Recently, the Korean entertainment industry has revealed that the parents of artists are "suspected of fraud." Victim A stated that he was defrauded of tens of millions of Korean won by Tiffany’s father, Hwang, and has not yet paid it back.

The Korean entertainment industry has recently revealed that the parents of artists are "suspected of fraud", starting from Microdot to Dok2, Rain, Ma Dongxi, MAMAMOO Wheein, Lee Sang Yeob, etc. On the 4th, it was revealed that the father of Tiffany, a member of Girls' Generation , also defrauded others of tens of millions and has not yet paid back. (Original article by Korean girl group)

Victim A said that she was defrauded by Tiffany’s father, Huang, of tens of millions of Korean won in the past and has not yet paid it back. A met Huang in 2007 in Manila, Philippines, and Huang used to acquire He borrowed money from a local golf course. At that time, he lent him 35 million won because he trusted Hwang. Later, when he learned that his acquisition failed, he refused to get the money back when he went to ask for it.

Later, when he tried to contact Huang, he was unable to contact anyone. A, who had never gotten the money back, accused Huang on the Internet of owing money. Only then did Huang show up and ask A to delete the article, and only paid A 200 Ten thousand won, and even asked the underworld to threaten him. Mr. A also said, "I had already given up the money, but similar incidents happened one after another recently, so I mustered up the courage to expose this matter." He is legally responsible for every word he says. If there is a lie, Be willing to accept punishment.

Regarding this matter, Tiffany issued a statement through her agency Transparent Artist Entertainment on the 5th. She said at the beginning, "I only learned about this person who was once victimized by his father because of news reports. I feel very sad and sorry. I hope to express my condolences to those who are worried about this." Express my position. "

" I spent a difficult childhood because of my father's debt problem. After I debuted, I was threatened because I didn't understand my father's debt problem. I was also forced by my father to help pay off the debt. After all, it was a family matter. , I have taken on financial responsibilities many times, and I am even more afraid that these things will cause harm to my precious members and people around me. "

"Despite this, I was often threatened by my father and creditors, and in the end I could no longer bear it. Due to these issues, I decided to sort out my relationship with my father and have cut off contact for about 7 years."

finally said, "Although I use bad things to disclose my family relationship, I have been hurt by my father's victimization and being related to me for a long time. I write this article with an apologetic heart and once again sincerely apologize for this controversy."