Click to follow the blue words "Number One Cinema" above, China's No. 1 welfare platform for free movies. Today is probably the saddest day in the history of singles. Because the relationship between a goddess and a male god was broken up, and then the male god and the goddess qu

2024/07/0219:27:33 hotcomm 1334

Click to follow the blue words "Number One Cinema" above, China's No. 1 welfare platform for free movies, non-stop welfare

Today is probably the saddest day in the history of singles.

Because the relationship between a goddess and a male god was discovered, the male god and the goddess quickly admitted that they were in love.

The fairy sister Liu Yifei and the Korean male god Song Seung-heon burned the hearts of many otakus and girls in an instant with their blatant hotness on this hot day in August.

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After hearing this exciting (qing) (tian) (pi) heart (li) news, the second shopkeeper, who is a single woman, silently rushed into the bathroom and vomited two and a half kilograms of blood.

That gentle, handsome and appropriate "Jia Ming" type man, that Jun Xi who is best to grow up forever on the screen and be his affectionate till death, that thick eyebrow man with any melancholy and entangled eyes can pierce your heart, with a simple The way he announced to the world was that he held the hand of the fairy sister and wanted to "move forward one step, two steps and three steps."

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Many people began to discuss the nationality, appearance, and age of the two people.

Yes, we have to mention the age in particular. Miss Liu was born in 1987, and Uncle Song was born in 1976. There is a difference of 11 years.

This is the entry point for our analysis:

How did an uncle capture a loli?

Maybe you would say it’s maturity, temperament, and acting skills.

That’s because you still don’t understand.

What really attracts the other person is often the electric shock that comes from the body and soul at that moment, like a time bomb in the body being detonated, falling in one second.

To put it more bluntly, we now tell you from the most professional (xin) professional (suan) and objective (shi) perspective (luo) that Song Oppa has a secret weapon to win over the fairy sister.

That's it...


rave reviews

Can't stop


kissing skills! ! ! !

According to insiders, the relationship between the two people developed by leaps and bounds while filming the movie "The Third Kind of Love". Looking at their actions in the movie "The Third Kind of Love", it was really easy to understand.

According to media reports, an insider revealed that Liu Yifei and Song Seung-heon's sex scene in "The Third Kind of Love" was quite popular, "There was a section where they kept going to open rooms and open rooms and open rooms. Liu Yifei seemed to have acting skills, or maybe she was acting in her true colors." "When filming the kiss scene on the set, Song Seung-heon was more involved and kissed Liu Yifei with his tongue. Liu also scolded him (he was not in love at the time). Song Seung-heon's manager quickly apologized and said, 'Brother Song has not been in love for a long time, so he probably got impulsive. I couldn't hold it back...'"

Poof -

really couldn't hold it back when he saw this, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of the earth.

Oppa Song is so horny that even his manager is so nervous that he can only tell the truth.

spoilers, see if you can bear it.

If you can't stand it, you can read the following words along with it and learn some of Song Opa's techniques on how to take down the fairy sister, and you won't be tortured in vain.

Above picture -

The first step: If you want to capture the enemy, if you want to resist, welcome them.

Say something softly in your ear, such as: Oh, sister, you smell so good.

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Step 2: Post it without any explanation.

Regardless of whether you like it or not, if a girl doesn’t refuse, it’s almost like “come on”.

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Step 3: The lips can move to other places.

I keep facing my mouth and can’t breathe at all, do you understand? Give the girl a chance to breathe!

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Step 4 and 5: This...

You know. If you don’t understand, ask Teacher Cang.

This does not belong to the category we are going to discuss today, but the following scene is enough to show Song Seung-heon's unusual attraction to the fairy sister.

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Have you learned it?

If you find it too difficult, there are advanced tutorials below.

Let’s watch and learn together how Song Oppa’s tongue skills came about.

—The first stop for tongue kung fu training—

"Blue Love"

Female training teacher: Song Hye Kyo

Many people who are obsessed with Song Seung Heon probably started from the classic Korean drama "Blue Love" twelve years ago, right? , so moved by Eun Hee and Jun Hee that her eyes and mouth turned into blistered peaches. She kept repeating the song "Autumn Fairy Tale" in an endless loop all day long, wishing it could become the handkerchief in Seung Heon's hand.

But, after watching the tragic and tragic kiss between Eun Hee and Jun Hee in "Blue Life and Death", whose heart didn't skip a beat? In the tall haystacks, the hero and heroine finally opened their hearts and confessed to their beloved: "I leave my heart to you."

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At that moment, the haggard face and blurred eyes were so sad, I hope the time will stop here , those two bloodless lips will never separate.

Qiao Mei should be the vanguard of Seung Heon's tongue kissing skills. Early kisses are usually green, clean, and without sensuality. However, it was later reported that Qiao Mei had a close relationship with Seung Heon in the puppet show, but neither party has ever admitted it. It seems that Seung Heon's clean kiss was not wild enough, so Qiao Mei was later seduced by the even wilder Lee Byung Hun Oppa.

