On June 29, the reporter learned from an interview that the three tube buildings located at No. 25 Shouguang Road, Shibei District are being repaired and reinforced. In the future, they will be transformed into boutique hotels and youth apartments to make up for the lack of youth

2024/07/0313:21:33 hotcomm 1955

Peninsula All-Media Reporter Liu Xiaoxiao Intern Jin Yifan

What to do with the house after it is vacated in the shed renovation project? Shibei District has formulated a disposal plan for each house to maximize the space for the people. On June 29, the reporter learned from an interview that three tube buildings located at No. 25 Shouguang Road, Shibei District are being repaired and reinforced. In the future, they will be transformed into boutique hotels and youth apartments to make up for the lack of youth apartments in Taitung's business district. realize its commercial value. At present, Shibei District has completed the construction of 3 parks and more than 10 parking lots according to the vacated house disposal plan for shantytown conversion. The next step will be to increase the disposal of vacated houses and start the construction of No. 295 Primary School on Renmin Road and the south side of Dalian Road. Square etc.

On June 29, the reporter learned from an interview that the three tube buildings located at No. 25 Shouguang Road, Shibei District are being repaired and reinforced. In the future, they will be transformed into boutique hotels and youth apartments to make up for the lack of youth - DayDayNews

The three tube buildings of the No. 25 Shouguang Road project

will be transformed into a youth community

html On the morning of June 29, at the intersection of Shouguang Road and Dengzhou Road , three Z-shaped buildings were surrounded by blue fences, and construction workers were Repair and reinforcement work is being carried out inside the building. "These three buildings are all tube buildings built in the 1960s and 1970s. The expropriation work was completed at the end of last year. The Shibei District Urban Management Bureau determined the disposal plan for these vacant houses and decided to transform them into a boutique building. The hotel and two youth apartments realize the revitalization of old buildings. "Li Chenggang, the person in charge of the first phase of the Taitung Urban Renewal Area of ​​Shibei Construction Investment, said that the project was launched in February this year. Due to the structure of the original building. The appraisal level has reached DS level, so the house has been repaired and reinforced. Currently, 80% of the structural reinforcement work has been completed. The next step will be exterior facade construction, which is expected to be completed by the end of the year.

Why should the vacant houses here be converted into youth apartments and boutique hotels? Liang Xuejian, director of the Urban Renewal and Development Center of the Shibei District Urban Construction and Renewal Bureau, introduced that Shibei District has drawn up plans for each vacated house from four aspects: filling the city’s shortcomings, improving the quality of the city, optimizing the industrial layout, and expanding the development space. The resolution plan should maximize the space for the people. The project is close to Dengzhou Road Beer Street and Tianmu City , which will help achieve business continuity and maximize its commercial value. At the same time, it can supplement and improve the youth vitality community function in Taitung area.

"Based on the building's own conditions and combined with Shanghai Shimao 's accommodation products, these three buildings will be built into Ruixuan Hotel, Ruixuan serviced apartment and Ruixuan Apartment. The target group is young people." Li Chenggang He said that in the design of hotels and apartments, they will also target the youth group, closely follow the elements of Tsingtao Beer and beer culture, and build in youth-specific businesses such as performing arts areas, gyms, KTVs, and book bars to create a youth-oriented place. A vibrant youth community of people.

A batch of shed renovation projects have been gradually transformed into parks and parking lots

The implementation of urban renewal actions should focus on issues with high demands from the people, be people-centered, and make up for the shortcomings of infrastructure and public service facilities, thereby improving the city's quality. Shibei District is adhering to this concept in promoting urban renewal and urban construction, and strives to solve outstanding problems such as urgency, difficulty, and anxiety that plague the people.

Reporters learned from the Shibei District Urban Construction Bureau that from 2012 to 2017, the construction area of ​​vacated houses in shanty towns in Shibei District was about 1.4 million square meters, of which 730,000 square meters have been completed, accounting for 52% of the construction area of ​​vacated houses. The construction area of ​​vacated houses converted from sheds under construction is 110,000 square meters, and the construction area of ​​vacated houses converted from sheds not under construction is 560,000 square meters.

