According to a Reuters report on the 13th, the chief scientist of the World Health Organization recommended on Monday not to mix new coronavirus vaccines produced by different manufacturers, calling this a "dangerous trend" because there is currently very little information in th

According to 3, the chief scientist of the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended on Monday not to mix new coronavirus vaccines produced by different manufacturers, calling this a "dangerous trend" due to concerns about this There is currently very little information on this.

Dr. Soumya Swaminathan said at the WHO online briefing: "This is a somewhat dangerous trend. We are still in a mixed vaccination situation. A zone of no data, no evidence. There is very limited data on mixed vaccinations, and the situation will be very confusing if people start to decide for themselves when to receive the second, third and fourth dose of the vaccine." Experts are now weighing whether people who received Johnson & Johnson's single-dose vaccine should then receive , Pfizer's or Moderna's mRNA vaccine as a booster, which some say is more effective against the highly contagious Delta variant.

Dr. Angela Rasmussen, a researcher at the University of Saskatchewan's Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization, is one of those studying mixed vaccines. She made news when she said on Twitter that she had received a dose of Pfizer's vaccine in June after receiving the Johnson & Johnson vaccine in April. She recommended that others who get the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, especially those who live in areas with lower vaccination rates, talk with their doctors about whether they can do the same.

Separately, Pfizer is urging U.S. and European regulators to approve a third booster shot to complement its two-dose regimen. But many health officials, including WHO expert Swaminathan, believe there is no medical evidence that a third dose of the Pfizer vaccine is necessary. "This has to be based on science and data, not individual companies," Swaminathan said.

Rather than providing boosters to highly vaccinated wealthy countries, the WHO director-general said on Monday the vaccines should be given to the WHO to help poorer countries whose unvaccinated citizens desperately need vaccines against The Delta variant, which he said is “spreading across the world at a breakneck pace.”

html On April 13, the German federal government and state health ministers decided after discussions that people under the age of 60 who have received the first dose of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine will switch to other vaccines for the second dose. This means that a total of about 2.2 million people in Germany will receive vaccines "mixed".

html On June 1, Canada’s National Advisory Committee on Immunization announced new regulations to allow mixed vaccination of COVID-19 vaccines in order to further speed up the vaccination progress.

html On June 14, the Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA) stated that after receiving the first dose of AstraZeneca vaccine , people under the age of 60 can receive a second dose of a different new coronavirus vaccine.

On May 20, Shao Yiming, a researcher at the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and a member of the expert team of the vaccine research and development team of the scientific research team, , said at the State Council Joint Prevention and Control Press Conference that mixed vaccines will generally belong to the same technical route. Vaccines are mixed. Based on a large number of scientific research experiments, it has been shown that vaccines using the same technical route from different manufacturers have exactly the same effect, which will neither affect the protective effect nor the safety of the vaccine.

(Editor: ZLQ)