—Second stop for tongue kung fu training—

"Summer Scent"

Female training teacher: Son Ye Jin

The second manager discovered that for a long time, Seung Heon Ouba was really busy and could only have time to practice kissing while filming. Skill. After Seung Heon's idol ended a short eight-month relationship with another Korean goddess Sung Yuri, in 2003, he filmed "Summer Scent" with Son Ye Jin, who is known for her innocence. In this drama, the male and female protagonists are really anxious. There is not even a scene where they kiss each other, and the only photos that can be found are of Jiang Zi. (That’s not how middle school students fall in love. I’m so disappointed.)

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In the play, the two of them "walked" barefoot on the lawn. Afterwards, Huiyuan asked, "Did you hear my heartbeat?" Minyu almost babbled. He said: "Yes." Then he lowered his head slightly -

However, the female pig jumped away, she is so willful. Therefore, the scene with the goddess Son Ye-jin, because we never got to kiss each other, the plot between the prince and the princess could not be played out in reality.

- The third stop for tongue kung fu training -

"East of Eden"

Female training teacher: Lee Yeon-hee

In 2008, Song Seung-heon, who returned from enlisting in the army, was once again rumored to be starring in the drama "East of Eden" while filming it Li Yongxi plays a fake love story. This Korean drama lasted for 50 episodes. The two of them stayed together almost every day, interacted frequently and were very close. So, how was the kiss scene arranged in the play? It’s not like we didn’t get a kiss again, right?

No, after all kinds of rejections and rejections, they finally got close in episode 55. It's sweet, breathtaking, and hard-won. The second shopkeeper felt that Seung-heon's wife was almost suffocating in the previous 54 episodes and had developed from a straight to a curved direction. Fortunately, this wet kiss that definitely didn't miss the spot finally arrived. !

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Look at this angle, the two lips fit together so tacitly, the heroine’s half-closed eyes look tense and relaxed, Seung-heon’s tongue and teeth must be working together with just the right strength.

So shy, so shy.

- The fourth stop of tongue kung fu training -

"Poisoning in the Human World"

Training female teacher: Lin Jiyan

Finally, it is the fourth training class. Seung Heon Ouba has experienced so many dragonfly touches, but he cannot be kissed, and his tongue is Unable to stretch out, I managed to have a hearty and wet kiss, but the show was already approaching the last two episodes. Therefore, in order to carry out the training to the end, Seung Heon Ouba finally made a 360-degree breakthrough.

is completely naked!

shows her buttocks!

Four sex scenes!

(If there is no picture, please make up your mind)

The heroine Lin Jiyan plays a Chinese girl. This is simply to pave the way for meeting the Chinese fairy sister Liu Yifei.Saying goodbye to all kinds of pure love in the past, Seung-heon Ouba directly challenges forbidden love this time, and makes the earth hot with his subordinate's wife Tianlei, which is completely on par with the rhythm of "Lust, Caution".

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not only kisses until the sky is dark, but also shows off her good figure without hesitation. Various difficult gymnastics poses, various fancy hangings, and the horse and feet are so weak that they are so weak. Under Song Seung-heon's domineering and stormy kiss in the film, I don't know how many women have imagined that they are the heroine in the film.

Therefore, in these long kissing training courses, he finally mastered a tongue kiss technique that is full of extreme temptation and makes people addicted and unable to extricate themselves... But now, Song Opa's tongue skills have reached perfection. It's no wonder that our fairy sister also descended to earth like this after this offensive.

Read it again, oops, tsk tsk tsk.

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So, wait for love and people in love, stop asking so many stupid questions.

It is better to answer and solve the problem with direct lips and tongue.

The world will become a better place.

Okay, get out of class is over!

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More good articles and benefits will be sent one by one. Please accept my knees

I love you~


See you in the next issue!

(This article was originally created by the second shopkeeper and the little secretary of the WeChat public account "No. 1 Movie Watching". Some of the content comes from the Internet. Private reprinting is strictly prohibited. Please contact us for cooperation)

The latest free movie release


Peng Yuyan, Cui Siyuan, Dou Xiao, and Wang Luodan starring in "Broken" Wind》

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"Broken Wind" is a youthful and passionate film directed by Lin Chaoxian and co-starring Peng Yuyan, Dou Xiao, Cui Siyuan, Wang Luodan, Chen Jiale, Ouyang Nana, and Lian Kai. The film tells the story of four young people who join a cycling team to advance to the top events. In the cruel and fierce competition, everyone needs to face choices and tests in terms of friendship and love, fame, fortune and sacrifice, individual and team... Can it break through the headwinds and create miracles? Who will be the ultimate king?


Dou Xiao and Chen Yihan star in "New Step by Step Shocking"

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"New Step by Step" is a time-travel love movie directed by Song Di and starring Chen Yihan, Dou Xiao, and Yang Youning. The film is adapted from Tong Hua's novel "Bu Bu Jing Xin" and will be released on August 7. The film mainly tells the story of Zhang Xiaowen, a modern urban white-collar woman who encounters an accident and travels back to the Qing Dynasty to become a princess named Martel Ruoxi. In the strange ancient palace, she met the princes, and staged a heart-stirring love story with her two elder brothers who both loved her.

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