Shibei District focuses on making up for shortcomings and benefiting people's livelihood. It has completed the construction of 3 parks, providing residents with 1,600 square meters of recreational space; built more than 10 parking lots, providing more than 3,000 parking spaces; and repaired houses. The construction area is more than 100,000 square meters, and more than 60 companies have been introduced one after another, enriching the industrial formats in the old city; more than 30 houses have been demolished, with an area of ​​more than 70,000 square meters, and 30,000 square meters of land have been vacated to reserve space for urban development. .

In order to facilitate social residents to fully understand the status and progress of the disposal and utilization of shed-renovation assets, the Shibei District Government will make public announcements to the public in batches. After sorting out the first batch of 10 publicized projects.The reporter noticed that among these 10 projects, they mainly build facilities such as schools, parking lots, green spaces, and squares, which are exactly what surrounding residents need. After the project is completed, public facilities will be further improved and the living environment of residents will be improved.


These 10 shed renovation projects are planned like this. See if they are at your doorstep?

No. 295, Renmin Road, the demolished house construction area is 7,400 square meters, and the demolished vacant land is 6,500 square meters. The project controls the educational land, and plans to build a 13,600 square meter school. It is planned to build comprehensive buildings, multi-functional halls, wind and rain playground and other teaching facilities this year. Construction started in August and will be completed in June 2024.

On June 29, the reporter learned from an interview that the three tube buildings located at No. 25 Shouguang Road, Shibei District are being repaired and reinforced. In the future, they will be transformed into boutique hotels and youth apartments to make up for the lack of youth - DayDayNews

Rendering of No. 295 Renmin Road

No. 36 Heqing Road, the building area of ​​the demolished house is 3200 square meters, and the vacant land is 5200 square meters. The project control regulations include kindergarten land and road green space. After the demolition, a parking lot and green space will be built, June 20, 2022 Construction will start on May 1 and is expected to be completed in September 2022. Upon completion, the project will provide 171 parking spaces.

On June 29, the reporter learned from an interview that the three tube buildings located at No. 25 Shouguang Road, Shibei District are being repaired and reinforced. In the future, they will be transformed into boutique hotels and youth apartments to make up for the lack of youth - DayDayNews

Before the demolition of No. 36 Heqing Road

On June 29, the reporter learned from an interview that the three tube buildings located at No. 25 Shouguang Road, Shibei District are being repaired and reinforced. In the future, they will be transformed into boutique hotels and youth apartments to make up for the lack of youth - DayDayNews

After the demolition of No. 36 Heqing Road

On June 29, the reporter learned from an interview that the three tube buildings located at No. 25 Shouguang Road, Shibei District are being repaired and reinforced. In the future, they will be transformed into boutique hotels and youth apartments to make up for the lack of youth - DayDayNews

Rendering of No. 36 Heqing Road

No. 1, 3, and 7 Guangrao Road, the construction area of ​​the demolished houses is 5,500 square meters, and the demolished vacant land is 4,700 square meters. The project control regulation is residential The land will be demolished to build an above-ground green space sports park and an underground parking lot. The preliminary procedures for the project are being processed. After the project is completed, it will provide about 300 parking spaces.

On June 29, the reporter learned from an interview that the three tube buildings located at No. 25 Shouguang Road, Shibei District are being repaired and reinforced. In the future, they will be transformed into boutique hotels and youth apartments to make up for the lack of youth - DayDayNews

Before the demolition of Nos. 1, 3 and 7 Guangrao Road

On June 29, the reporter learned from an interview that the three tube buildings located at No. 25 Shouguang Road, Shibei District are being repaired and reinforced. In the future, they will be transformed into boutique hotels and youth apartments to make up for the lack of youth - DayDayNews

After the demolition of Nos. 1, 3 and 7 Guangrao Road

On June 29, the reporter learned from an interview that the three tube buildings located at No. 25 Shouguang Road, Shibei District are being repaired and reinforced. In the future, they will be transformed into boutique hotels and youth apartments to make up for the lack of youth - DayDayNews

Design renderings of Nos. 1, 3 and 7 Guangrao Road

Nos. 66 and 90, Chongqing South Road, the construction area of ​​the demolished houses is 5,000 square meters. 1,443 square meters of vacant land will be demolished, and the project will be regulated as road land. The vacant land will be demolished to build parking lots and green spaces. Construction is planned to start in July 2022 and be completed in August 2022. After the project is completed, it will provide 35 parking spaces.

