It turns out that he has always been a high-quality idol, but his private life is chaotic: not only does he have various girls, he has girlfriends in many cities, and he even has unexplained relationships with some women in the industry.

Who would have thought that Wang Leehom and Li Jinglei would be entangled from 2021 to 2022.

It is also very simple to tell the story of two people.

When their divorce was first exposed, netizens thought they were getting together and breaking up.

As a result, Li Jinglei’s long article broke the news and unveiled the mystery of Wang Leehom.

It turns out that he has always been a high-quality idol, but his private life is in chaos:

not only calls girls variously, but also has girlfriends in many cities, and even has unexplained relationships with some women in the industry.

Li Jinglei’s long article attracted the attention of many people at the time. And many things seem to be real, and many correspondences can be found.

But even so, fans who like him still don't believe it and hope he can come out to defend himself.

However, throughout the whole process, Wang Leehom kept pretending to "disappear".

Instead, BY2 was involved, and Vivian Hsu frequently defended herself.

Even in order to quell the rumors, Leehom Wang's former friend Vivian Hsu stood up and shouted, hoping that he could speak out.

Unexpectedly, Wang Leehom was unmoved.

When the rumors were at their worst, his old father sent a handwritten letter late at night to defend him.

Unfortunately, Li Jinglei has a sledgehammer in hand, and Wang Leehom’s father can’t do anything.

Perhaps because he knew that he could not let it go easily, Wang Leehom finally responded.

is just a short response, many of which are shirking responsibility.

didn’t even use Li Jinglei. Netizens couldn’t stand it and stood up to ridicule him.

And Li Jinglei once again showed her strength, leaving Wang Leehom speechless. The day after

posted a response, he formally apologized.

Seeing that the dispute has ended, he doesn't want to slowly lead to new things.

After Li Jinglei calmed down, she was constantly exposed and complained about:

came out to destroy Wang Leehom just for money.

There were even rumors that she had cheated on her during marriage, and someone uncovered an intimate photo of Li Jinglei and a man.

I thought I could hit her, but I didn’t expect that the person who took the photo together for a long time was actually a girl.

It can be said that even if she stops breaking the news, Li Jinglei's life will not be "pure" from now on. Instead, there will be various doubts.

In last night’s long article, Li Jinglei also mentioned this, saying that she has been living in pain and has been slandered by the trolls:

Wang Leehom’s so-called apology turned out to be an apology on the table, not a sincere apology, just a use of words. To temporarily calm public opinion and make me willing to call it a day and let bygones be bygones.

However, the "smear campaign" by trolls is only one aspect. The day before yesterday, BY2's studio even came out to make a public statement.

They asked Li Jinglei to cooperate with the police investigation.

However, in Li Jinglei’s response last night, she stated directly through video that she had not received the so-called news from BY2 at all. The two sides of

look like they are facing each other.

But what really shocked netizens was Leehom Wang.

Li Jinglei recorded this in her response last night:

Their three children miss their father. She hopes that no matter what the relationship between the two is, Wang Leehom should still take on the responsibility of being a father.

As usual, I go home to spend time with my children at a specific time.

Wang Leehom finally agreed, but he had to bring two men to his home, and they could only talk after removing the surveillance camera.

Li Jinglei was unwilling.

On the day of the result, in addition to the two men, Wang Leehom also brought a third unknown man with him, trying to get the key to open the door.

And not only this time, in the communication between the two these days, Wang Leehom was also dishonest in various ways:

For example, he claimed that he could not see his children, but in fact he often made videos with them.

or asked the children to go downstairs to take photos for the media, and also exposed the children's appearance and privacy, as well as more than ten minutes of chat video.

It can be said that if Li Jinglei’s revelations are true, Wang Leehom will be really terrible.

Obviously when the incident first happened, he still looked weak and did not dare to face it. After the storm passed, all kinds of heavy blows were struck again.

And it was precisely because of Wang Leehom's many operations that Li Jinglei completely collapsed.

’s long article last night even mentioned:

If something happens to me, it will definitely not be suicide.

It can be seen that the controversy these days has indeed had a considerable impact on Li Jinglei.

Although in the hearts of many people, Li Jinglei has always been very strong, and she broke the news and responded clearly and rationally. She was also ridiculed by netizens as:

Thor's Hammer.

But in this process, it may be difficult for her to regain peace in her own life.

Full text Complete

is the end and the beginning.