The crisis in Ukraine has reached today. It seems that Putin's goal of preventing NATO's eastward expansion is far away. Not only is Ukraine preparing to join NATO, but Finland has also announced that it will join NATO. Rumors about President Putin's personal health are also grad

Ukraine is in crisis today. It seems that Putin 's goal of preventing NATO's eastward expansion is far away. Not only is Ukraine preparing to join NATO , Finland has also announced that it will join NATO. Rumors about President Putin's own health are also gradually increasing, and even U.S. intelligence personnel were lingering outside the Russian embassy in the United States, trying to lure Russian diplomats into rebellion. Russian Ambassador to the United States Antonov said in a video interview that Russia clearly informed the United States that Moscow would not surrender in Ukraine.

Can Putin not handle it anymore? Will Russia surrender? Obviously not, but someone obviously deliberately created this atmosphere. At the same time, the signals sent by Biden whereabouts are also very important. After Biden arrived in a small town in Poland on March 26 and looked at Kiev in the distance and cursed Putin, Biden never set foot in Europe again, even when British Prime Minister Johnson, European Union Chairman and other NATO country leaders arrived. During his visit to Kiev, Biden also successively sent the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the US Senate Republican leader McConnell to visit Kiev. Even his wife visited Ukraine. However, he no longer set foot in Europe and was intensifying his deployment in Asia. Big chessboard, seems to feel that his own time is running out.

First, NATO's eastward expansion continues. The United States has spent 40 billion US dollars to support Ukraine and Russia in fighting to the last man. Biden is talking about a protracted war and letting Russia collapse from attrition.

On April 22, 2022, the Finnish National Parliament voted 113 in favor and 12 against to join NATO. On May 12, the President and Prime Minister of Finland issued a joint statement emphasizing the need for Finland to immediately apply to join NATO. html On the 14th, the President of Finland had a phone conversation with Putin on joining NATO. At present, Finland's joining NATO will undoubtedly be an explosive event, and Russia has issued a serious warning about this.

The land border between Russia and Finland is 1,340 kilometers long, and Finland is close to the Russian Arctic ice-free port of Murmansk and the country's second largest city St. Petersburg . Once Finland joins NATO, the security threat to Russia will be huge. Some people even analyzed that this move will allow NATO to fill the gap in encircling Russia.

Under this situation, the United States' 40 billion + Ukraine's death + Finland's joining NATO are enough to make Biden think that Russia has fallen into a Soviet-style " Afghanistan quagmire", plus Poland , Lithuania and other countries' NATO speakers protection, unscrupulous provocation, and an attempt to consume Russia to the end.

Ukrainian President Zelensky even called on the United States to officially recognize Russia as a "terrorist state" when U.S. Senate Republican leader McConnell arrived in Kyiv for a visit. In other words, the U.S. "war agents" in Europe are crazy enough, and the Bidens can rest assured to besiege China.

Secondly, Biden sent a signal to win over ASEAN and will visit South Korea and Japan. A shock wave in Asia is about to come, and China will be the next target to be attacked by the United States.

According to Japan's "Asahi Shimbun" report on May 14, the special US-ASEAN leaders' summit kicked off in Washington on the 12th, indicating that the Biden administration intends to strengthen relations with ASEAN leaders to contain China. The media shouted the slogan "Win them over and surround China", believing that Biden wanted to entertain ASEAN leaders in Washington because he wanted to draw ASEAN into his own camp. In addition to the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue Mechanism of Japan, the United States, Australia, and India, which is regarded by the US government as the core of the Indo-Pacific strategy, and the Australia-UK-US alliance, the United States also wants to obtain assistance from ASEAN to create an "encirclement network" against China.

This kind of encirclement, I call it "non-war agent", which marks the United States' means of containing China, from hot war kung fu to cold war tools. Although this special summit, like Russia’s special military operations, had a bad start. The traces of the American patchwork conference are obvious, and just like Biden's body, it feels a bit reluctant.But we must see that Biden has gone from being a habitual offender who has repeatedly ignited wars to shouting that the world is completely different. It also marks that the United States has strategically focused on containing big countries like China and Russia after sweeping across weak countries such as , Iraq, , and Afghanistan. The mode of containment has shifted from hot war to cold war. In other words, the US's "war agent" tactics are spreading. Its intention is to continue to search for "war agents" around China and at the same time find "non-war agents" in ASEAN as a helper to contain China.

Of course, American politicians have never forgotten to look for "war agents." Just as the White House was confirming Biden's trip to Asia, 9 Republican representatives jointly sent a letter on the 12th, calling on Biden to consider I will visit Taiwan next week.

Third, the G7 clearly requires China "not to undermine" the Western sanctions against Russia. The United States and other Western groups are focusing on Asia and besieging China in an attempt to kill two birds with one stone.

American politicians have been trying to make China choose sides, even at the expense of many times. Make threats. The most recent one was on May 14. The G7 foreign ministers' meeting issued a statement on the day it ended, promising to expand economic sanctions against Russia to "areas that Russia is particularly dependent on" and urging China to "not undermine" Western sanctions against Russia.

History is sometimes strikingly similar. The starting point of the attack on the Soviet Union was Nazi Germany. The meeting of over 40 defense ministers hosted by the United States on April 26 was also in Germany. This G7 foreign ministers meeting was also held in Germany. In a lengthy statement issued after the meeting, China clearly stated "four don'ts" regarding the situation in Russia and Ukraine: Do not provide help in Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine; Do not undermine the sanctions imposed on Ukraine due to Russia's attack on Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity. Sanctions; do not defend Russia's actions in Ukraine; do not legitimize Russia's aggressive war against Ukraine through manipulated information, disinformation and other means." etc.

These Western politicians really took themselves seriously and issued four instructions to the Chinese people The Chinese people who stand up will not be suppressed by the foreign powers. The "four don'ts" are a naked interference in China's internal affairs. Even Medvedev, Vice Chairman of the Russian Federation Security Council. can’t stand it anymore. In the early morning of the 15th, he posted on his Telegram channel that the G7 is continuing to directly interfere in China’s affairs by urging China not to help Russia evade sanctions.

This is true, but it also indicates the main direction of the United States and other Western countries. A diversion, in an attempt to use "encirclement and reinforcements" to encircle and suppress Russia and attack China on a larger scale, achieving its insidious attempt to kill two birds with one stone.

At this time, China must maintain strategic focus and always have a correct understanding and understanding. Grasp the major theoretical and practical issues of my country's development, especially to correctly understand and grasp the prevention and resolution of major risks, take into account both the international and domestic situations, effectively grasp the opportunities and challenges brought about by the great changes in the international situation, and work for China's development and the world's counter-hegemony The cause reflects the responsibilities of a responsible big country. China can only become stronger if it becomes tougher!

One sentence summary: If the friend comes, he will be greeted with a shotgun!

Qin An, May 16, 2022, Haidian, Beijing
