According to the China Review News Agency, in response to the Tsai administration's inability to obtain enough vaccines and the death toll approaching 500, Yu Beichen, a retired army major general and former chairman of the Huang Guoyuan Party Department of the Kuomintang, said i

2024/07/0218:04:32 hotcomm 1659

According to the China Review News Agency, in response to the Tsai administration's inability to obtain enough vaccines and the death toll approaching 500, Yu Beichen, a retired army major general and former chairman of the Huang Guoyuan Party Department of the Kuomintang, said i - DayDayNews

According to the China Review News Agency, in response to the Tsai administration's inability to obtain enough vaccines and the death toll approaching 500, Yu Beichen, a retired army major general and former chairman of the Huang Guoyuan Party Department of the Kuomintang, said in an interview with the China Review News Agency that this was originally the opportunity for the opposition Chinese Kuomintang to win back voters. The best opportunity for trust is that we have no initiative in fighting for overseas vaccines, and we have lost to artist Jia Yongjie in soliciting donations of medical equipment. Blue Camp has completely lost its basis in epidemic prevention and control, and has failed to capture the hearts and warmth of the people.

Artist Jia Yongjie raised 342 units (total price 92.34 million yuan) of high-flow oxygen nasal cannula complete systems (HFNC) for major hospitals, and received a lot of praise. KMT Chairman Jiang Qichen lamented on June 14 that this is what the Tsai administration should have done The Tsai authorities should be ashamed of what they are doing now being done by the private sector.

Yu Beichen said that since the outbreak of the local epidemic in late May, the entire Taiwan has entered the third level of alert. As a result, the blue camp has no way to score and has no initiative at all. In terms of vaccines, leaving aside the Chinese mainland vaccine for the time being, it may Being labeled red by the green camp, but does the blue camp have a good interaction with Japan? Have you had a good interaction with the United States? Have you had a good interaction with Germany? The answer is "neither".

He said that if someone from the Kuomintang came forward, he could have channels like Terry Gou, the founder of Hon Hai , and have the right to take the initiative to dialogue with the German BNT. The blue camp "has a voice", but the blue camp except Shanghai Fosun can have dialogue, but Sun Wen School President Zhang Yazhong and others came forward, because the Kuomintang has not had "party diplomacy" for a long time, and it cannot see that it has smooth channels with the United States, Japan and other countries. An issue as good as vaccines can be manipulated at a critical moment. But they have no say, and the result is that the Kuomintang makes the people even more indifferent.

Yu Beichen said frankly that it is a fact and a political reality that vaccines are not available now, but is there any way for Blue Camp to assist or rescue the families of those who have been diagnosed or even those who have died? A single Jia Yongjie, who has no political intentions and enthusiastically raises "life-saving artifacts" to donate to hospitals, will not only bring down Tsai Ing-wen of the DPP, but may also bring down the opposition parties including the KMT. Why doesn't the KMT do this kind of thing? Why don’t the opposition parties do this?

He bluntly said that many of the Kuomintang’s "legislators" regardless of division have a medical background and even open their own hospitals. It is easier to get these things than Jia Yongjie, right? Why not? The Kuomintang has so many physician support associations and nurse support associations that deliver these medical equipment to all parts of Taiwan in need at lightning speed. Why not do it?

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