The results of the US election are out, Trump wins! For a time, the embarrassing candidate that people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait paid most attention to, No. 1 was not Hillary, but Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen! Before the election, I made secret glances. The "Three Little P

The results of the US election are out, Trump won! For a time, the embarrassing candidate that people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait paid most attention to, No. 1 was not Hillary, but Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen!

Before the selection, I made secret glances. The "Three Little Pigs" paid their respects to the pier, signed their names and received lucky symbols. It was so embarrassing to hug the wrong thigh!

Public opinions on the island have expressed that Tsai's authorities have completely "betted on the wrong thing" this time.

Executive Director of the Kuomintang Policy Council Cai Zhengyuan immediately issued a message, bluntly saying that Tsai Ing-wen, who bet on TPP and never mentioned RCEP, had miscalculated, "The American thigh that Tsai Ing-wen wanted to embrace is gone, goodbye Tsai Ing-wen" !

Former Kuomintang "legislator" Qiu Yi commented on Facebook that after Trump was elected, at least the TPP was gone, the " New Southbound Policy" was also ruined, and arms purchases became more difficult. Although the United States would not We will withdraw our troops from the Asia-Pacific immediately, but the Asia-Pacific strategy will definitely change. 's "abandonment of Taiwan theory" will come true. Taiwan will change from a "strategic pawn" of the United States to a "strategic abandonment". Tsai Ing-wen will also be in a dilemma. Cross-strait reunification The general trend has become increasingly clear.

Chen Yixin, a professor at Tamkang University Department of Diplomacy and International Relations, said that Trump and Taiwan are not familiar with each other and have high policy uncertainty in all aspects. In terms of economy and trade, Taiwan is actively pursuing the second round of TPP negotiations. However, with Trump in power, the possibility of restarting the TPP is low. Cross-strait relations are not good. It is difficult for Taiwan to participate in RCEP (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership). Taiwan may become Asia in terms of economy and trade. Orphan may also have a chain impact on the Taiwan authorities’ new southbound policy.

Taiwanese political scientist Liao Daqi said that Trump is basically a businessman and may not be as willing to help defend Taiwan as the Democratic Party in the future. Instead, he may ask Taiwan to buy more arms. Arms dealers are important interest groups, and "it is impossible for Trump not to see these interests."

Taiwan's "Wang Bao" article "The Tsai Administration's Miscalculation in the United-U.S. System" pointed out that observing the United States' foreign policy in recent years, global strategic contraction is imperative; at the same time, the mainland's comprehensive strength has increased, and the South China Sea issue has also begun to take on a new situation. , if the Tsai administration wants to continue to play the "American card", I am afraid it will encounter more setbacks.

"Taiwan's future situation is destined to be grim", "Economically and tradeally, it may become an orphan of Asia", "The US thigh that Tsai Ing-wen wants to embrace is gone"... There are a lot of warning calls.

As if to cover up shame, or to continue to deceive, Taiwan's "Foreign Minister" David Lee used Heritage Foundation founder Forner to go to Taiwan to meet with Tsai Ing-wen in October, proving that the Tsai administration did not make the wrong bet in the US election, KMT article The conference held a press conference on the morning of the 11th. Deputy Chairman Hong Mengkai said that there is no doubt that Foner is the founder of the pro-Republican Heritage Foundation. However, in the past, Foner has come to Taiwan more than 20 times and met with Chen Shui-bian and Lee Teng-hui 17 times. In the past, I didn't say that Foner was George W. Bush or McCann's special envoy. hopes that Tsai Ing-wen will not hold on to her mistakes and help outsiders deceive compatriots. How is this different from a fraud group that uses photos of celebrities to gain the trust of investors?

The poster of the Kuomintang cultural conference satirizes Tsai Ing-wen for hugging the wrong thigh and insisting on it

Regarding the difficulties that Tsai Ing-wen’s authorities will face after Trump comes to power due to insufficient preparation and improper response, public opinion on the island has criticized " "Life-saving Prescription", calling on Tsai Ing-wen's authorities to stop being "pro-American and far away from the mainland", and should re-examine the economic and trade relations with the mainland. They cannot place all their hope in the TPP or the "New Southbound" and then neglect the mainland factors. They must adopt a more active strategy. , to promote cross-strait economic and trade relations and boost Taiwan's economy.

The latest poll from the Taiwan Competitiveness Forum shows that in terms of Taiwan's international participation, 61.3% of the public believe that the most beneficial way for Taiwan to participate in international organizations and activities is to "consult with the mainland first, and then discuss cooperation matters." Regarding the Tsai administration’s cross-strait policies, as many as 74.5% of the public believe that the Tsai administration should change its strategy and break away from the current cross-strait official policy of completely halting exchanges.

The medicine is prescribed, but it tastes bitter. Whether it can be effective depends on whether the patient takes the medicine well.

Can Tsai Ing-wen listen to the voices from all walks of life in Taiwan urging Tsai Ing-wen to face up to the cross-strait policy?

"Strait Today" special commentator and famous Taiwanese mouthpiece Jiang Minqin commented that Tsai Ing-wen's character is "not necessarily choosing the good, but must be stubborn"! In the Taipei studio of Today's Straits, he analyzed that Trump "will turn this country into a With the "profit-seeking" businessman personality, in the future, they may impose trade sanctions on Taiwan on the one hand, and on the other hand, they may increase arms sales to make Taiwan pay higher "protection fees" in order to balance the tension between Taiwan and the United States. Trade deficit!

But after paying so much "protection fee", will Taiwan be protected? Jiang Minqin thinks this is impossible. He quoted Li Ao "Will the watchdogs prepare their own dog food?" asked, saying Such a situation will appear in in the future, to satirize the Taiwan authorities while paying high military procurement costs while acting as a watchdog for US interests.

He commented If Tsai Ing-wen continues the "pro-American far-continent" policy, it will be an approach that ignores the basic and seeks the distant. , because this is a wrong policy from both the geopolitical and economic levels. The only reason why Tsai Ing-wen can persist is that Tsai Ing-wen English maintains the ideology in her mind, and achieves personal status.

When will Tsai Ing-wen make adjustments? This is not impossible, but in Jiang Minqin's view, it is relatively difficult. Only when the entire international relationship puts pressure on Tsai Ing-wen and threatens her political status, will she make adjustments. As the saying goes, there will be no tears until the coffin is seen. But Tsai Ing-wen didn't shed tears when she saw the coffin, but the people of Taiwan would shed tears. Because life will become more and more sad. If public dissatisfaction counterattacks and more and more people go to demonstrations, Tsai Ing-wen will It is possible to make some adjustments. At present, it seems that although Trump was elected and created a time bomb, Tsai Ing-wen and her team still believe that there is an opportunity to communicate and believe that they can communicate with Trump in a businessman's way. However, Jiang Minqin believes that , if Tsai Ing-wen really wants to use the model of a businessman, she should not sacrifice the basic and the weak, and seek the far away, rather than going south, it is better to go west. Across the Taiwan Strait, the two sides of the Taiwan Strait can cooperate more closely. The trend in the world is only Tsai Ing-wen Going in the opposite direction, this is the most typical case of ideology blocking the economy and people's livelihood. hopes that the Taiwanese people can wake up, properly express their opinions, and get cross-strait relations back on track. This is the only way to open the door and take the high road, which is in line with the trend of history!

(" Strait TV Today's Strait" original Taiwan Strait Observation, please indicate the source of the quote from "Today's Strait")