Some netizens have begun to speculate on the candidates for Taipei mayor in 2022. Currently, netizens are optimistic that the Kuomintang "legislator" Chiang Wanan of Taipei City may be elected as the next mayor of Taipei.

Kuomintang Taipei City "legislator" Chiang Wanan.

China Taiwan Network, September 15th According to Taiwan's "China Times Electronic News", the election campaign at the end of the year has become increasingly fierce. In particular, the election campaign for Taipei City's "Three-legged Governor" has always been the focus of the outside world. Many polls have shown that Mayor Ke Wenzhe is temporarily in the leading position, but because Beishi is the traditional vote base of the Kuomintang, the threat of the Kuomintang Ding Shouzhong cannot be underestimated. However, the 2018 election campaign has not yet ended, and some netizens have already begun to speculate on the candidates for the mayor of Taipei in 2022. Currently, netizens are optimistic that the Kuomintang "legislator" Chiang Wanan of Taipei City may be elected as the next mayor of Taipei.

A netizen said on the PTT forum that assuming that Ko Wenzhe is re-elected and does not elect a leader in 2020, who will be the mayor of Taipei in 2022 after his re-election? Who to support? The Kuomintang is probably Jiang Wanan; Chen Jingjun in Ke City Government is too old and may not have enough prestige and popularity. As for Lan Shicong, he has never been elected as a city councilor or "legislator".

Democratic Progressive Party members Zheng Wencan, Lin Zhijian, Lin Jialong, and Lin Youchang are also close to completing their terms. Lin Zhijian and Ke Wenzhe are very familiar with each other and have high trust. If Ke confirms his participation in the 2020 election, there will be trustworthy people behind him to look after Taipei City. However, , the same problem is that they must resign before completing their term, so it is difficult to explain their candidacy.

In response to this, netizens also responded, "Given the current situation, if Wan'an doesn't give out a big package, the next one will probably be guaranteed", "It should be Jiang, and the blue one will have to wait another four years. Now let Ke re-elect." It’s not bad at all.” Some netizens said, “The DPP should be cannon fodder for several terms.” (China Taiwan Network Yin Sainan)