When I was a child, I watched this drama and burst into tears. When I grew up, I suddenly realized that the reason for Eun-hee's sympathetic life was largely due to herself. Does the theme song "reason" bring us back to the memories of "Blue Life and Death" in 2000? The Chinese d

2024/07/0219:12:33 hotcomm 1944

When I was a child, I watched this drama and burst into tears. When I grew up, I suddenly discovered that the reason for Eun-hee's sympathetic life was largely within herself.

The theme song "reason", does it make us instantly dream back to the memories of "Blue Life and Death" in 2000? The Chinese definition is reason, but I want to say, how can there be so many reasons in real life in the world? There is no reason for love, and there is no reason for natural or man-made disasters.

When I was a child, I watched this drama and burst into tears. When I grew up, I suddenly realized that the reason for Eun-hee's sympathetic life was largely due to herself. Does the theme song

Stills from the TV series "Blue Life and Death"

Life is unpredictable, and misfortune and fortune are unpredictable. The objective situation in real life is something we can never control. But our own subjective initiative is endless. Enrich your life, repair your character bit by bit, and achieve the greatest degree of reconciliation with the real world.

As the originator of Korean dramas, this TV series combines "car accidents, cancer, pseudo-brothers and sisters, and life experience swaps" to create a classic that cannot be copied. It must be thought-provoking and worth savoring.

When I was a child, I watched this drama and burst into tears. When I grew up, I suddenly realized that the reason for Eun-hee's sympathetic life was largely due to herself. Does the theme song

Stills from the Korean TV series "Blue Life and Death"

In early ancient puppet dramas, the heroines were mostly white lotus flowers, labeled with kindness and optimism. On the one hand, we envy the heroine for being loved and protected by many outstanding boys. On the other hand, we feel heartbroken and sad for the tragic experience of the protagonist. At the same time, we deeply hate the shamelessness, viciousness, insidiousness and cunning of the second and third heroines.

As everyone knows, have you ever thought deeply about why Enxi had a love that girls envied, but suffered a pitiable fate?

When I was a child, I watched this drama and burst into tears. When I grew up, I suddenly realized that the reason for Eun-hee's sympathetic life was largely due to herself. Does the theme song

Stills from the Korean TV series "Blue Life and Death"

I think an important answer is- Her inner character.

Because of an accidental brand exchange, two girls were exchanged for 14 years, and the fate of the two families also changed dramatically.

Enxi spent 14 years living in a wealthy family with no worries about food and clothing. She was a perfect "little princess" and her family of four was the envy of others. With the love of her parents and the care of her brother, her world is warm and gorgeous. This situation gave him the kindness, optimism, and simplicity that did not care about gains and losses, but it also gave her the innocence of not being familiar with the world and not understanding the dangers of the world.

When I was a child, I watched this drama and burst into tears. When I grew up, I suddenly realized that the reason for Eun-hee's sympathetic life was largely due to herself. Does the theme song

Stills of the Korean TV series "Blue Life and Death"

On the other side, the misunderstood Xin Ai, her father died young, her brother is a gangster, and her family relies on her mother to open a restaurant. While taking care of her studies, she also has to help the family. Working as a handyman, a family of three lives in poverty in a poverty-stricken area.

Children who have lived in the dark bottom since childhood are well versed in the world, and they have seen through the harshness of the world prematurely. They know that their biggest bottleneck is poverty. In order to get rid of a bad life, they can get what they want regardless of gains and losses.

When I was a child, I watched this drama and burst into tears. When I grew up, I suddenly realized that the reason for Eun-hee's sympathetic life was largely due to herself. Does the theme song

Stills from the Korean TV series "Blue Life and Death"

Two girls have been swapped for 14 years. What they exchanged is not only the generous family materials and warm family atmosphere, but also exchanged to a certain extent - personalities. )

1, running for squad leader

It can be seen from the two running for squad leader that Eunxi is more willing to let the results take its course and has no special ambitions. This is because her generous living environment means that she does not lack anything in particular. She has always been the leader of the crowd. Look up to the ideal of life. In contrast, Xin Ai's poverty makes her sensitive, self-respecting and competitive. Even if she loses the election for class president, it can arouse her hatred, prompting her to resort to mischievous tricks, hanging Eun Xi's skirt high. branches.

