Recently, COCO's circle of friends has been flooded with "Tokyo Girls' Illustrated Book". The profound plot of facing reality is full of resonance. In addition to this drama, many equally exciting online dramas have been released in Japan in recent years. Let COCO tell you one by


Recently, COCO's circle of friends has been flooded with " Tokyo Girls' Illustrated Book ". The profound plot facing reality is full of resonance. In fact, many people don't know that this is an online drama launched by Amazon in Japan, so the scale of the plot is relatively small. The dramas we usually watch will be more open-minded. In addition to this drama, Japan has released many equally exciting online dramas in recent years. Let COCO tell you about them.

"Tokyo Girls' Illustrated Book"

This drama is available on Amazon Japan. A drama launched on the website, each episode is 20 minutes and has a total of eleven very concise episodes. The drama is adapted from the four-frame comic of the same name serialized in "Tokyo Calendar" and tells the story of a single woman living in Tokyo from 20 to 40 years old. The real love and life during this period resonated with many people after the show was aired. Although the plot is set in Tokyo, no matter which big city it is, it will make people feel the same. Every young person working in a big city has experienced the show. The heroine has the same life and life choices.

The heroine was born and raised in Akita Prefecture , a place where Akita dogs are abundant. She only wants to live an enviable life, but the talent scouts on the streets of Tokyo don't pay attention. She couldn't get into Tokyo University. She reluctantly went to a local school but didn't want to live a life where she could see the future at a glance, so she started a long journey of life in Tokyo.

When she first arrived in Tokyo, she could only live in a place called Tokyo. In the old civilian community of Sancha, she lives a simple life with her boyfriend from the same hometown. However, the heroine feels that although this kind of life is beautiful, it is no different from her hometown. In addition, she was promoted to become a brand manager, and she feels that love and life are different. She wanted to move up a notch, so she decided to break up.

Later, she moved to Ebisu and dated a young, rich and handsome boyfriend. Even though her boyfriend said that she was not a man of marriage, she felt that her current life was wonderful. She originally wanted to celebrate her birthday with her boyfriend and bought a dress that was much more than her income. Unexpectedly, her boyfriend let her go and planned to marry a graphic model in the United States.

The heroine who had lost her love was not willing to work in her old company. After continuing to stay, she moved to Gucci as a brand manager, and her level rose a lot. At this time, she also met the wealthy kimono shop owner and became a third party. She stayed in the best hotels and ate at the best restaurants every day. At the same time, she dressed fashionably and seemed to be living the life she wanted. She wanted the relationship to be closer, but in the end she was forced to get married and broke up hastily.

The heroine who wanted to get married later signed up for a blind date website and finally chose what seemed like a marriage. A good and affordable man. However, after getting married, I discovered that all his sweet words and good words were learned from the tutorial, and he was a rough man who did nothing. Soon after getting married, the heroine decisively chose to divorce, and the final result was to make do with her former backup. pass. The seemingly great idea of ​​establishing a foothold in Tokyo came to nothing in the end. Maybe sometimes our changes were too weak. After all, many things were decided from the beginning, and classes are not so easy to cross.

This drama is very realistic. The heroine’s experiences and some of her thoughts are those of us who work hard in big cities. The desire to live a comfortable and comfortable life never stops. Many of the lines in the play are profound and straightforward, which is what makes COCO the most unforgettable. I believe everyone will be very moved when watching it.

"Fukukado Honpo: Kyoto Love Story"

The drama is a TV series jointly launched by Amazon Japan and Fuji TV . It is adapted from the comic "Fukukado Honpo" serialized from 1995 to 2000. It tells the story of the birth of a time-honored Japanese confectionery shop in Kyoto. The story of the love and growth of three sisters. Although the show is not very popular, the overall natural and fresh temperament exuded makes people feel relaxed and happy watching it, and the exquisite Japanese snacks are even more eye-opening.

All actors are wearing traditional Japanese costumes, and the overall style is retro and artistic. There aren't many ups and downs in the plot, and it's basically a short-lived narrative. Among the actors, Nozomi Sasaki and Hayato Ichihara are relatively familiar to us, and their appearances and performances in it are quite exciting.

The traditional fruits in it are very beautiful, and this little flower pastry COCO is so beautiful every time you look at it.

