She caused a sensation when she visited Europe with the Vietnamese emperor. People crowded to see her in her prime. However, the most beautiful queen in Asia, who was favored when she was young, was abandoned in her old age.

He wanted to marry her despite the opposition of the whole world

She is the most beautiful queen in Asia . Because of her beauty, she stunned the whole of Europe. People crowded their heads just to see her in her prime.

How beautiful is she?

When the king saw her for the first time, he sighed that she was so stunningly beautiful that he went against the ancestral rules in order to marry her and promised to love her only for the rest of his life.

However, this peerless beauty embarked on a life of ups and downs. In her later years, she was abandoned and died alone.

She is Vietnam the last queen Nanfang .

In 1934, the 21-year-old Vietnamese Emperor Bao Dai married 20-year-old Ruan Youlan. Just four days later, Emperor Bao Dai broke the entire Vietnamese system for her.

She was given the title of queen and was called the "Queen of Nam Phuong" . In an instant, the whole of Vietnam was a sensation.

Just because she was named a queen was not in line with the system, because when the emperor of the Ruan Dynasty was in power, his wife could only be named a concubine, and she could only be posthumously named a queen after the emperor passed away.

Bao Dadi This behavior is simply a joke with his own life!

What is the origin of Ruan Youlan?

Ruan Youlan was born in a very wealthy family in Vietnam. Because of this, she had the opportunity to receive higher education from an early age.

When she was 12 years old, she was sent to study in Paris, France, and she also became a French national . When she returned from her studies, she was already a slim girl with outstanding temperament.

All these experiences in the first half of her life were the preparation for her to become a queen.

At a dance, her unique temperament and beautiful appearance attracted the attention of many men, including Emperor Bao Dad.

This dance was arranged by the French Governor, and those who could participate were either rich or noble. In such a circle, Ruan Youlan was destined to not be mediocre in her life.

Emperor Bao Dai was the last emperor of the last dynasty of Vietnam, named Nguyen Phuc Hai. He ascended the throne at the age of 12 and has been studying in Paris since then. Their similar experiences are destined to intersect in fate.

Emperor Bao Dad fell in love with her at first sight, and the two gradually fell in love with each other. Soon, Emperor Bao Dad directly announced the news of their marriage. In the announcement of their engagement, Emperor Bao Dad once said affectionately:

"The future queen, In her person was a combination of Western elegance and Eastern charm. I met her on one occasion and believed her to be worthy of our companions and contemporaries, and we were convinced that her conduct and example were entirely worthy of that of the first woman of the Empire. Title. "

In fact, this seemingly marriage between a talented man and a beautiful woman was accomplished by Emperor Bao despite the pressure from the whole world.

After he announced the news of his engagement, most of the people were dissatisfied because the two believed in different religions. Some people even began to spread some conspiracy theories. Even Emperor Bao's mother strongly opposed it.

But despite this, Emperor Bao was still determined to marry Ruan Youlan, and insisted on giving her the title of queen as an exception. He even publicly promised Ruan Youlan that he was willing to abide by monogamy for her and there would be no other marriages. Concubine .

Her husband is the emperor, and he has given his lover the supreme position, and he also treats her wholeheartedly. Ruan Youlan suddenly becomes the envy of every woman. Such a chosen person must have accumulated countless blessings in his previous life .

caused a sensation in Europe

She is the most beautiful queen in Asia. She only attended one event and set off a frenzy in Europe.

Ruan Youlan was favored because of her beauty. Although she was a woman, Emperor Bao Dai allowed her to participate in politics and even took her to attend international occasions .

One year after the two got married, Ruan Youlan gave birth to a prince. Not only did the whole country rejoice, but Emperor Bao Dad was also very happy because this was his first child and the fruit of his love with his lover.

After the prince was born, Emperor Bao Dad immediately made him the prince. In the following years, as a queen, she did not disappoint her husband or even the entire royal family.

Ruan Youlan gave birth to children one after another, gave birth to a total of 5 children . Over the years, she has established a solid foundation in Vietnam. Whether in the royal family or in the heart of Emperor Bao Dai, her status has long been unshakable.

In 1939, Ruan Youlan got the opportunity to officially visit Europe. She accompanied Emperor Bao Dai to Europe to participate in political activities. Unexpectedly, it caused a frenzy in Europe.

In the original impression of Europeans, Ruan Youlan, as Queen Nanfang of the Ruan Dynasty royal family, must be wearing dark, weird, stereotyped and ugly traditional clothes . However, when Europeans saw Ruan Youlan for the first time, everyone was deeply impressed. Deeply shocked.

A reporter at the time described Ruan Youlan as follows: "(She) did not wear the traditional black long-sleeved robe and veil, but wore a gold coat embroidered with dragons, a red scarf, a gold hat and silver trousers."

Ruan Youlan Her appearance shocked almost half of Europe. She eliminated many Westerners' prejudice against Asia, and her dress was greatly enhanced by her beauty. This caused a wave of imitation of her in Europe at that time.

