Wang Jinping entered the scene amidst cheers. He detailed the top ten bad policies of the Democratic Progressive Party, which made Taiwan boil frogs in lukewarm water and fall into a sad predicament. The Democratic Progressive Party still feels good about itself.

According to Taiwan's China Times Electronic News, the "Yunlin County Wang Jinping Friends Association" held its founding meeting at the Yunlin County Gymnasium on the 23rd. Wang Jinping entered the venue amidst cheers. He detailed the top ten evil policies of the Democratic Progressive Party. Let Taiwan boil a frog in warm water and fall into a sad predicament, and the DPP still feels good about itself.

About 3,000 to 4,000 people attended the scene. Most of them came from afar on tour buses to compete for Yunlin Farmland Water Conservancy Chairman Lin Wenrui, who was running for the "legislator" in the first constituency of Yunlin County, and the former "legislator" who represented Zhang Lishan. "Zhang Jiajun was all present.

Wang Jinping spoke for 20 minutes. He said that Taiwan is sick. There are ten major bad policies after the Democratic Progressive Party came to power: " one case and one break law amendment", energy policies have changed, the investment environment has deteriorated, brain drain, and consumption on the island. The lack of export sales, "transformational justice" becoming a tool of vicious fighting, insulting the "military, public, educational, police and civilians", serious cross-strait relations problems, generational antagonism, and the lack of foreign investment are all unethical "evil policies". Only the DPP feels good about itself. Keep spreading the word.

Wang Jinping said that Taiwan currently faces three major crises: the deterioration of cross-strait relations, the inability to participate in international organizations, and the inability to join regional economic tariffs. The serious issue of tariffs has harmed the root of Taiwan's life, like boiling a frog in warm water and eventually losing its life.

Wang Jinping emphasized that Taiwan currently needs leaders who are wise, compassionate, able to solve problems and promote economic redevelopment. The destiny is in everyone's hands.

In view of the development of Yunlin, Wang Jinping proposed three major visions: renaming Yunlin County "Taixi County", polishing the muddy pearl of Yunlin into an "international pearl", and restoring the population to 1 million.