When I was a child, I watched this drama and burst into tears. When I grew up, I suddenly realized that the reason for Eun-hee's sympathetic life was largely due to herself. Does the theme song

Stills from the Korean TV series "Blue Life and Death"

Eunxi's kindness and tolerance made her choose not to expose Xin Ai's behavior, but risked her own risk to climb a branch. Although she won the applause of her classmates, she was invisible. Is it to condone the perpetrator and make him more rampant in the future?

Because of this incident, he was bumped into by Junxi, his brother who loved him very much, which made Junxi extremely angry. Junxi thought that he had not protected his sister well, so he went to find Xin Ai's theory. Eunxi wanted to step forward to stop her, but in the end, I accidentally had an accident - I was hit by a big car and had a car accident.

Because of a car accident, the two families learned the truth about the mistake they made 14 years ago, which indirectly caused Enxi to fall from the sweet girl of heaven to the poor overnight.

Summary: Kindness does not mean swallowing your anger and letting others do whatever they want. You should take correct actions and protect yourself reasonably.

When I was a child, I watched this drama and burst into tears. When I grew up, I suddenly realized that the reason for Eun-hee's sympathetic life was largely due to herself. Does the theme song

Stills from the Korean TV series "Blue Life and Death"

2, Xin Ai learned the truth about her life experience

Xin Ai ran to Yin's house, cried sadly and complained, asking to change their identities and return to their respective places. When Enxi learned about her life experience, it was like a bolt from the blue. The whole family spent a sleepless night filled with worry.

But except for Yin’s father, no one else in the family seems willing to accept Xin Ai. In particular, Yin's mother always wanted her family to immigrate to the United States to escape all this. Jun Xi was even more protective of her, and even slapped Xin Ai for Eun Xi.

The hospital made a mistake, and both Xin Ai and Eun Xi were innocent. But the kind and sensible Eun-xi always thinks about others. A 14-year-old girl not only had to accept the fact that she was not her biological child overnight, she also took the initiative to return to a poor family in order to gain peace for the whole family. But little did they know that only Xin Ai was happy when she left, and her parents and brother were so sad and heartbroken. But she always self-righteously gives everything, but she doesn't know that this is not a complicated situation that she can handle alone.

3. Reject Yin’s mother and immigrate to the United States.

The Yin family was preparing to immigrate to the United States. Before leaving, Yin’s mother found Enxi’s biological mother and begged Cui’s mother in tears to agree to allow Enxi to go abroad with them. The couple could take care of her and provide her with care. The best education. Cui's mother shed tears and was very sad, but in the final analysis, she also hoped that her own daughter would not stay in this poor area forever, in the dark. Although Enxi really wanted to be with her adoptive parents and brother, her character was always good at being considerate and considerate of other people's feelings. In order for her biological mother not to lose both her love and herself, she reluctantly ran away and rejected her adoptive mother, even though her heart was already broken. A tearing pain.

When I was a child, I watched this drama and burst into tears. When I grew up, I suddenly realized that the reason for Eun-hee's sympathetic life was largely due to herself. Does the theme song

Stills from the Korean TV series "Blue Life and Death"

The result of such a choice seems to be that he sacrificed himself to help everyone, but if you analyze it carefully, you will feel that White Lotus is unrealistic.

In the play, Eun-hee is not good at studying, and her family life is poor, so she dropped out of school early to work, doing manual labor that does not require skills. Such wages are only a drop in the bucket, which is not enough for this poor family to provide basic food and clothing. That’s all.

In reality, even if we are not as competitive as Xin Ai and vow to stand out, if we stay with our biological mother, our knowledge and experience will be greatly limited. In a highly competitive society like South Korea, the only way is to continue to work hard. Only by improving yourself can you survive better in such an environment. Wouldn't it be better to return from studying abroad and find a high-paying job without dragging down the Yin family? You can also help your biological mother get rid of poverty and live a comfortable and prosperous life. selection method?

4, getting to know Han Taixi

Many years passed, and Eunxi worked as an operator in a hotel and met Han Taixi, the son of the hotel owner. Eunxi lied to Taixi that she was 37 years old and had two children. Taixi also teased Eunxi, lying about Eunxi. After losing her watch, Taixi was gradually attracted to Eunxi after getting along day and night. Because of the good family atmosphere in the Yin family since childhood, even though she fell into hell overnight, she still retained her innocent and optimistic spirit. . It's hard for a girl like this not to make a man's heart flutter.

