Source: Global Network [Global Network Report Reporter Bian Zihao] After the mainland announced that it would suspend the import of Taiwanese pineapples, Taiwanese fruit merchants began to find other sales. The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) quoted Taiwan media reports

Source: Global Network

[Global Network Report Reporter Bian Zihao] After the mainland announced that it would suspend the import of Taiwanese pineapples, Taiwanese fruit merchants began to look for other sales. The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) quoted Taiwan media reports on the 10th that Taiwan expected to export 6 tons of pineapples to Australia by sea in May this year, and a small amount of pineapples would arrive by air. However, this news caused concerns among local Australian fruit merchants about ecological safety risks. They questioned, "We have fresher pineapples, why should we take this risk?"

ABC report screenshot

The report mentioned that the Australian government approved it in March last year Taiwan enters the local pineapple market. If the above news is true, this will be Taiwan’s first export of pineapples to Australia after being approved. However, Scoll, the head of Pinata Farms, Australia's largest pineapple producer, told the ABC that Australian farmers are worried about the ecological safety risks of these imported pineapples. "We grow a lot of pineapples in Australia and we can supply them all year round and they are obviously fresher (than imported ones) because they are grown locally," Skoll said. "So we have to Question, why should we take this risk?”

Skoll, the head of Australia’s largest pineapple producer. Source: Foreign media

ABC quoted Taiwan media data as saying that Taiwan sold more than 41,000 tons of pineapples to mainland China last year, with a total value of 52.64 million US dollars, accounting for 91% of Taiwan’s total pineapple exports.

Skoll said that mainland China used to be a huge market for Taiwanese pineapples, but now Taiwan can no longer export pineapples to the mainland, so it can only "desperately want to ship pineapples to other places." Skoll said that many Asian countries or regions have tried to export pineapples to Australia in recent years, but they have not been feasible because of limited local demand. Imports will only be considered unless there is a shortage of local supply.

"So I hope that all enthusiastic Australian consumers can continue to buy Australian fresh pineapples." Skoll concluded.

After the General Administration of Customs announced a suspension of the import of pineapples from Taiwan to the mainland, the Democratic Progressive Party authorities accused the mainland of political suppression. In response, Zhu Fenglian, spokesperson of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, responded to inquiries on the 1st and stated that the decision of the General Administration of Customs to suspend the import of pineapples from Taiwan to the mainland from March 1, 2021 is a normal biosecurity precautionary measure and is completely reasonable and necessary.

Zhu Fenglian pointed out that the customs' implementation of inspection and quarantine on imported agricultural products in accordance with the law is a requirement for the implementation of relevant laws, regulations and standards, and is also a need to prevent plant epidemic risks and protect people's rights and interests. However, the DPP authorities deliberately distorted and maliciously interpreted technical issues, taking the opportunity to attack and discredit the mainland. This fully exposes their consistent practice of maliciously manipulating all cross-strait affairs. It shows that they have neither the will nor the ability to solve practical problems and can only avoid their responsibilities by slandering the mainland.