Go to a reliable platform and find a reliable overseas job. Welcome to pay attention to the "waipai.com". If you want to work in Australia, you must first consider the issue of English and skills. Many Chinese people have substandard English and no special skills. When setting fo

is a reliable platform to find reliable overseas jobs. Welcome to pay attention to the "foreign employment network"

If you want to work in Australia, you must first consider the issue of English and skills. Many Chinese people have substandard English and no special skills. It is very difficult to go to Australia, let alone work in Australia. There are many unscrupulous intermediaries in the market who falsely advertise and use the generous working benefits in Australia to defraud a large amount of application fees. You need to carefully screen and choose the path that suits you according to your own situation.

Today I will take a closer look at:


462 Working Holiday Visa

Working Holiday Visa, also called WHV, is a one-year visa that allows you to work full-time in Australia. The working holiday visa is open for application 3-4 times a year, with a total of 5,000 places available. After meeting certain conditions, you can also apply for a second visa or even a third visa, which means you can work in Australia for up to three years with this type of visa.

Of course, many friends regard the working holiday visa as a springboard. After coming to Australia and working for a period of time, they can make further study abroad and immigration plans based on their own circumstances.

To apply for a working holiday visa, you need to meet the following basic conditions:

▪ Be over 18 years old but under 31 when the application is submitted;

▪ Have a college degree or above or have completed at least two years of university study;

▪ Have basic skills Applied English proficiency (equivalent to IELTS score 4.5 or above);

▪ Sufficient funds to support a working holiday in Australia (about 5000 Australian dollars );

▪ No record of holding a 417 visa to Australia;


500 student visa

If you do not meet the application conditions for a working holiday visa, or you have not secured a quota, or you want to learn some additional knowledge and skills while working, you may consider applying for a student visa.

Many people are more concerned about tuition fees. Higher education programs are what we often call undergraduates, masters, etc. The tuition fees for these programs are generally relatively high. If your financial ability is limited, you can consider skills courses. The minimum tuition fee is about 6,000 Australian dollars per year. Recently, the Immigration Bureau has lowered the risk level for Chinese students, which means that some application conditions for student visas, such as financial and English proficiency requirements, have been relaxed.

However, I need to remind everyone that the student visa stipulates that you cannot legally work more than 40 hours every two weeks! After all, the main purpose of a student visa is to study rather than work.

If you want to find a job with

a relatively high salary during your studies, it is recommended to choose a major with a higher salary such as chef, carpentry, and auto repair. After studying a qualified course, you can also apply for a 1.5-year 485 graduate work visa after graduation. You can work full-time in Australia or even immigrate.


476 Australia recognized overseas graduate visa (engineering major only)

476 visa is an 18-month temporary work visa. Eligible engineering degrees can apply, and spouses and children can also join the visa application.To apply for the 476 visa, you need to meet the following conditions:

▪ No more than 31 years old (not included) at the time of application;

▪ IELTS (listening, speaking, reading and writing 4 items) with no less than 6 points in each component;

▪ Obtain a bachelor's degree in engineering 2 years before application Degree, undergraduate, master's, doctorate or postgraduate diploma (choose one);

▪ Engineering majors must be: civil, structural, chemical, environmental, mechanical, manufacturing, plant production, electrical and electronics, mining and materials engineering;

▪ Apply People must graduate from designated institutions in Australia: there are 12 in China, as follows:

Beijing Normal University (China) Beijing Normal University

Beijing Petroleum University (China) China Petroleum University

Beijing University of Chemical Technology (China) Beijing University of Chemical Technology

Beijing University of Technology (formerly Beijing Polytechnic University) (China)Beijing University of Technology

China University of Mining & Technology - Beijing (China) China University of Mining and Technology

Chongqing University (China)Chongqing University

Guangzhou University (China)Guangzhou University

Shanghai Jiaotong University ( China)Shanghai Jiaotong University

Shanghai University of Engineering Science (China) Shanghai University of Engineering and Technology

Tongji University (China)Tongji University

Tsinghua University (China)Tsinghua University

University of Science and Technology - Beijing (China) 北京科技大学

If The institution where you obtained your engineering degree is not listed above, but your academic qualifications belong to the " Washington Agreement " certified academic qualifications. For example, most engineering undergraduate or master's degrees graduated from the UK are academically recognized by the Washington Agreement, then you can also apply 476 visa.


482 Employer Sponsored Visa

482 visa length is generally 2-4 years, and you can work full-time in Australia. Compared with the above two types of visas, the application conditions for employer sponsorship are relatively high. Its basic requirements include the following:

▪ At least two years of work experience related to the sponsored position, and the experience needs to be after completing the relevant academic qualifications (Post- qualification)

▪ There is already an Australian employer who meets the sponsorship qualifications and is willing to sponsor

▪ Meet the requirements of job authenticity

▪ Minimum IELTS total score 5.0 (4.5 points in each subject)

The employer sponsorship visa is based on the qualifications of the sponsoring employer and the authenticity of the nominated occupation. The review is very comprehensive and strict. It is quite difficult for overseas people to apply directly. It is more suitable for students who have lived or worked in Australia for a period of time to apply. They have the opportunity to gain favor from employers through actual work and successfully obtain sponsorship qualifications. .


491 Remote Area State Sponsored Visa

If you have many years of work experience overseas, especially in occupations with relatively high technical content, and your English is not bad, you may be able to apply directly from overseas for the 491 Remote Area State Sponsored Visa. The 491 visa is equivalent to a 5-year temporary resident visa, which allows you to work full-time and enjoy the same benefits as a permanent residence. After obtaining the visa, if you meet the income requirements within 3 years of 5 years, you can become a 191 permanent resident. In view of the complexity of this type of visa, I will not go into details here.


The suitable groups and characteristics of the four types of visas are summarized as follows. You can choose the plan that best suits your own situation.

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