Former "Executive President" Lai Ching-te said on the 7th that Taiwan has the ability to have a "free and open economy" throughout the island, rather than specifically planning it in a certain city.

Former "Executive President" Lai Ching-te said on the 7th about the "Free Economic Zone" issue that Taiwan has the ability to have a "free and open economy" throughout the island, rather than specifically planning it in a certain city. Chen Ju, secretary-general of the Cai Office, was questioned about her support for the establishment of a "self-economic zone" when she was mayor of Kaohsiung. She clarified that they should not be compared in different time and space. Taoyuan Mayor Zheng Wencan believes that former New Taipei City Mayor Zhu Lilun misunderstood the difference between a "free trade zone", a "free trade port zone" and a "free economic demonstration zone". In response, Zhu Lilun said, "Thank you Lai Qingde for supporting the Free Economic Zone. Can you please advise Chen Ju and Zheng Wencan?"

According to Taiwan's Dongsen News Cloud, Zhu Lilun said on Facebook on the 7th that he questioned Tsai Ing-wen's " The discussion of "Self-Economic Zone" is deliberately confusing and misleading the people, and named Lai Qingde, Chen Ju, and Zheng Wencan. They supported the "Self-Economic Zone" when they were local heads. Now, fifteen local heads of the Kuomintang have jointly supported it. Since the "Economic Zone", they have begun to "revolt against the blue" and "rebel against the Chinese". They have changed their heads when they changed their positions. They did not put the interests of the Taiwanese people first at all. As a result, the three kings of the Democratic Progressive Party, Lai Qingde, , Chen Ju, and Zheng Wencan all responded, but they obviously didn't have a good trick. The responses were completely different and even contradictory to each other.

Zhu Lilun pointed out that Lai Qingde said that Taiwan has the ability to be a free and open economy throughout the island, and there is no need to demarcate which city. "I want to affirm Lai Qingde's courage to tell the truth, just like he bravely said that Tsai Ing-wen operates the website The fact that the military attacked him is the same." Lai Qingde did not use the excuses of "washing the origin of mainland goods" and "the United States will sanction" to deceive the people. This must be highly affirmed.

Zhu Lilun mentioned that the difference between them and Lai Qingde is that the "Self-Economic Zone" is a step-by-step approach, and the island-wide opening up is done in one step. But now even the DPP's rebound in the step-by-step "Self-Economic Zone" has been so big, and the comprehensive opening up in one step is Opening up may not be practical unless Lai Qingde can first convince his fellow party comrades.

Zhu Lilun pointed out that Zheng Wencan said that "free trade port" and "free economic zone" are different. "I would like to ask everyone to take a look at Mayor Zheng Wencan's proposition two days ago. He said that Taoyuan will develop a free trade port zone The first phase will be expanded to include the Taoyuan Aviation City Industrial Zone. Isn’t this the concept we have always advocated for the free trade port to be expanded into a free economic zone?” Zheng Wencan changed his statement in just a few days.

Zhu Lilun said bluntly, Zheng Wencan also said that because the "Free Trade Port" has controls, there will be no doubts about "washing the place of origin." In the era of electronic monitoring of customs affairs, the "Free Economic Zone" also has stricter controls to control the flow of raw materials. , "Why should Mayor Zheng Wencan fight for the opposite?"

As for Chen Ju's statement that the time and space backgrounds for the "Free Economic Zone" back then were different and cannot be compared, Zhu Lilun said that there was no factor in the US-China trade war at that time. At this time, Taiwan The economic environment is more difficult than at that time, international competition and regional integration are intensifying, and the need for industrial transformation is more urgent. All objective conditions point to the need for a more open environment in Taiwan.

Zhu Lilun believes that under the Sino-US trade war, the "Free Economic Zone" is not a threat, but a window of opportunity. The tax-free characteristics of the "Free Economic Zone" can be used to attract Taiwanese businessmen to return, increase investment by Taiwanese businessmen, and bring Taiwanese businessmen back. The production chain is connected in series with . As long as strict control is done, the "free economic zone" will not be a crisis but a turning point within the overall framework of the Sino-US trade war.

Zhu Lilun denounced Tsai Ing-wen's statement of "washing the place of origin" to deceive the public. If the added value of a product in Taiwan is more than 35% and is deemed to be produced in Taiwan, it is not called "washing" the place of origin, but it can be recognized as such in the first place. , "Now that the whole world is enjoying free trade, what's all the fuss about? Does Tsai Ing-wen want to completely ban mainland goods from being imported into Taiwan?"

Zhu Lilun said, if there is no added value in Taiwan, the "origin" will be changed. Label, this is " forged document " and "fraud". According to the law, it is necessary to trace and control. In the past, there were cases of products from Japan's nuclear disaster area secretly changing the origin label for import. According to the "law", they are also traced and punished. " Tsai's administration doesn't need to tie anything up to mainland China before using it to intimidate the people."

Finally, Zhu Lilun criticized that the DPP mobilized the power of the "Fuyuan Party" from top to bottom to discredit and block the "Self-Economic Zone" precisely because the "Self-Economic Zone" stepped on the DPP "The Kuomintang must come up with a complete argument to fight, defend bravely, and cannot retreat." The Kuomintang will not sell out Taiwan. What we are afraid of is that the DPP will sell out the future of the next generation! "