On June 29, the reporter learned from an interview that the three tube buildings located at No. 25 Shouguang Road, Shibei District are being repaired and reinforced. In the future, they will be transformed into boutique hotels and youth apartments to make up for the lack of youth - DayDayNews

Before the demolition of Nos. 66 and 90, Chongqing South Road

On June 29, the reporter learned from an interview that the three tube buildings located at No. 25 Shouguang Road, Shibei District are being repaired and reinforced. In the future, they will be transformed into boutique hotels and youth apartments to make up for the lack of youth - DayDayNews

After the demolition of Nos. 66 and 90, Chongqing South Road

On June 29, the reporter learned from an interview that the three tube buildings located at No. 25 Shouguang Road, Shibei District are being repaired and reinforced. In the future, they will be transformed into boutique hotels and youth apartments to make up for the lack of youth - DayDayNews

Design renderings of Nos. 66 and 90, Chongqing South Road

Wusong Road-Shanghai Road- Lingxian Road Enclosed area, the construction area of ​​the demolished houses is 1070 square meters meters, 1,000 square meters of vacant land will be demolished. The project control is commercial, residential, and retail land. The vacant land will be demolished to build a plaza. Construction is planned to start in July.

On June 29, the reporter learned from an interview that the three tube buildings located at No. 25 Shouguang Road, Shibei District are being repaired and reinforced. In the future, they will be transformed into boutique hotels and youth apartments to make up for the lack of youth - DayDayNews

Wusong Road-Shanghai Road-Lingxian Road enclosed area design intention diagram

No. 14A, Cushuishan Road, the demolished house construction area is 574 square meters, the demolished vacant land is 900 square meters, the project control regulation is commercial and residential, the demolished vacant land is built as a parking lot , plans to start construction in August.

On June 29, the reporter learned from an interview that the three tube buildings located at No. 25 Shouguang Road, Shibei District are being repaired and reinforced. In the future, they will be transformed into boutique hotels and youth apartments to make up for the lack of youth - DayDayNews

Before the demolition of No. 14 A, Cushuishan Road

On June 29, the reporter learned from an interview that the three tube buildings located at No. 25 Shouguang Road, Shibei District are being repaired and reinforced. In the future, they will be transformed into boutique hotels and youth apartments to make up for the lack of youth - DayDayNews

Design intention diagram of No. 14 A, Cushuishan Road

South of Dalian Road and east of Rehe Road, the building area of ​​the demolished house is 1150 square meters, and the vacant land is 1000 square meters. The project control regulation is commercial The vacant land will be demolished to build a plaza and underground parking lot. Construction is planned to start in September.

On June 29, the reporter learned from an interview that the three tube buildings located at No. 25 Shouguang Road, Shibei District are being repaired and reinforced. In the future, they will be transformed into boutique hotels and youth apartments to make up for the lack of youth - DayDayNews

South of Dalian Road and east of Rehe Road before demolition

On June 29, the reporter learned from an interview that the three tube buildings located at No. 25 Shouguang Road, Shibei District are being repaired and reinforced. In the future, they will be transformed into boutique hotels and youth apartments to make up for the lack of youth - DayDayNews

Design intention diagram of South of Dalian Road and east of Rehe Road

No. 95, Yan'an Road, the building area of ​​the demolished house is 2,700 square meters, and the demolished vacant land is 900 square meters. Project control regulations It is a green space and is planned to be demolished in August 2022.

On June 29, the reporter learned from an interview that the three tube buildings located at No. 25 Shouguang Road, Shibei District are being repaired and reinforced. In the future, they will be transformed into boutique hotels and youth apartments to make up for the lack of youth - DayDayNews

No. 95 Yan'an Road was demolished before

No. 12 Tongshan Road. The demolished house construction area was 2,500 square meters, and the demolished vacant land was 800 square meters. The project control is parking facilities, and the demolition is planned to be completed in August 2022.

The bungalow in the courtyard of No. 68 Wudi 2nd Road will be demolished with a construction area of ​​775 square meters and an open space of 800 square meters. The project is regulated as residential land and the open space will be demolished to build a parking lot. Construction is planned to start in December.

On June 29, the reporter learned from an interview that the three tube buildings located at No. 25 Shouguang Road, Shibei District are being repaired and reinforced. In the future, they will be transformed into boutique hotels and youth apartments to make up for the lack of youth - DayDayNews

Before the demolition of the bungalow in the courtyard of No. 68 Wudi 2nd Road

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