The "Foreign Garden" is located at the head of Hualin Fourth Bridge in Fuzhou. This used to be a field. Photo by Wu Longzhong, People's Daily Online, Fuzhou, May 12 (Wu Longzhong) In recent years, many "foreign names" such as "Paris", "Rome", "New York", and "Manhattan" have appe

2024/07/0122:52:32 hotcomm 1380
The is located in the "Foreign Garden" at the head of Hualin Fourth Bridge in Fuzhou. This used to be a field. Photo by Wu Longzhong

People's Daily Online, Fuzhou, May 12 (Wu Longzhong) In recent years, many "foreign names" such as "Paris", "Rome", "New York", and "Manhattan" have appeared in residential areas, high-rise buildings or shops. The coat of recruitment quietly landed in various cities in Fujian.

Do foreign place names have to be changed? Mr. Wu, who lives in Xiamen's Ruijing Community, believes that the use of place names should indeed reflect national self-confidence. "my country is far ahead in the world in the construction of high-speed rail and expressways. If a 'Manhattan Service Area' appears on any domestic expressway, which place will be named '' Brisbane Railway Station', isn't it very awkward?" He also pointed out that words such as "sai" and "sai" appear more frequently in foreign place names, and these words are quite indecent in the Hokkien language. The pronunciation, and "Rome" and "Luo Ma" are homophonic, such words are taboo in traditional naming.

Not only foreign place names, but also the usage regulations of Chinese place names have always attracted public attention. Quanzhou people are quite serious about place names and shop signs. Mr. Lin, a citizen of Quanzhou, said that a few years ago, a "Bandit Cuisine in Western Hunan" opened near Renfeng Street in Quanzhou. At that time, "The Suppression of Bandits in Western Hunan" was on the air. "The local tyrants have gone too far, and there are still bandits!" This store After receiving sharp criticism from some diners, the name was later changed to "Xiangxi Local Cuisine"; not long ago, a shocking billboard "Children's Meat Sauce, Tastes Great" appeared on the Quanzhou Expressway. The public reacted strongly, and later changed it to "Xiangxi Local Cuisine". "xx Brand Children's Luncheon Meat"; In 1982, a person from Quanzhou came to the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall in Beijing and saw a "paying homage to the package office" next to it. He raised an objection: Everyone came to pay homage to Chairman Mao's body, but who would pay homage to you? What about the "package delivery office"? Upon hearing the complaint, the relevant unit immediately deleted the word "paying homage" and corrected it to "package delivery office"!

Li Xianxian, a lawyer at Fujian Tongxiang Law Firm, believes that “foreign” and “weird” place names are not serious. He believes that relevant departments should effectively implement place name management in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations. Although the name change of relevant communities may have a certain impact on residents' lives, it is an inevitable requirement for administration according to law and has long-term legal benefits.

"The land of Fujian has profound historical and cultural heritage, and place names do not need to be 'imported' at all! Unhelpful foreign place names must be corrected and standardized." In response to the proliferation of foreign place names in some places, Lin Shaochuan, an expert on literature and history, said in an interview with reporters that many place names contain The historical value of positive energy, such as the Three Lanes and Seven Alleys in Fuzhou, Jubao Street in Quanzhou, Zhaojiabao in Zhangzhou, and Red Army Street in western Fujian... many place names have lasted for thousands of years, witnessing the changes in social history and the interpretation of the Maritime Silk Road civilization. , Fujian's historical and cultural city, almost every ancient lane and street has its own historical story. Despite this, foreign place names such as "Sunny Paris" and "Sunny Manhattan" still appear in Quanzhou, as does Fuzhou, the provincial capital city with a similarly profound cultural heritage. Lin Shaochuan analyzed that some developers lack confidence in traditional culture and misjudge consumer psychology. They think that all people living in foreign-named communities will feel "superior" and ignore the practicality and easy-to-understand attributes of real estate place names, which violates the laws and regulations. Relevant laws and regulations have caused confusion. He called on the place name management department to strengthen management. "A place's water and soil support its people. The more local a place name is, the more distinctive it is. Relevant departments should standardize management and purify place name culture."

In 1986, the State Council promulgated "Regulations on the Management of Place Names" (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations"), the Ministry of Civil Affairs has also formulated the "Details for the Implementation of the Regulations on the Management of Place Names" (hereinafter referred to as the "Details") as the basis for place name management and administrative law enforcement. Article 3 of the "Regulations" lists the names of mountains, rivers, lakes, seas, islands, beaches, headlands, bays, waterways, terrain areas and other administrative divisions across the country, including towns, districts, development zones, natural villages, and areas. Names of villages, agricultural, forestry, animal husbandry and fishing spots, streets, alleys, residential areas, building groups (including building and door numbers), buildings and other residential areas, as well as the names of platforms, stations, ports and fields with geographical meanings used by various professional departments. Names such as places of interest, monuments, monuments, tourist destinations, enterprises and institutions are all included in place name management.The "Details" also stipulate rewards and punishment methods: Place name management departments at all levels should strengthen the management, supervision and inspection of place name work. For units and individuals that name, change names without authorization or use non-standard place names, a notice of illegal use of place names should be issued and rectified within a time limit. For those who fail to change within the time limit or the circumstances are serious and cause adverse consequences, the place name management department should take action against them in accordance with relevant regulations. punishment. The "Details" clearly stipulate that Chinese place names shall not be named after foreigners or place names.

It is understood that Fujian Province is currently conducting the second national census of place names. Recently, the Fujian Provincial Geographical Names Census Office conducted a comprehensive inspection of the province's 2015 "Second Census" work and formulated the "Fujian Province Second National Geographical Names Census 2016 Annual Supervision Work Implementation Plan". The document shows that in order to clean up Supervision work on rectifying irregular place names has been taken seriously. This year, the implementation of the "Fujian Province Implementation Plan for Strengthening the Cultural Protection of Place Names and Cleaning Up and Rectifying Irregular Place Names" will be inspected, focusing on the publicity and deployment of clean-up and rectification in various places, the preliminary list of irregular place names and the clean-up With rectification measures and place name cultural protection plans, the tendency to abuse foreign place names will be curbed in accordance with the law.

(Editors: Chen Chuchu, Shi Yunjuan)

The is located in the foreign-named community "Sena Sunshine" on Fufei Road, Fuzhou. Photographed by Wu Longzhong
The The "Paris Spring" community on Tongpan Road in Fuzhou is marked with a bus stop sign, and there are also foreign-famous buildings such as the "Palace of Versailles" inside. Photographed by Wu Longzhong
The Fuzhou Amitabha Hotel has attracted much attention since its name came out. Photographed by Wu Longzhong

Fuzhou Railway Station has three "landmarks": Fuzhou Railway Station, "Manhattan Hotel" and "Manhattan Shopping Plaza". Photographed by Wu Longzhong

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