Exercise is the most direct and effective way to recover. Generally speaking, if a woman has a normal delivery, she can do normal exercises around 5 weeks. If she has a caesarean section, she can do appropriate exercises around the 7th week.

"Why, I must have been chanted by auntie's Great Compassion Mantra again." I don't know how many times my best friend Xiao Ke said this. After hearing this, Ms. Zhao let out a long sigh and expressed her helplessness.

It turns out that Ms. Zhao has been married for a long time and has never had children. As she said to her mother, let’s talk about having children later.

Ms. Zhao’s mother did not appreciate this, but became even more aggressive, clamoring all day long to have her grandson. After finally obeying her mother's advice and getting married, Ms. Zhao still had a headache when she thought about being forced to have a child.

To be honest, Ms. Zhao herself couldn’t explain why she didn’t really want a child. Maybe she was afraid of what would happen after giving birth. She has seen on the Internet that many pregnant women will have many indescribable conditions after giving birth, such as their belly becoming saggy. This makes Ms. Zhao feel scared even thinking about it.

Seeing Ms. Zhao like this, her best friend Xiaoke also repeatedly persuaded her that maybe the situation was not as bad as she thought, and besides, this was a necessary stage in life. But Ms. Zhao still has no idea of ​​having children.

In fact, not only Ms. Zhao, many women will have this kind of anxiety, and they will be more or less panicked. After all, I have no experience in giving birth, and it is not easy to be pregnant for ten months.

We all know that after a woman gives birth, her body will undergo corresponding changes compared to before. The biggest change is in the belly. After all, it is the place where little lives are conceived. The impact of childbirth on women is still quite big. .

So what happens to a woman’s belly after giving birth?

1. Stretch marks appear

As the name suggests, stretch marks are definitely related to pregnancy. They refer to the ugly lines left on the belly of pregnant women during pregnancy or after giving birth. This is actually the phenomenon of skin fiber breakage in pregnant women, just like the many white lines on the knees of many people. It is due to the rapid bone development, which leads to the breakage of skin fibers.

Although it is a normal phenomenon during pregnancy, it has a great psychological impact on pregnant women, especially some women who particularly love beauty, and they are even more worried about it.

2. Saggy belly

Sagging belly can be said to be a problem for many women. As soon as they sit down, there are layers of swimming rings. Some pregnant women's bellies will become flabby directly after giving birth to their children, which makes them unbearable.

You can imagine that during pregnancy, a woman’s belly has been bulging. Suddenly the baby leaves the body, and it is expected that the belly will become loose.

Belly laxity actually begins to occur during fetal development. As the child continues to grow and develop during pregnancy, a woman's abdominal muscles and skin will expand excessively outwards, leading to rupture of the cortex, resulting in abdominal laxity and loss of original elasticity. This is almost simultaneous with the occurrence of stretch marks. .

Like Ms. Zhao, many women are often discouraged and afraid of having children when they know the impact on their skin after giving birth. However, everyone's physical condition is different. Some women's bodies will quickly return to their prenatal state after giving birth.

As we all know, Kunling gave birth to two children for Jay Chou. Kunling had previously posted pictures of her postpartum recovery on the Internet. Many netizens were surprised when they saw it and couldn't believe that this was the body after giving birth. Many women cast envious glances.

Some women even said that giving birth is not as scary as they thought, and I can still be the same person I once was.

In fact, after a woman gives birth, as long as she masters some body recovery skills and adopts the correct method, her body will recover quickly. So what should we pay attention to?

1. Ensure adequate sleep

For mothers who have just given birth, adequate sleep is essential. Good sleep has many effects on pregnant women. On the contrary, bad sleeping habits will increase the accumulation of toxins in the body, thereby affecting fat metabolism, which is not conducive to the rapid reduction of belly fat.In addition, adequate sleep will also keep pregnant women in a good mood.

2. Good diet and nutrition

In order to lose fat quickly, many pregnant women strictly control their body’s nutritional intake, especially fat-containing foods, and exclude them uniformly. In fact, it is best to make a nutritional list to properly ensure that the body A balanced intake of nutrients is also good for the body.

3. Adequate physical exercise

For women who need to restore their figure after giving birth, exercise is essential. Exercise is the most direct and effective way to recover. Generally speaking, if a woman has a normal delivery, she can do normal exercises around 5 weeks. If she has a caesarean section, she can do appropriate exercises around the 7th week. Of course, pregnant women can do it according to their own exercise habits.

Seeing this, are you moms still worried about having a soft belly? By adopting effective and appropriate methods, you can recover your body as soon as possible. Finally, I wish all mothers to become younger and more beautiful!