Recently, Unilever Global Vice President Zeng Xiwen said in an exclusive interview with a CCTV financial reporter that China uses reconstituted milk, which is milk powder plus water; some netizens previously posted on social media that Unilever's Magnum ice cream is for internal

Recently, Unilever Global Vice President Zeng Xiwen said in an exclusive interview with a CCTV financial reporter that China uses reconstituted milk, which is milk powder plus water; Europe uses water plus concentrated milk. It is difficult to transport fresh milk from Europe to China, and there is a supply problem for Chinese milk.

Some netizens previously posted on social media that Unilever’s ’s Magnum ice cream uses different ingredients in China and abroad.

Tianyancha App shows that "Menglong" affiliated companies and Luxue (China) Co., Ltd. were established in May 1993 with a registered capital of US$180 million. The legal representative is ROHIT JAWA, and their business scope includes the production of frozen drinks. And frozen beverage raw materials, packaging materials, etc. Shareholder information shows that the company is wholly owned by Unilever (China) Investment Co., Ltd.

Tianyancha risk information shows that Heluxue (China) Co., Ltd. is involved in dozens of legal cases, including labor disputes, product liability disputes, etc.

It is worth mentioning that Unilever Foods (China) Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Unilever (China) Investment Co., Ltd., was once administratively fined 40,000 yuan for "false representation". The type of illegal behavior was "falsely claiming to have Prize sales or making false representations about the types of prizes, the probability of winning, etc.” It is reported that Unilever 's products include Knorr , Lipton , Dove , etc.

This article comes from the financial network