In response to the one-month ban on the export of masks, Taiwan's Customs Administration said that people traveling abroad do not need to apply for export declarations within the scope of personal use, but they are limited to five boxes per person and no more than 50 pieces per b

Many people on the island reported that they could not buy masks. At the tourist factory attached to Huaxin, a major mask manufacturer, there were even long lines of people lining up to buy masks yesterday. The Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Taiwan authorities said that the production capacity of mask factories continues to increase, and it can be increased to 930,000 pieces per day from yesterday to the fifth day of the Lunar New Year. Logistics operators will go to work tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and will give priority to increasing the number of masks in stores around transportation stations and medical institutions. Supply. Taiwan's "Ministry of Health and Welfare" has released one million tablets to e-commerce and medical supplies channels yesterday; from now until the 30th, it has released two million tablets to pharmaceuticals and cosmetics and the four major supermarkets every day.

In response to the one-month ban on the export of masks, Taiwan's Customs Administration said that people traveling abroad do not need to apply for export declarations within the scope of personal use, but they are limited to five boxes per person and no more than 50 pieces per box.

Taipei Mayor Ke Wenzhe yesterday ordered all front-line personnel in public institutions to wear masks. The Kaohsiung City Education Bureau said that starting from February 11, the opening day of primary and secondary schools, everyone entering and exiting the campus must wear a mask. Chen Shizhong, commander of the command center and Taiwan's "Minister of Health and Welfare," said that the health insurance card has been added to the cloud with the information of people who have traveled to Wuhan, allowing doctors to immediately understand their travel history when seeking medical treatment.

Source: United News Network