Source: [People's Daily Health Client] On June 24, at the press conference of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council, Lei Zhenglong, deputy director of the National Health Commission's Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention and first-level inspector, re

Source: [People's Daily Health Client]

html On June 24, at the State Council Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism press conference, Lei Zhenglong, deputy director of the National Health Commission's Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention and first-level inspector, answered reporters' questions. , 1.259987 million people have been fully vaccinated, accounting for 89.37% of the country's total population, and 788.701 million people have been vaccinated with booster immunization, including 40.95 million people with sequential booster immunization. 219.952 million elderly people over the age of 60 have completed full vaccination, accounting for 83.3% of the elderly population, and 172.122 million people have completed enhanced vaccination.

"Currently, my country only carries out enhanced immunization for people over 18 years old. Among them, the coverage rate for people aged 30 to 39, 40 to 49 and 50 to 59 years old is relatively high. Relatively speaking, the vaccination rate for people over 60 years old is low. "In some provinces, the coverage of enhanced immunization is less than 30%." Yu Wenzhou, chief physician of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said in an interview with a reporter from the Daily Economic News in March that the elderly are at a higher risk of infection and severe illness, so those over 60 years old are at a lower risk. Covered areas need to pay attention and increase vaccination rates as soon as possible.

Yu Wenzhou, chief physician of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said in an interview with a reporter from the Daily Economic News that the elderly are at higher risk of infection and severe disease, so low-coverage areas over the age of 60 need to pay attention and increase vaccination rates as soon as possible.

Citizens received the third booster shot of new crown vaccine at the Jiangxia District Gymnasium in Wuhan City. Hubei Daily Picture

People's Daily Health Client noticed that the virus continues to mutate, and the global prevalence of BA.4 and BA.5 is increasing in the United States, Denmark , Spain, France, Japan, Vietnam , Australia, etc. China has begun vaccination with the fourth dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

html On May 28, the "Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention Weekly Report (English)" disclosed the details of my country's first overseas imported case of infection with the Omicron variant BA.5. The imported case in Shanghai departed from Uganda (flight KL535) on April 25, and transferred from Seoul, South Korea to Shanghai on April 27. The patient had received four doses of the new coronavirus vaccine in China and Uganda. The virus gene sequencing results showed that the patient was infected with the new coronavirus Omicron subtype mutant strain BA.5, and was the first overseas imported case of BA.5 infection reported in my country.

Can the fourth dose of the COVID-19 vaccine enhance immunity? Does our country need a fourth dose of the new coronavirus vaccine?

htmlOn June 26, Chief Physician Sun Xiaodong, deputy director of the Shanghai Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said in an interview with a reporter from the "Shanghai Huangpu" public account that many countries have begun to promote the fourth dose of the new crown vaccine, which is the second booster shot. However, the vast majority of second-dose booster vaccination programs are only targeted at the elderly and those with immune deficiencies. Based on the information currently available, research is not yet sure how long immunity from the second booster dose will last, nor is it clear whether the second booster dose can bring benefits to the general population.

Sun Xiaodong believes that from the perspective of the third shot of the new crown, research on including mutant strains has conclusively shown that the new crown vaccine has a significant effect in reducing severe illness and mortality. It can increase the antibody level dozens of times, and try to protect patients as much as possible. The severity rate is reduced to a minimum. It is too early to determine whether to vaccinate with the fourth dose. We will wait until more research and more international experience are available to us before deciding whether to administer the second dose of booster immunization.

Regarding the vaccination of the fourth dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, Zhang Yuntao, chief scientist of Sinopharm China Biotech, said in an interview with the " Global Times " that judging from the current research data on the fourth shot of the COVID-19 vaccine, after completing the fourth dose of the COVID-19 vaccine The antibody titer produced by will not exceed the 3rd injection.

"Based on the current situation in China, it is debatable whether the fourth dose of vaccination should be fully carried out at this stage." Zhang Yuntao said that the second and third booster shots should be separated by 4-6 months. If the fourth shot is needed, , should be at least 4-6 months apart from the third dose.

Zhang Yuntao emphasized: “This interval must be long. If it is too short, the effect after vaccination will be very limited.Because there will be a memory reaction when the antibody is lowered, if the antigen is injected again when the antigen is at a relatively high stage, it will not stimulate more memory reactions, so the antibody titer produced will not be high, that is, the strengthening effect is not obvious enough. . "

Editor: Mao Yuanyuan

Proofreader: Chen Linhui

This article is from [People's Daily Health Client] and represents only the author's opinion. The national party media information public platform provides information release and dissemination services.

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