CES is an annual global exhibition that determines the development trend of the digital industry. It attracts electronic consumer goods manufacturers from all over the world every year. At the beginning of the exhibition, there was a Chinese booth that attracted everyone's attent

[PConline Information] CES is an annual global exhibition that determines the development trend of the digital circle. It attracts electronic consumer goods manufacturers from all over the world every year. At the beginning of the exhibition, there was a Chinese booth that attracted everyone's attention. It was Hisense Mobile Phones. E Ink, a leading electronic paper manufacturer, has released a revolutionary product - the world's first color ink screen reading phone.

What attracts everyone is not how gorgeous its booth is, but its technology is really shocking. This color ink screen reading phone uses printed color electronic paper recently independently developed and manufactured by E Ink Technology. It breaks through the limitations of black-and-white e-paper technology. The screen uses new color filter technology, which can display 4096 colors. It has ultra-low energy consumption and can continue to display when the power is off.

In addition, compared with the past black and white ink screen which can only read and read newspapers, other functions of the color ink screen have also been greatly optimized. In addition to having a better reading experience, the color ink screen reading phone can also be like an ordinary smartphone. Likewise, navigating, reading news, checking WeChat, etc. are all a breeze.

Regarding the reliability of new technologies, Hisense mobile phone said that Hisense color ink screen reading mobile phone uses a new color printing technology combined with electronic paper display technology. The display response speed is fast, just like a black and white ink screen, and it is easy to read for a long time. Not only that, it hurts the eyes; not only that, the display color is soft and moist, it is lighter and thinner than the previous glass color filter electronic paper, and has better optical quality, so please rest assured ~

What do you think of such a revolutionary product? Welcome to leave a message and interact in the comment area~