Ruan Youlan is a typical woman blessed by fate. It is a pity that she can have a tragic life because she was born in Vietnam .

As early as the Qing Dynasty Vietnam was still a vassal state of China. However, in the late Qing Dynasty, Vietnam became a French colony. When Ruan Youlan was born, Vietnam had become stable.

Under the jurisdiction of France, Emperor Bao didn't actually have much freedom. He was just a puppet emperor . In such troubled times, her life was destined to be extraordinary.

On the eve of the end of World War II , Emperor Bao Dai briefly became independent for a period of time under the instigation of Japan. However, within a few days, Vietnam had a leader. He forced Emperor Bao Dai to abdicate and established the Republic of Vietnam. This person is Ho chi minh .

After the Nguyen royal family's regime was overthrown, Emperor Bao Dai became the last emperor, and Ruan Youlan also became the last queen. However, the new Vietnamese government did not treat them harshly.

Emperor Bao Dai served as a nominal government adviser, and Ruan Youlan also became one of the committees, but it was not easy to live under the supervision of others.

For Emperor Bao Dad, he used to be the lord of the world, but now he has become a small official. This change in status made him unable to adapt to it for a long time. The next year, he took his whole family to Hong Kong .

No last emperor had an easy life. Without the treatment of an emperor, he had to hide around. This kind of life put great pressure on his heart.

However, Ruan Youlan did not leave him. She stayed with Emperor Bao Dad every day, enlightening him while taking care of his five children, hoping that he could get out of the shadows quickly.

However, Ruan Youlan, who was now old and yellow and out of shape due to having many children, could no longer appease Emperor Bao Dad's heart.

The Chinese people knew that "serving the emperor with sex" could not last long. Sure enough, Emperor Bao Dad soon fell in love with another man. He fell in love with a Chinese.

After being abandoned in his later years,

said that he would not take concubines in his life, but he married a Chinese woman in the blink of an eye. The affection of Emperor Bao Dai of Vietnam did not belong to Queen Nam Fong alone.

In 1946, Emperor Bao Dad married Huang Xiaolan in Hong Kong and made her his concubine.

It has only been 12 years since he vowed to marry Ruan Youlan. Ruan Youlan did not complain about what Emperor Bao Dad did. She understood that her husband had his own difficulties in his heart.

The most changeable thing in the world is the human heart. His transference and love for Ruan Youlan are all due to his unwillingness and resistance to fate.

Emperor Bao Dai was never reconciled to the fall of the Nguyen Dynasty. He had been secretly waiting for the opportunity for many years until 1949, when France regained control of the south. With the support of Vietnam, Emperor Bao Dai established a provisional government and became Head of state .

He is still dreaming of returning to the peak of power.

Ruan Youlan has always disagreed with Emperor Bao Dad's behavior. She does not want her husband to be involved in power again. All she wants is for her family to be safe.

It was precisely because of this that the two began to have differences. Emperor Bao became more and more disgusted with her. At this time, he had already forgotten how much effort he had put into marrying his beloved woman.

Ruan Youlan had nothing to do with his persistence. Seeing that the beauties around him kept getting married, she was frustrated and decided to give up her husband and go to live in France with her children.

She is originally French, and there is a property here that her grandfather once bought for her. She is raising her children while waiting for her husband to change his mind.

In 1954, Ho Chi Minh led the Vietnamese people to defeat France and achieve independence. Emperor Bao Dai's dream was completely shattered and he could only flee to France.

But even at this time, Emperor Bao Dad's dislike of Ruan Youlan had not diminished by half. The two were in France together but had never met once.

Ruan Youlan failed to wait for her husband to change his mind for the rest of her life. She even died of a sudden heart attack. Emperor Bao Dad did not even attend her funeral.

Ruan Youlan was only 49 years old this year. If she could have been discovered in time when she got sick, she might have had a glimmer of hope.

Emperor Bao was so crazy about her back then, and now he is so heartless towards her. It is really unimaginable that a woman who was so gorgeous and envied by everyone in the past ended up like this.

Her funeral was very deserted. Apart from her children, only two local French officials attended. At this time, who would have thought that she had once been a queen who caused a sensation in Europe.

Ruan Youlan was buried in the local cemetery. Although she had long been a French citizen, she always considered herself the queen of Vietnam. Even the tombstone was written in Chinese characters.

After this, Emperor Bao Dad quickly married his second wife, a French woman who was 29 years younger than him. In addition, he had three concubines and countless confidante.

In the second half of his life, apart from dreaming of regaining power, Emperor Bao Dad never experienced any loneliness. He once promised Ruan Youlan not to take concubines, but now he has long forgotten it.

Ruan Youlan’s life can’t help but make people sigh, A woman of unparalleled beauty has such an ending. For her, she cannot control the fate of a country. After becoming an ordinary person, she just hopes to live with her husband. to the lives of ordinary people.

It's a pity that Emperor Bao Dad still can't understand her.