All Australian work visas can be applied for individually through the Immigration Bureau online. If you are in China and want to work in Australia, you can submit the application yourself or apply through a local agency. The visa fee is about $160-$3,600. Australian dollars, so m

 Visa issues

 For friends who want to work in Australia, there are always many visa options. It is important to choose the right visa according to your actual situation, otherwise you may get into unnecessary trouble. Be sure to check out the Immigration Bureau website.

All Australian work visas can be applied for individually through the Immigration Bureau online. If you are in China and want to work in Australia, you can submit the application yourself or apply through a local agency. The visa fee is about $160-$3,600 Australian dollars. , so make sure you have sufficient funds before submitting your application.

Similarly, if you study in Australia and want to stay in Australia to work or live after graduation, you also need to apply for the correct visa. The more common Australian work visas are:

Graduate Temporary Visa 485 Category

For international students who want to work in Australia after graduation, the most common visa is the graduation temporary visa. This visa is a temporary visa with validity ranging from 18 months to up to 4 years. It is aimed at study abroad parties who have studied in Australia for at least two years.

Visas are divided into two categories. The main difference between the two categories of visas is whether the student first submitted an Australian student visa application before or after November 5, 2011.

Graduate Work: To apply for this visa, the major studied by international students must be on the SOL list, and a career assessment is required, which takes 18 months.

 Post-Study Work: Also known as PSW visa, it is for international students who have completed at least 2 years of full-time courses at Australian higher education institutions. There is no restriction on majors and no career assessment is required. This visa is only for international students who apply for a student visa for the first time after November 5, 2011. The visa is valid for up to 4 years.

Conditions for applying for a 485 category visa

Be under 50 years old;

Have a legal visa;

Meet certain language requirements (four 6-point IELTS levels);

Have medical insurance in Australia;

Meet the conditions for each of the two categories ;

PSW visa validity period:

2 years: Bachelor's degree, bachelor's honors degree, master's degree (taught) or master's degree (extension)

3 years: Master (research)

4 years: PhD

Hold a temporary graduation visa , you can choose: work, study, travel

Employer guarantee

This type of visa is based on a legally operating Australian enterprise or estimated enterprise (with branches in Australia). Companies look for skilled people to hire and provide personal guarantees. If you want to apply for this type of visa, it is best to start looking for a company willing to sponsor you 3-6 months in advance, because the processing cycle also takes a certain amount of time.

The visa categories suitable for employer sponsorship include: Temporary Work Visa Category 457, Australian Employer Nomination Scheme 186 Visa (ENS), and Australian Remote Area Employer Sponsored Migration Scheme 187 Visa (RSMS).

Working Holiday

This type of visa is often more suitable for backpackers, but it is also an option if you want to work in Australia after graduation.

The first option is the 417 category, targeting Belgium, Canada, Turkey, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Taiwan and the United Kingdom. The country is open. Aged between 18-30 years old, the visa allows the holder to work in Australia for one year, but you can work for a company for up to 6 months, and this visa can be renewed.

The second option is the working holiday visa (category 462) which has become very popular in China in recent years. It is open to countries including mainland China, Indonesia, Thailand, the United States and other countries. 5,000 places are provided each year.

All applicants for the working and holiday visa (subclass 462) must make an appointment to submit the visa application through the online appointment system, and then go to the Australian Visa Application Center (AVAC) in China to submit the visa application materials in person. To submit an application, you must make an appointment in advance. Applicants must present their passport when submitting their application.This type of visa is available only once per person.

Working Holiday Visa (Category 462) application requirements

Hold a valid Chinese passport;

Be over 18 years old but under 31 years old when the application is submitted;

Not bring children to Australia;

Have sufficient funds to support your stay in Australia Working holiday (at least 5,000 Australian dollars);

Having sufficient funds to purchase return or continued travel tickets at the end of the working holiday;

No record of traveling to Australia with a 417 visa;

Having higher education qualifications, or having completed at least two years of university Study;

| Have basic practical English proficiency (equivalent to IELTS score 4.5 or above);

| Meet character and health requirements;

| Be a sincere visitor to Australia.

Comparing the above two types of working holiday, the 462 visa category has more language requirements, quotas, etc. than the 417 category. Currently, Chinese friends can only apply for the 462 category.

 What are the jobs in Australia?

 Australia is a country of immigrants, and the talent gap has always been huge, especially in some specific industries.

Specifically, Australia’s hotel management, medical and health, tourism and technology industries are developing rapidly and require a large number of talents. International students related to such industries are also quite popular.

In addition, the demand for management talents is relatively high in any industry. Some jobs, such as nursing, physical therapy, web development, sales, etc., are more suitable for fresh graduates studying abroad.

It is recommended that you think about the industry you want to go to before looking for a job in Australia. The more developed industries in Australia include: agriculture, mining, tourism, handicraft manufacturing, etc. If you want to find a job in these industries, you should It won't be too difficult.

For those who want to find some more casual and flexible jobs in Australia, suitable for working holidays, they can work in restaurants, bars or go to farms to pick fruits.