"Underwear White Collar"

The drama is the first online drama co-operated by Netflix and Fuji TV. It tells the story of a homebody who studied fiber fabrics in college and gradually grew up after finding a job at a high-end underwear manufacturer in Ginza, Tokyo. I said A lingerie version of "The Devil Wears Prada."

Kiritani Mirei plays a girl from the countryside. She usually only knows how to study clothing materials and has no knowledge of fashion trends. In the play, she not only grows step by step in the field of underwear research, but her fashion taste is also slowly improving. This play is very helpful for girls who like to match.

Veteran drama star Mao Daichi plays the role of a godmother of underwear trends. Although she seems to have a vicious tongue, she is actually kind-hearted and helps the heroine grow step by step. Although Mao Daichi is already 60 years old, she looks like a career-oriented strong woman with good temperament. Her outfit in the drama is also interesting.


The drama is the first drama launched by Netflix completely independently in Japan. It is adapted from the novella of the same name by comedian Matayoshi Naoki and won the Akutagawa Literary Award. It tells the story of manga talent artist Taiho Tokunaga's encounter by chance. The senior Kamiya Saizo was fascinated by his talent. From then on, the two became both teachers and friends. They worked hard and encouraged each other at the same time. It tells the story of two ordinary people chasing their dreams. The story of independent struggle is exactly the same as the struggle of many young people. It received continuous praise once it was released.

The male protagonist is a person who aspires to be a comic artist, what we call a comedian. Ever since I came to Tokyo from a young age, I wanted to make a name for myself, but my usual workplaces were mostly in supermarkets, and I didn’t have much opportunity to appear on stage. He practiced jokes anytime and anywhere just to make people laugh. However, the jokes were too boring, but he always believed that he could get ahead.

Later he met his master, a person who was also regarded as a loser by us. He seemed to know how to curse people on stage.

The two of them encourage each other and cheer each other on. Because they have the idea of ​​​​changing and innovating, they have been working hard. Occasionally making people laugh is a great comfort.

However, at the end, the two of them still failed to stand out. As the male protagonist said in the film, he has not overturned the inherent norms of the comic world. What his efforts have overturned is the beautiful-sounding encouragement of "hard work will lead to success." The most unforgettable thing about the play is this profoundness. There is no forced and successful ending, only the naked reality. But I hope you won’t despair after reading it. Although it’s sad not to see the results after hard work, the hard work itself may also be a very happy thing.

"The Price"

The drama is an online drama produced by the video website Hulu in Japan. It is adapted from Ioka Shun's novel of the same name. It tells the story of lawyer Keisuke Okuyama who is involved in the case of his childhood friend and has to face the dark past. The scale of this drama is very large, and the three-dimensional view is also very ruined, but the HE at the end gave the audience some comfort.

Oguri Shun plays Keisuke Okuyama, a lawyer that everyone admires. Not only is he famous for his high winning rate in lawsuits, but his love life is also wonderful.

However, when it seemed that life was good, he received a letter from Ando Tatsuya requesting defense. Okuyama became nervous instantly, and his inner fear and uneasiness were completely aroused.

Through the subsequent plot, we learned that Ando's stepmother is Okuyama's mother's cousin. After Ando's family moved here, the kind-hearted Okuyama became good friends with him. However, Ando is an out-and-out delinquent who not only bullies the children around him to collect protection fees, but sometimes even kills other children with the help of Okuyama.

Ando came to Okuyama's house and not only secretly filmed Okuyama's mother changing clothes, but also secretly tasted the smell of Okuyama's underwear while she was taking a shower, and even drugged Okuyama's mother in her rice and raped her.

Later Ando caused an accident and murdered Okuyama's parents, and even annexed their family's property. Okuyama had to stay at Ando's house.

Ando's stepmother not only abused Okuyama wantonly, Ando himself also had an affair with his stepmother. If Okuyama hadn't escaped and lived there later, whether he could survive now would have been a question.

Then the plot returned to the present. Okuyama took the case and originally took the opportunity to send Ando to prison. Later, when he went to court, he learned that all this was Ando's conspiracy, and his reputation was ruined. But the final outcome is that Okuyama succeeds in revenge and Ando gets the punishment he deserves. The ups and downs of the whole drama are quite enjoyable to watch. Although this kind of plot is not uncommon in Japanese dramas, such a dark and straightforward plot still makes people shudder, and there are many large-scale shots in the drama, which give people a strong impact.

After reading COCO’s recommendation, which drama impressed you the most and would you like to watch it?

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