According to the WeChat public account of the First Affiliated Minnan Hospital of Fujian Medical University, some netizens reported on Weibo that they were sexually harassed by dermatologist Lin Mouqing. The First Affiliated Minnan Hospital of Fujian Medical University immediatel

Source: Fujian Medical University Affiliated Minnan Hospital

Situation report

According to the WeChat public account of Fujian Medical University Affiliated Minnan Hospital, recently, some netizens reported on Weibo that they were sexually harassed by dermatologist Lin Mouqing. The First Affiliated Minnan Hospital of Fujian Medical University immediately set up a special investigation team to suspend the doctor and conduct an investigation. If there are indeed violations of medical ethics and medical ethics, they will be dealt with seriously in accordance with laws and regulations and will not be tolerated. Previously, medical celebrity dermatologist Lin Xiaoqing was exposed to "sexual harassment in late-night private messages."

Previous news: Medical celebrity apologized after being exposed for "sexual harassment in late-night private messages": Weibo assistant did it, willing to take responsibility

In response to "a woman claimed to have been sexually harassed by medical celebrity 'dermatologist Lin Xiaoqing' late at night", May 7 In the early morning, the Weibo account "Dermatologist Lin Xiaoqing" posted an apology to the client and fans, saying that due to negligence in management, his Weibo assistant sexually harassed fans. "As a user of Weibo, I did not properly review my personnel, and I will bear the responsibility for the harm caused to my fans."

html At noon on the 7th, the Weibo user "Hongdou Bao without Baozi" told The Paper , she did not accept the apology. After the incident, Lin Xiaoqing's account also sent her messages. Out of fear, she had blocked Lin Xiaoqing's account.

"Red Bean Buns Without Buns" said: After the incident was exposed, more than 30 girls have contacted her and said they had been verbally harassed by Lin Xiaoqing; after verification, she will call the police and complain to the hospital and health department involved. .

The private message chat content of the doctor’s big V account was explicit

html At 22:45 on May 6, Weibo user “无包的红豆包” posted a message saying that she was verbally abused by Weibo’s big V “dermatologist Lin Xiaoqing” in the early morning of May 6. Harassment.

Weibo user "红豆包without buns" reported on Weibo that she was sexually harassed by dermatologist Lin Xiaoqing. Picture source: Weibo screenshot

"红豆包without buns" told The Paper that on January 22, she followed on Weibo "Dermatologist Lin Xiaoqing". In the early morning of May 6, she commented on Lin Xiaoqing's Weibo about skin problems asked by netizens. This was the only interaction between her and Lin Xiaoqing's account.

html At 0:54 on the 6th, she received a private message from Lin Xiaoqing on Weibo asking, "Are you afraid after seeing the popular science on STDs?"

"Red Bean Buns Without Buns" said that because Lin Xiaoqing is a doctor, she thought that the other party wanted to know some topics through chat that were not convenient to ask patients in the clinic, so she was happy to answer them. But the content of the other party's questions "gradually became strange."

Judging from the screenshots of the chat, as the chat between the two parties deepened, the content of the chat questions of "Dermatologist Lin Xiaoqing" became more explicit. For example, directly ask "Do you have sex?" "Do you sleep half-naked when you are alone?" etc. A screenshot of the chat posted by

"红豆包without buns" shows that after the other party asked a sexually explicit question, she once asked, "Is there something wrong with the question you asked?" The other party replied "No, no," and then continued Send sexually explicit messages.

"红豆包without buns" said that the other party's questions subsequently developed to an unsightly and unacceptable level, and she ended the conversation by saying, "I'm sleepy and want to sleep."

"Red bean buns without buns" posted a screenshot of the two's first chat on Weibo. Image source: Weibo

After the explosive post was posted, it attracted the attention of netizens. "Hongdoubao without Buns" stated that after the incident was exposed, more than 30 girls have contacted her and said they had been verbally harassed by Lin Xiaoqing; after verification, she will call the police and complain to the hospital and health department involved.

The doctor involved apologized and said that he was an assistant on Weibo

The Paper noticed that the profile of "dermatologist Lin Xiaoqing" who was accused of sexual harassment was "health expert, dermatology attending physician, Weibo's top ten influential health influencers in 2017" "Medical V, well-known health blogger, Weibo original video blogger" with 1.6 million fans.

html In the early morning of May 7, the aforementioned Weibo big V apologized to the parties and fans through Weibo, saying that because of his negligence in management, his Weibo assistant sexually harassed fans."As a user of Weibo, I did not properly review my personnel, and I will bear the responsibility for the harm caused to my fans."

"Dermatologist Lin Xiaoqing" explained, "I have rarely been able to work recently due to family reasons. I read Weibo, so I let my assistant take care of most of the content on Weibo, including answering some simple questions, but I didn’t expect that he would repeatedly take advantage of my Weibo and the trust of my fans to do these excessive things. "

" dermatologist Lin Xiaoqing said in his response that he accepted all criticism and scolding, "After all, I am the user of this account, and I am willing to bear it."

Dermatologist Lin Xiaoqing apologizes Source: Weibo screenshot

On Lin Xiaoqing’s Weibo, Lin Xiaoqing posted a conversation with Weibo assistant Xiao Wang. The screenshot shows that Weibo assistant Xiao Wang admitted to sexual harassment during the conversation. The assistant said that he was a graduate student at school, and because he was bored alone in the dormitory at night, he was so bold that he did such an outrageous thing. Maybe because of several successful experiences in the past, I made mistakes again and again. This is a kind of sexual harassment. I will turn myself in tomorrow. At the same time, Lin Xiaoqing also posted pictures to prove that his assistant wanted to log in to his Weibo account in March.

A screenshot of the subsequent WeChat chat posted by Lin Xiaoqing showed that Lin Xiaoqing had fired the assistant.

Dermatologist Lin Xiaoqing posted a picture of his assistant apologizing to himself on Weibo. Image source: Weibo

The Paper News inquiry found that Lin Xiaoqing is the attending physician of the Department of Dermatology at the Minnan Branch of the First Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University. He graduated from Fujian Medical University in clinical medicine. Department, with more than eight years of clinical work experience.