On May 12, 2022, the 33rd Golden Melody Awards announced the trailer. This year’s design still comes from Yang Shiqing, a designer born in 1991 and the director of Forty-Seven Sheep Studio. This is a rising designer who has served clients in the entertainment industry such as Lin

On May 12, 2022, the 33rd Golden Melody Awards announced the preview visual. This year's design still comes from Yang Shiqing, a designer born in 1991 and the director of Forty-Seven Sheep Studio . This is a rookie who has served clients in the entertainment industry such as Lin Youjia, Wei Ruxuan, karencici, Pan Yuwen, Ding Dang, Meixiu Group, etc. designer.

golden song. Heat

Heat itself is like a catalyst, enough to bring about various qualitative changes: the flow of heat transfers energy, and the increase of heat makes objects shine, thereby changing the appearance of the world.

The golden song itself has all kinds of heat: the popularity of the song, the enthusiasm of the entire generation to pursue music, and the influence of creators who are proficient in the field of music.

, duration 00:10

develops colorful vision through the color changed by temperature. It is no longer just single but colorful, irregular, and has great malleability. It also symbolizes the enthusiasm and courage of the musician. , the collision and friction with this world leads us to a new beginning.

The 33rd Golden Melody Awards will move to Kaohsiung again after 17 years. From June 24th to June 26th, the Kaohsiung Popular Music Center will host the 2022 Golden Melody International Music Festival. On July 2nd, the Golden Melody Awards Ceremony will be held in Kaohsiung. Held at the Dome.