Every few days, major news headlines in Japan will feature the news that foreign tourists are spending a lot of money in Japan. Because of the continued historical status of the Japanese yen, it has accelerated the trend of foreigners buying Japanese goods and real estate.

Do you still remember the scene of foreign tourists going crazy shopping in Japan before the epidemic? Every few days, major news headlines in Japan will feature news about foreign tourists (rich Chinese) buying explosives in Japan.

As an epidemic swept the world, many companies and stores in Japan that once relied on tourism have closed their doors. However, just this month, with the opening of tourism throughout Japan and the crazy depreciation of the yen, the scene of tourists buying goods once again reappeared in Japan.

With the support of the Japanese yen's continued historical status, it has accelerated the trend of foreigners buying Japanese goods and real estate.

Walking on the streets of Akihabara, Tokyo, you can see foreign tourists carrying large and small shopping bags everywhere. Japanese media reporters randomly interviewed a family from Iceland working in Japan.

This mother bought her son a birthday gift that she had longed for - a Star Battleship version Lego . Although the price is as high as 22,800 yen, the mother said, "Because the yen is very low now, it is much more cost-effective than buying it in Iceland, so I bought it for my son without hesitation."

For foreign countries For people, everything in Japan is cheap now, so it is the best time to buy.

This guy from Mexico bought 50 figures in one go. Now these figures only cost 1,500 yen each, and with the depreciation of the yen, you can make a lot of money selling them to stores in Mexico.

In addition to the Mexican brothers, American soldiers also saw the economic benefits of Japanese figures and .

The price of the same thing has at least tripled after being sold in the United States, but it is extremely cheap in Japan.

A British student studying abroad also feels that compared to his own country, Japan is crazy cheap. Take drinks as an example. A bottle of drink costs at least 500 yen in the UK, but you can buy it in a Japanese vending machine for only 100 yen.

This Spanish-Japanese couple living in Spain returned to Japan in order to have a baby. The male owner said that products that can be bought for about 980 yen in Japanese maternity and baby stores cost about 3,000 yen in Spain.

Japanese college students studying in the United States are surprised by the extremely high prices in the United States. About 10 pieces of sushi cost 7 to 8 US dollars (about 1,000 yen), while 10 pieces of sushi in a conveyor belt sushi restaurant in Japan only cost about 4,500 yen. Yuan.

html On June 13, the yen even reached its lowest value in 24 years. One US dollar can be exchanged for 135 yen. These days, the yen exchange rate has basically remained at this low level.

Although the United States raised its policy interest rate on the 15th, Japan decided to continue to implement an ultra-low interest rate policy on the 17th. This may cause the yen to weaken further because more people are buying dollars and selling yen. However, this is not good for investment. advantageous.

Take Apple mobile phones as an example. Japan’s Apple mobile phones are the lowest priced in the world. An American working in Japan said that Apple phones in Japan are really cheaper than those in the United States.

Take iphone13 (128GB) as an example. This phone is priced at 98,800 yen in Japan, while it is 126,433 yen in countries outside Japan. Japan is a whole 27,000 yen cheaper.

Japan has directly become a paradise for foreigners to buy apple products. Everyone does not let go of any product they like, and automatically starts the buying and buying mode.

In addition to the popularity of these small items, after the devaluation of the yen, Japanese real estate has also become very popular, especially among guests from Hong Kong, China. The number of people inquiring about Japanese real estate has more than doubled.

A Japanese real estate agency company in Hong Kong has also specially arranged for staff in Japan to accompany customers to "cloud house viewing" online.

Although a Hong Kong woman lives in Hong Kong, she bought a property in Sapporo, Hokkaido through cloud house viewing. Her reason for buying the house was also because the yen was currently cheap, so she bought it as an investment.

It is understood that at present, in major metropolitan areas such as Tokyo, Osaka , and Nagoya, properties worth around 20 million yen are very popular with investors.

In addition to the middle class and wealthy people, ordinary people also have a lot of inquiries about home buying.

html Starting from June 10, Japan has resumed the entry of foreign tourists. Although it only accepts accompanied tour groups, it covers tourists from 98 countries and regions with low infection risk.

22, the first tour group from Hong Kong, China was also warmly welcomed by Japanese airports and tourism operators.

For Chinese and international students in Japan, with the large number of tourists entering the country, their future jobs and income will be more optimistic. The sales manager of Japanese part-time job recruitment app "dip" said, "Currently, the number of recruitments where foreigners are active and foreign students are welcome has doubled from the previous year. It is expected that the recruitment demand will increase in the future, not only in restaurants, but also in There are sales, service and many other departments. "

For our friends (international students) in Japan, it is undoubtedly great news that there will be broader employment opportunities in the future. If you learn Japanese well, you can succeed!