Ukrainian President Zelensky and his staff have recently relied on the support of the United States and used Biden's chicken feathers as arrows to issue arbitrary orders to international allies and partners.

2024/07/0200:30:32 hotcomm 1863

Author: Zhanhu Express

According to Global Network , Ukraine recently refused a visit from German President Steinmeier, which caused strong resentment in Berlin . Soon, the embarrassing moment came for the Kiev authorities. Ukraine sent a request to Germany, asking the country's Prime Minister Scholz to visit Ukraine. However, Kubic, the deputy speaker of the German Bundestag, later responded by categorically rejecting Scholz's visit to Ukraine.

Ukrainian President Zelensky and his staff have recently relied on the support of the United States and used Biden's chicken feathers as arrows to issue arbitrary orders to international allies and partners. - DayDayNews

Ukrainian President Zelenskiy and his staff have recently relied on the support of the United States and used Biden 's chicken feathers as arrows to issue arbitrary orders to international allies and partners. Therefore, after rejecting the visit of the German President, Zelenskiy then opened fire on French President Macron, accusing him of compromising with Moscow in exchange for peace. Zelensky's move is to force France to impose more sanctions on Russia and provide Ukraine with more weapons and equipment.

Ukrainian President Zelensky and his staff have recently relied on the support of the United States and used Biden's chicken feathers as arrows to issue arbitrary orders to international allies and partners. - DayDayNews

It is obvious that the Ukrainian government has become a group of "international beggars", asking for weapons from other countries all over the world. At the same time, the Kiev authorities have become a nasty scoundrel, using American chicken feathers as arrows to unscrupulously criticize, condemn and even insult leaders of European or Asian countries. According to Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kubale: "Ukraine has become the world's second largest military power after the United States." Therefore, the current Kiev authorities regard themselves as the "second best in the world" and frequently make troubles on the world stage.

Ukrainian President Zelensky and his staff have recently relied on the support of the United States and used Biden's chicken feathers as arrows to issue arbitrary orders to international allies and partners. - DayDayNews

You must know that the international community, especially Europe, has recently paid an unprecedented price for such a stupid thing as Ukraine. Because of the Russia-Ukraine war provoked by the United States, Europe not only has to bear the huge risk of the war in Ukraine spilling over, but also has to bear the cost of a serious inflation crisis caused by rising energy and food prices. Instead of reflecting on how much harm they have caused to the world, the Kiev authorities are proud to be an accomplice of the United States in destroying world peace and development.

Ukrainian President Zelensky and his staff have recently relied on the support of the United States and used Biden's chicken feathers as arrows to issue arbitrary orders to international allies and partners. - DayDayNews

Ukraine continues to provoke Russia at the behest of the United States, allowing the war between Russia and Ukraine to continue to spread. The Kyiv authorities' extreme measures to deliberately destroy the entire country for some ulterior purpose will continue to create greater humanitarian disasters for Ukraine, while also adding greater trouble to the world, including Europe. Even U.S. President Biden recently had to admit that Western sanctions against Russia have cost many countries, and multiple crises caused by food and energy shortages have become a reality.

Ukrainian President Zelensky and his staff have recently relied on the support of the United States and used Biden's chicken feathers as arrows to issue arbitrary orders to international allies and partners. - DayDayNews

Many countries suffered heavy losses due to the impact of the Russo-Ukrainian war, and their economic development and people's livelihood and environment were harmed to varying degrees. Therefore, countries around the world, including Europe, have changed from their previous sympathy for Ukraine to disgust and even hatred. Especially the Germans are eager to kick Ukraine into the Atlantic Ocean to feed the fish. According to " reference news ", a petition calling for the expulsion of the Ukrainian ambassador to Germany is circulating on the German Internet. The petitioners believe that the diplomat "made hateful speeches against German policies" and therefore cannot trust diplomacy. official position. It is reported that this petition has received signatures from 16,500 German people.

Ukrainian President Zelensky and his staff have recently relied on the support of the United States and used Biden's chicken feathers as arrows to issue arbitrary orders to international allies and partners. - DayDayNews

German hatred of Ukraine does not stop there. Prior to this, pro-Russian demonstrations broke out in many cities in Germany. Demonstrators held high the flag of the Russian Federation and openly supported Russia in many cities, including Berlin. Not only the Germans, but almost the entire European people's interests are now being severely affected by the sanctions imposed by the West on Russia due to the Ukraine issue. Demonstrations have been held one after another in European countries to protest against soaring prices. The cruel reality has made many countries in Asia and Europe begin to look at Ukraine with admiration, especially in terms of weapons assistance to Ukraine. The responses of various countries have further highlighted their hatred of Kiev.

Ukrainian President Zelensky and his staff have recently relied on the support of the United States and used Biden's chicken feathers as arrows to issue arbitrary orders to international allies and partners. - DayDayNews

At present, NATO countries are still continuing to provide weapons to Ukraine. In addition to the United States and Britain, the two initiators of the war, there are also some desperate vassals in Eastern Europe who continue to provide weapons to Ukraine under the coercion of the United States. Many Western members, including Germany and France, are more cautious than ever in providing military aid to Ukraine. After all, when they handed over the knife to Ukraine, they received not "sincere thanks" from Kiev, but endless extortion. More importantly, the longer the Russia-Ukraine war lasts, the more serious the damage it will cause to itself.

Ukrainian President Zelensky and his staff have recently relied on the support of the United States and used Biden's chicken feathers as arrows to issue arbitrary orders to international allies and partners. - DayDayNews

Similar to the views of European members of NATO, Japan and South Korea in Asia have also begun to realize the hatefulness of Ukraine. Recently, many Ukrainian political figures, including Zelensky, have been in contact with senior leaders of Japan and South Korea, publicly requesting them to provide them with lethal weapons including anti-tank missiles . However, based on reports from many media, Japan and South Korea have recently stated that they will continue to provide military assistance to Ukraine, but the items sent are not anti-tank missiles, but non-lethal materials such as helmets, body armor and even blankets. .

Ukrainian President Zelensky and his staff have recently relied on the support of the United States and used Biden's chicken feathers as arrows to issue arbitrary orders to international allies and partners. - DayDayNews

It can be seen that as the conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues, the damage caused to the economy and people's livelihood of countries around the world has become more and more serious. Ukraine plays not only the role of a "victim", but also one of the initiators of serious harm to the interests of all countries in the world. The so-called pitiful people must have their hateful qualities. Ukraine's misery can no longer win the sympathy of Asian and European countries, and is even arousing the hatred of more countries.

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