Recently, a fire broke out in a high-rise residential building in Shenyang, Liaoning Province. Relevant departments have announced the cause of the fire. It was caused by a malfunction of the power cord that ignited combustible materials. The suspect has been detained. In additio

Recently, a fire broke out in a high-rise residential building in Shenyang, Liaoning Province. Relevant departments have announced the cause of the fire. It was caused by a malfunction of the power cord that ignited combustible materials. The suspect has been detained..

In addition to the cause of the fire, another focus that attracted public attention is that during the rescue process, although the fire trucks arrived in time, they were unable to join the rescue immediately. On the day of the incident, within a few minutes after the fire broke out, the flames had already reached the roof of the 25th floor. However, the first fire trucks to arrive were blocked by illegally parked private cars. Seeing that we were only a few dozen meters away from the fire scene, we just couldn't get past it.

A fire broke out in a residential building and the fire escape was "obstructed"

The fire command center received an alarm at 9:16 that night, and the first fire squadron arrived at the scene at 9:29. Compared with the requirement of 5 minutes to reach the fire point and 15 minutes to extinguish the fire to avoid causing a major fire, it takes 13 minutes to dispatch the alarm, leaving little optimal rescue time.

Firefighter: When I was driving the fire truck, when I arrived at the scene, the fire exits had been blocked, basically blocked by stone pillars.

The main gate of the community is close to the fire point, and there is a main road facing the street. Fire trucks prefer to enter through the main entrance. But not only is the stone pier in front of us an obstacle, but the vehicles parked in front of the door are a double obstacle.

Residential owner: Look how this car came in. Now all we need is your car. It’s all recorded for you.

Private car owner: Record it for me, whatever. Does the fire upstairs have anything to do with me?

After removing the stone pillars and vehicles, the firefighters encountered trouble again.

firefighter: When I wanted to use the fire truck channel , found that the fire truck channel was locked , and then I couldn't contact anyone to open the lock.

Some firefighters stayed at the main entrance, while others detoured to the south gate. The map showed that the two gates were about 830 meters apart. When the three obstacles were cleared, the two teams arrived at the fire point almost at the same time.

After 3 hours of fighting, all the open flames were extinguished and no one was injured.

The community where the incident occurred lacked fire signs and private cars still occupied the road.

After the cause of the fire was announced, reporters came to the community where the incident occurred again. At the main entrance where the fire truck was blocked, reporters did not find a fire sign hanging, and there was no fire escape sign on the road in front of the gate. Currently, the car owner who blocked the fire escape is being investigated by the police.

Fire Protection Law stipulates that enterprises, institutions and other units should set up fire safety signs in accordance with corresponding standards. Property service companies in residential areas should maintain and manage shared fire protection facilities in the management area and provide fire safety prevention services.

Reporters investigated and found that between the main gate and the south gate is the west gate. Although you can enter the fire truck, you cannot turn left to the fire point. There are also no fire signs. The same is true for the south gate and the navigation map in the community. The only fire truck has fire signs. The sign is the east gate, but not only is the east gate far away from the fire point, it is also adjacent to a non-main road, which is narrow and also occupied by private cars.

Community resident: There is a fire escape in the garage. The one that contains garbage should be accessible.

The reporter followed the clues and found that there were two emergency evacuation passages on the east gate side. The warning writing on the wall was mottled, and there was a suspected new warning sign on the iron gate, but the passage looked very messy.

Fire expert Xi Peng: Firefighting is an urgent matter. Every minute may have a direct impact on fire fighting. I think it is best for ordinary car owners to actively cooperate. You may not be breaking the law intentionally, but once you discover this This behavior has indeed had a substantial impact on fire fighting and the passage of fire-fighting vehicles. Actively correct it and immediately move the vehicle so that fire-fighting vehicles can smoothly enter the fire scene. This is a relatively effective and positive behavior.

Guangdong: Cases of occupying "life passages" occur frequently

During the visit and investigation, the reporter learned that such things are not isolated cases. In addition to not giving way to rescue vehicles, incidents such as illegal parking and blocking of safety passages and illegal occupation of highway emergency lanes are not Rare.

On July 14, 2019, a fire broke out in , Songquan Apartment, , Luohu District, Shenzhen. The local fire department immediately went to the scene to put out the fire after receiving the alarm. However, after the fire truck arrived, the rescue channel was blocked by private cars parked on the road in the community. , with the joint efforts of firefighters and community residents, after the car was moved away, the fire truck was able to enter the scene for rescue, which delayed a lot of rescue time. Fortunately, there were no casualties in this fire.

In addition to blocking the rescue channel due to random parking, it also happens that occupying the highway emergency lane affects rescue.

On the afternoon of January 31 this year, the fire detachment of Zhaoqing City, Guangdong received an alarm that a vehicle spontaneously ignited at the Sihui West exit of the Guanghe Expressway. The fire department immediately sent firefighters to the scene, but when passing by the 4th exit of the Erguang Expressway During the meeting, a gray car was occupying the emergency lane. Due to the traffic jam on the highway, the cars in the emergency lane were unable to get out of the way, delaying emergency rescue.

Cui Gang, Director of the Publicity Department of the Fire Prevention Department of the Guangdong Fire Rescue Corps: On the way to the police, every minute and every second is crucial to life and rescue. Maybe we arrived a minute earlier, earlier In just one second, a life can be saved, or the fire can be controlled within a very small area.

According to the relevant provisions of the "Fire Protection Law of the People's Republic of China", anyone who occupies, blocks, or closes evacuation passages, safety exits, or otherwise hinders safe evacuation may be fined up to 50,000 yuan. According to the "Roads of the People's Republic of China" According to the Traffic Safety Law, if a vehicle takes the emergency lane in non-emergency situations, it will be fined 200 yuan and deducted 6 points.

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