household registration work shall be managed by the public security organs at all levels. This is a fairly complete household registration management system, including permanent population registration, temporary resident population registration, birth registration, death registration, move-out registration, move-in registration, change and correction Registration and other seven contents, the task of household registration management is to prove citizenship, maintain public security and order, and serve socialist construction.This regulation further standardizes the national household registration management system in the form of law. It is an important symbol of the formal formation of a unified household registration system in urban and rural areas across the country. It is also an important milestone in the history of the development of the household registration system in contemporary China.

In 1953, based on the first national census, most rural areas established a household registration system.

In 1954, China promulgated and implemented its first constitution, which stipulated that citizens have "freedom of movement and residence."

In 1955, the issuance of the "Instructions of the State Council on Establishing a Regular Household Registration Hierarchy System" unified the household registration work in urban and rural areas across the country, stipulating that cities, towns, and villages across the country must establish a household registration system, and the statistical time for household registration is once a year.

In less than two years, 1956 and 1957, the state issued four consecutive documents to restrict and control farmers’ blind influx into cities.

In January 1958, marked by the Household Registration Regulations of the People's Republic of China, the Chinese government began to implement strict restrictions and government controls on the free movement of people. For the first time, urban and rural residents are clearly divided into two different types of household registration: "agricultural household registration" and "non-agricultural household registration". In fact, the provisions of the 1954 Constitution on freedom of movement were abolished.

In August 1964, the "Regulations of the Ministry of Public Security on Handling Household Registration Migration (Draft)" was issued, embodying the two basic spirits of "strict restrictions" on household registration migration during this period, namely: strict restrictions on migration from rural areas to cities and market towns. Add restrictions; impose strict restrictions on people moving from market towns to cities.

In 1975, the constitution formally eliminated provisions on freedom of movement and has not restored it since.

Implementation of the resident identity card system

Gradual liberalization of household registration in small towns

In October 1984, the State Council issued the "Notice on the Issue of Farmers Settling in Market Towns" to allow farmers to settle in market towns to provide for themselves.

In July 1985, the Ministry of Public Security promulgated the "Interim Provisions on Urban Population Management", and the internal target for "agricultural to non-agricultural conversion" was set at 20,000 per year. At the same time, the resident identity card system, which is the basis for the modernization of population management, was announced by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress in September 1985 under the same background. The gradual establishment of the socialist market economy finally led to corresponding primary reforms in the household registration system.

In June 1997, the State Council approved the Ministry of Public Security's "Pilot Plan for the Reform of the Household Registration System in Small Towns and Opinions on Improving the Rural Household Registration System", which clearly stipulates: Persons who come from rural areas to small towns to work or set up secondary or tertiary industries, Managers, professional and technical personnel employed by agencies, groups, enterprises and institutions in small towns, residents who have purchased commercial houses or legally self-built houses in small towns, and their immediate family members living together can apply for permanent urban residence registration.

In July 1998, the State Council approved the Ministry of Public Security's "Opinions on Solving Several Outstanding Issues in Current Household Registration Management", which solved the problems of newborn babies settling down with their fathers, separation of husband and wife, elderly people seeking refuge with their children, and investment, establishment of industries, and purchases in cities. Citizens who live in commercial housing and their immediate relatives living together with them, who have legal and fixed housing, legal and stable occupations or sources of livelihood in the city, have lived there for a certain number of years and comply with the relevant regulations of the local government, may be allowed to settle in the city, etc. An issue that has received strong public response.

On March 30, 2001, the State Council approved the Ministry of Public Security's "Opinions on Promoting the Reform of the Household Registration Management System in Small Towns", which stipulated that people who apply for permanent residence in small towns will no longer be subject to planned quota management.

At the end of 2005, China began to reform the household registration system. As of March 2009, 13 provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions including Hebei, Liaoning, and Hebei have successively canceled the classification of agricultural household registration and non-agricultural household registration.

In February 2012, the "Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Actively and Steadyly Promoting the Reform of the Household Registration Management System" pointed out that it is necessary to guide the orderly transfer of non-agricultural industries and rural populations to small and medium-sized cities and organized towns, and gradually meet the needs of qualified rural residents to settle down. Gradually realize equalization of basic public services in urban and rural areas.

New Household registration system reform goals established

"Agricultural" and "non-agricultural" will become history

At the national political and legal work video and telephone conference held on January 7, 2013, the household registration system reform was listed as one of the four key tasks in 2013. one.

On June 30, 2014, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting and reviewed and approved the "Opinions on Further Promoting the Reform of the Household Registration System." The meeting pointed out that in accelerating the reform of the household registration system, there should be no quota allocation and no layer-by-layer overweighting. Priority should be given to people who have been in cities for a long time, have strong employability, and can adapt to the urban and market competitive environment, so that they and their families can take root and settle in cities, and guide the population flow in an orderly manner.

On July 30, 2014, the much-watched State Council’s “Opinions on Further Promoting the Reform of the Household Registration System” was officially released. The opinion is clear that a unified household registration system should be established in urban and rural areas. The distinction between agricultural household registration and non-agricultural household registration and the resulting blue-print household registration and other household registration types will be cancelled, and the registration will be unified as resident household registration. This marks the end of the dual household registration management model of "agriculture" and "non-agriculture" that has been implemented in our country for more than half a century.

The "Opinions on Further Promoting the Reform of the Household Registration System" mentioned that by 2020, efforts will be made to achieve about 100 million agricultural transfer residents and other permanent residents to settle in cities and towns. According to many industry insiders, as farmers move to cities to settle down, excess inventory in small and medium-sized cities other than first-tier cities will be digested, and the real estate industry will become a beneficiary of the "household reform".

