As we all know, major is a common military rank in our army, and the positions can range from deputy battalion to deputy regiment level three. Legend: Asian female reserve officers in the U.S. Army. The U.S. Army major is the lowest-ranking school-level officer, above the captain

As we all know, major is a common military rank in our army, and the position can range from deputy battalion to deputy regiment level three. So, what types of troops can a U.S. Army major command? Presumably military fans may also be concerned about this issue.

Illustration: Asian female reserve officers of the U.S. Army

The major of the U.S. Army is also the lowest-ranking school-level officer (field officer), above the captain and above the lieutenant colonel (the Army and the Air Force are Lieutenant Colonel), usually serving as The executive officer or combat officer of the battalion-level unit is not the battalion commander, that is, he plays the role of individual battalion staff officer or deputy battalion commander. The U.S. military's battalion-level troops generally have 300-1,200 officers and soldiers, and the battalion commander is usually a lieutenant colonel.

Illustration: The rank of major on the camouflage uniform

In the US military, major officers sometimes serve as company commanders, such as serving as the company commanders of service support companies and special operations companies. Special forces have high-level positions and low-level service, but service support types The combination of high-level and low-level personnel is a concrete manifestation of the fact that the status of combat troops of the US military is higher than that of support troops. It is very normal for a major who has the opportunity to serve as a staff officer at the regimental level or above.

Most major officers in the US military must undergo a 10-month training course at the Command and General Staff School in Kansas before being promoted to military rank. I feel like this is our "mid-training" haha.

Major ranks 22nd among the ranks of US military officers and soldiers (counting from recruits, spanning sergeant, sergeant major , warrant officer ), and the salary grade in the Department of Defense is O-4 (usually O- is looked at when salary is paid) 4 or O), the lowest salary is 4,713 US dollars, which is more than 4,700 US dollars. In fact, it is also lower than the middle level in the United States! Regarding the U.S. Army major, that’s all for today’s accident.