What is this US-Taiwan 21st Century Trade Initiative? Why does the Indo-Pacific economic framework that Biden just announced in Tokyo exclude Taiwan, but then moves so quickly to launch a separate trade initiative with Taiwan?

According to Taiwanese media reports, the Taiwan regional administrative agency announced the launch of the so-called "Taiwan-US 21st Century Trade Initiative" last night (1st). The two sides will take concrete actions to deepen Taiwan-US trade relations. What is this US-Taiwan 21st Century Trade Initiative? Why does Biden just announce the launch of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework in Tokyo? shuts out Taiwan, but then moves so quickly to launch a separate trade initiative with Taiwan. ?

Let’s first take a look at what the Taiwanese media said.

The so-called "Taiwan-US 21st Century Trade Initiative" involves negotiations on trade facilitation, regulation formulation, agriculture, anti-corruption, small and medium-sized enterprises, digital trade, labor, environmental protection, standards, public enterprises, non- market economy and other projects. Currently, Taiwan and the United States have agreed to hold their first meeting in Washington, D.C., at the end of this month. It is expected that Deng Zhenzhong, the "political commissar" of Taiwan's administrative agency, will attend and formally start negotiations with U.S. trade negotiators. Deng Zhenzhong declared that the content of this initiative is aimed at high standards and will be conducive to Taiwan's efforts to participate in CPTPP.

According to Taiwanese media reports and Taiwanese politicians, it seems to be an economic and trade thing. However, since it is an economic and trade thing, when Biden just announced the launch of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework in Tokyo, Taiwan was eager to join and begged hoarse to join. Why did the United States cruelly shut Taiwan out?

According to the actual situation when Biden visited Japan to launch the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework, the United States refused Taiwan to enter the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework at that time. It had three main concerns:

First, Taiwan is an integral part of China and is not a sovereign country. It's not that the United States doesn't want to bring Taiwan in, but forcefully pulling Taiwan in may arouse a strong reaction from the mainland. It will definitely make Southeast Asian countries either more vigilant or have scruples. Instead, they will stay away and make it inconvenient to join.

Second, the Indo-Pacific economic framework is just a fantasy that exists in the minds of American politicians. It has neither standardized procedures nor operable plans. It is also an empty idea that has not been discussed by the U.S. Congress. Even if Taiwan is included, It won't have any real effect for the time being.

Third, the Indo-Pacific economic framework itself is the economic support for the so-called Indo-Pacific strategy of the United States, and its political significance is greater than its economic significance. What's more, there are already two economic agreements in this region, led by Japan and China respectively. If the subsequent Indo-Pacific economic framework cannot allow Southeast Asian countries to see greater investment and more preferential treatment from the United States, it will have no vitality and competitiveness. Therefore, whether Taiwan enters the Indo-Pacific economic framework or not actually does not make much sense.

So why is the United States so eager to launch this 21st Century Trade Initiative with Taiwan?

According to Gong Gengniu’s personal observation, this is another trick of the United States’ strategy to contain China, and another new way for the United States to play the Taiwan card. It is a trade initiative in name, but in fact it is political manipulation. It is one of the drunkards of the United States. It’s not about trade, it’s about something other than trade. Why does

say this?

First, the United States has further strengthened its containment strategy against China, and now it needs to hold the Taiwan card high. Not to mention, from the United States forcibly convening the ASEAN Summit, which was not smooth and fruitless, to Biden's visit to South Korea and Japan, convening the four-nation security mechanism summit, announcing the launch of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework, and then to Secretary of State Blinken After announcing its strategic policy against China, and then in the past two days, U.S. lawmakers suddenly visited Taiwan to announce U.S.-Taiwan military cooperation and launch this trade initiative. The U.S.’s recent actions against China have come one after another, like a series of The purpose is to make China unable to react and cope with it, in an attempt to stun China all of a sudden and catch China off guard and make mistakes in the process.

The second is to carry out political manipulation in the name of economics and trade. The United States knows that it cannot fool China, but it can fool other countries in the world besides China. The United States knows that China will definitely oppose it, but it has already prepared excuses for its own defense and counterattack. The United States wants to use this so-called trade initiative to test China, force China, and disgust China to see how China will react and to what extent.If the degree of China's reaction and countermeasures are not enough to stop the United States' determination to advance, the United States will follow suit and implement this trade initiative. If China's reaction is very strong and the countermeasures are very effective, the United States will just shout and delay. , and finally let it go.

Third, the United States regarded this trade initiative as an integral part of its strategy to contain China. In the end, it failed to achieve anything else. This process of constant hype, negotiation, and promotion is an effective tactic to contain China and distract China's energy. . The United States has played too many tricks around China in recent years. How many of them can really effectively contain China? Including the newly established four-nation security mechanism of the United States, Japan, India, and Australia after Biden came to power, the three-nation military bloc of the United States, Britain, and Australia, including NATO to attract Japan and South Korea to join NATO, how much of a containment and deterrent effect does it really have on China? It can be said that apart from the chatter, it has worked. The essence of the United States is selfish, and the countries it has friends with are not generous. The essence of the United States is a paper tiger. It can only rely on the number of the herd to support its courage. The so-called U.S.-Taiwan 21st Century Trade Initiative is just a pawn in the U.S.’s chess game of containing China. If it is useful, put it aside for now. When the situation is not good for you, take it out and shake it to scare China. What is the real effect? ​​Is it worth it? Suspect.

It is precisely because of these predestined political genes that as soon as the news of the US-Taiwan trade initiative came out, it was strongly criticized and severely warned by the mainland.

Ministry of Commerce spokesperson Gao Feng said that China firmly opposes this. The Taiwan issue concerns China's core interests. The one-China principle is the prerequisite for China's Taiwan region to participate in foreign economic cooperation. China has always opposed any form of official exchanges between any country and the Taiwan region of China, including the negotiation and signing of any economic and trade agreement with sovereign connotations and official nature. The United States should abide by the one-China principle and the provisions of the three Sino-US joint communiqués, abide by international law and basic norms governing international relations, prudently handle economic and trade relations with Taiwan, and prevent sending wrong signals to "Taiwan independence" separatist forces. This is related to the overall situation of China-US relations and world peace, stability and prosperity.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said that China has always firmly opposed any form of official exchanges between countries that have diplomatic relations with Taiwan, including the negotiation and signing of agreements with sovereign connotations and official nature. Recently, the United States has taken frequent actions on the Taiwan issue and used constant tactics. In essence, it violates the one-China principle, supports "Taiwan independence" separatist forces, and disrupts peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.

Zhao Lijian emphasized that the United States’ insistence on playing the “Taiwan card” will only bring Sino-US relations into a dangerous situation. At the same time, we warn the Democratic Progressive Party authorities to give up their plans of "relying on the United States and seeking independence" as soon as possible, otherwise the higher they jump, the harder they will fall.

From Gao Feng's clear stance of "firm opposition" and "deal with it with caution" to Zhao Lijian's stern warning that "the higher you jump, the harder you fall", the firm attitude, solemn stance and harsh words used by the spokespersons of the two departments can be It can be seen that our government is fully aware of, deeply abhors and firmly opposes this conspiracy by the United States and Taiwan.

If the United States and Taiwan listen to the advice and put it down and drag it down at a shout, this matter may be okay; if the United States and Taiwan do not listen to the advice and insist on going one way to the dark side, the storm in the Taiwan Strait will surely rise even higher. The impact is stronger, let's see which short-lived ghost is thrown into the sea first!

As the saying goes, the world should pay attention to Gong Geng Niu.