Recent Development of Tianjin’s Household Registration Policy

On March 2, 2017, the General Office of the Tianjin Municipal People’s Government issued a document and implemented the “Tianjin Work Plan for Promoting the Settlement of Non-Household Registration Population in the City”. Key points include: establishing a new household registration management system; strengthening financial security to support the citizenship of non-household registration populations; accelerating the increase in urban construction land and the construction of a housing security system to support the citizenship of non-household registration populations; improving a unified urban and rural social security system; establishing urban settlement Mechanisms for safeguarding farmers' "three rights" and voluntary paid exit; improving other basic public service provision mechanisms to support the citizenization of non-household registered populations; strengthening monitoring and inspection and other specific contents.

Unified Urban and Rural Household Registration System

After submission to the Municipal People's Government for approval, our city has implemented a unified urban and rural household registration system across the city from January 1, 2017, canceling the distinction between agricultural and non-agricultural household registrations, and unified registration It is a resident of Tianjin City. At present, when the city's public security organs handle household registration, the "household type" column is uniformly registered as "family household" or "collective household" and no longer fills in "agricultural household" or "non-agricultural household". Residents with registered residence in our city can go to the public security bureau to exchange for a new "Resident Household Registration Book" based on their personal wishes; if they have not yet exchanged it, the original "Resident Household Registration Book" can continue to be used.

Fully liberalizing restrictions on household registration population migration in this city

After the implementation of the unified urban and rural household registration system on January 1, 2017, this city has fully relaxed restrictions on household registration migration for residents. For residents with household registration in this city who need to transfer their household registration to a legal and stable residence in other administrative districts of this city due to relocation, refuge, etc., and if the procedures are complete, they can go to the public security population service management center of the place of transfer or the police station with a household registration window to handle it on the spot. Conditions for legal and stable employment. At present, this policy has been steadily promoted in all districts.

Fully implement the residence policy that allows students admitted to ordinary colleges and universities to freely come and go.

According to the city’s household registration management regulations, new students admitted to ordinary colleges and universities in this city can move their residence registration to the location of the school according to their own wishes; after graduation, they can move their registered residence to the school’s location according to their own wishes. Move your household registration back to your place of origin or move to a legal and stable place of employment. In recent years, the Municipal Public Security Bureau has actively promoted the "decentralization, regulation and service" reform of household registration management, decentralized approval authority, simplified service procedures, and further facilitated the household registration transfer procedures for freshmen and graduates of colleges and universities.

Increase efforts in talent introduction

In accordance with the relevant arrangements of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government on promoting talent strategies, the Municipal Public Security Bureau further intensified the efforts to introduce talents, adjusted and improved the policy for graduates from ordinary colleges and universities to settle in Tianjin, and relaxed the policies for junior colleges with urgently needed majors. Graduates and non-local students who graduated from colleges and universities in this city are allowed to move their household registration into this city two years after graduation.

Currently, in order to implement the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei "integration" strategic deployment, the conditions for employees of established enterprises in the Beijing-Hebei region to move to our city are relaxed, and the graduation time limit for graduates from higher vocational colleges in this city who are students from other provinces and cities is relaxed to settle in Tianjin. Other policies are also being studied and demonstrated.

Adjust the settlement policy for non-household registered permanent residents in Tianjin

Regarding the settlement of people without household registration caused by non-compliance with the family planning policy, de facto adoption and other reasons, the Municipal Public Security Bureau, together with relevant departments, reported to the Municipal People's Government and issued it on November 24, 2016 The "Implementation Opinions of Tianjin City on Solving the Problem of Household Registration for Persons Without Household Registration" was issued, and the "Tianjin Municipal Public Security Bureau's Working Standards for Solving the Problem of Household Registration for Persons without Household Registration" were issued. For couples seeking refuge, the Municipal Public Security Bureau will cancel the age limit for couples seeking refuge from January 1, 2017, and lower the marriage requirement from 10 years to 3 years. The next step will be to adjust the policy for parents to seek refuge with their children, and to We will study and introduce solutions to the problems left over from history, such as those who moved their household registration out of our city for reasons such as supporting national construction, and now return to Tianjin to apply for settlement after living there for many years.

Optimize the residence permit Points settlement system

Since January 1, 2014, the Municipal Public Security Bureau has worked with relevant departments to actively promote the implementation of the residence permit and points settlement system. At the end of 2015, it participated in the revision of the "Tianjin Residence Certificate Management Measures" to further standardize The content of the terms and conditions has been streamlined, and the review process has been streamlined. Factors such as years of residence in Tianjin, area of ​​settlement, education level, and vocational skills have been comprehensively considered. The points index system for residence permits has been reasonably adjusted to broaden the scope of applicants who have been in Tianjin for a long time, have strong employability, and are adaptable to this city. A channel for ordinary workers who meet the needs of economic and social development and have legal and stable residences to settle in this city. In the next step, in accordance with the regional differentiated settlement policy, it is actively proposed to further increase the points for settlement in Binhai New Area, Wuqing District, Baodi District, Ninghe District, Jinghai District, and Jizhou District to guide the rational distribution of the population; Relevant municipal departments will further study and adjust the points items and score system based on the city's economic and social development needs and the settlement needs of the non-household registered population.

The reform of the household registration system is one of the topics currently attracting much attention. Household registration is perhaps the deepest imprint of the planned economic system on everyone. Reforming the household registration system is undoubtedly of great significance to adapt to the development of the socialist market economy, adapt to the country's implementation of the Western Development Strategy, promote the marketization of human resources allocation, and ensure the long-term stable development of the Chinese economy. Currently, all parts of the country are accelerating the pace of reform of the household registration management system in light of local realities. (Jinyun News reporters Wang Xiaoyu and Tian Na)