When I was a child, I watched this drama and burst into tears. When I grew up, I suddenly realized that the reason for Eun-hee's sympathetic life was largely due to herself. Does the theme song

Stills from the TV series "Blue Life and Death"

5, the two reunited

Enxi and Junxi reunited after many years, and couldn't help but fall in love with each other, but they were noticed by Junxi's fiancée Youmei. At Youmei's plaintive request, The kind spirit of "sacrifice oneself and fulfill others" in Enxi's heart was summoned again. She overestimated her control ability, underestimated her love for Junxi, and hoped to calm everything with the power of one person. Taking advantage of Tae-seok's feelings for him, he pretended to be with Tae-seok to make Junxi give up thinking about him. Poor Tae-seok was a backup, and he still thought about Eunxi giving everything for him.

When I was a child, I watched this drama and burst into tears. When I grew up, I suddenly realized that the reason for Eun-hee's sympathetic life was largely due to herself. Does the theme song

Stills from the Korean TV series "Blue Life and Death"

Everyone has the right to love. It is extremely selfish for Youmei to let Eunxi leave in this way in order to get Junxi. As Enxi, she could exercise her right to refuse, but she didn't. She always thought that she could save everyone with one person, but little did she know that she was just going further and further down the wrong path. As a member of the universe, each of us is too small. Recognize your ordinary self and don’t force yourself to do things that you cannot bear.

Russian-American writer Vladimir Nabokov once said: There are three things that people cannot hide, cough, poverty and love.

Eun-hee and Jun-hee are deeply in love, how can they hide it?

The result is not: it only hurts others and hurts ourselves, and it will only make the four people sink deeper and deeper into the mud.

6. Youmi committed suicide by cutting her wrists and coercing Junxi.

When the two finally broke through the secular world and desperately wanted to be together, Youmei did something horrifying and committed suicide by constantly mutilating herself, making Junxi and Eunxi feel guilty and embarrassed. , By kidnapping Junxi in this way, he kept him by his side. Sure enough, Junxi felt guilty and wavered in her determination to be with Eunxi. Eunxi did not cry or pester, but accepted it calmly. When I look back on this paragraph: I feel sad for Enxi's misfortune and angry for her inability to fight. If everything in the world was morally kidnapped and everything could be conquered by the threat of death, then the world would be devoid of justice and reason and turn into a naked hell. The character developed in Enxi's childhood, always putting other people's feelings first and "retreating and forbearing" in the face of everything, can I understand it as a kind of cowardice?

The true meaning of life is: cherish the present. After all, there are three things that people cannot save, time, life and love.

7, Eun-hee is suffering from cancer

When she was suffering from blood cancer and in great pain, the nameless Tae-seok was still by her side. She asked everyone to help hide the truth from Junxi. She was still living in her own world. Among them, "self-righteous" love is given to others without thinking deeply about what the other person thinks. According to the setting of the play, Junxi finally learned about Eunxi's condition. At the last moment of Eunxi's death, the two of them revisited their old places. Heaven and earth were the betrothed, the sun and the moon were matchmakers, and they became life partners and spent countless hours of happiness together. Not much time. This should be the desire deep in Junxi's soul. But if Junxi hadn't caught up with Eunxi for the last time, he would have been so devastated and resentful all day long. That will be a lifelong regret that cannot be let go.

When I was a child, I watched this drama and burst into tears. When I grew up, I suddenly realized that the reason for Eun-hee's sympathetic life was largely due to herself. Does the theme song

Stills from the Korean TV series "Blue Life and Death"

Conclusion : Character determines destiny. Enxi's beautiful qualities of simplicity, kindness, and overall consideration are rare in our modern world. It is precisely because of her innocence and perseverance that she attracted the best two men. They have no regrets about her and have us. A unique love that girls envy. But at the same time, it is precisely because she is always "self-righteous" and always takes the overall situation into consideration and helps others. Her character of knocking out teeth and swallowing blood objectively does not have a happy ending. Sometimes she encourages others to push their limits and makes things self-defeating, ultimately hurting everyone. Including myself.

From the beginning when the two families knew the truth about their mistake, she has been growing up in a self-conscious way. She has been burdened with too much in her heart. She has not received timely comfort from her spiritual longing, the daily necessities of life, and poverty.

later reunited with Junxi and fell in love. Tae-seok's courtship, Yoo-mei's suicide, and the opposition of her parents all exceeded her preparations and expectations. Her innate physical foundation was not good, and she eventually collapsed mentally and physically. , she couldn't afford to fall ill, her beauty was ill-fated, and she passed away.

Finally : May we all be kind-hearted, considerate of others, sober and transparent, and cherish life.

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