The battlefield situation is changing rapidly, including fierce frontal battles and confrontations in intelligence, public opinion and other fields. As long as the war continues, this back-and-forth confrontation will not stop.

2024/07/0120:45:33 hotcomm 1602

The battlefield situation is changing rapidly. There are both fierce frontal battles and confrontations in the fields of intelligence and public opinion. As long as the war continues, this back-and-forth confrontation will not stop.

html On the evening of the 3rd, as Zelensky proactively admitted that the Ukrainian army had withdrawn from Lischichansk, a new round of fierce offensive and defensive battles around this place finally ended with the victory of the Russian army.

However, Zelensky also said that after Western long-range weapons are "in place", the Ukrainian army will regain control of the eastern region.

However, you are done and I am on the stage, Just as the Russian army achieved remarkable results in Lischichansk, the Ukrainian army suddenly took a wrong turn and launched a surprise attack on the Russian army base.

The battlefield situation is changing rapidly, including fierce frontal battles and confrontations in intelligence, public opinion and other fields. As long as the war continues, this back-and-forth confrontation will not stop. - DayDayNews

html On the 4th, Melitopol Mayor Fedorov said that the Ukrainian army launched air attacks on the state using long-range multiple rocket launchers at 3 a.m. and 4:45 a.m., and the first time it fired more than 112 rockets rockets were fired for the second time. About 8 rockets were fired. Currently, one of the 14 Russian military bases in the area has been destroyed.

Fedorov believes that after this round of attacks, a large number of people will be evacuated from Melitopol, including Russian troops.

Almost at the same time, Vladimir Rogov, a member of the General Council of the Military and Civilian Administration of the Zaporozhye Region, also confirmed that the Ukrainian army launched two rounds of shelling on Melitopol in the early morning, saying "Melitopol" No peace all night long", and preliminary confirmation that many areas of the city were attacked and buildings were damaged.

At present, it is not clear the casualties, and Russia has not responded to the matter.

Among these, has at least 5 observation points worth noting.

The battlefield situation is changing rapidly, including fierce frontal battles and confrontations in intelligence, public opinion and other fields. As long as the war continues, this back-and-forth confrontation will not stop. - DayDayNews, this was a "premeditated" raid.

In terms of time, 3 o'clock and 4 o'clock in the morning are exactly the time when people are asleep and most relaxed. In terms of the number of missiles

, 20 more than 220 rockets were launched in two rounds, but the missiles launched the second time were less than the first, which was highly suspected of "last strike".

Obviously, the Ukrainian army's attack aimed at "successful with one blow" and caused huge losses to the Russian army.

The battlefield situation is changing rapidly, including fierce frontal battles and confrontations in intelligence, public opinion and other fields. As long as the war continues, this back-and-forth confrontation will not stop. - DayDayNews

2, this is an attack with a strong sense of "revenge" and aimed at boosting morale.

When the Ukrainian army raided Melitopol, it happened to be the time when the Russian army made a high-profile claim to have captured Lischichansk. The loss of Lisichansk means that the Russian army has complete control of the Luhansk area, and problems such as "low morale" are bound to occur behind the Ukrainian army being forced to retreat.

In this context, a raid that "achieves significant results" can not only "repay the favor" to the Russian army, but also boost the morale of one's own side.

3, this may be an attack that caused "heavy losses" to Russia.

Judging from the statements of the mayor of Melitopol and others, more than 20 missiles fell in turn, and the Russian army obviously did not intercept them all. It is estimated that many "fish that slipped through the net" hit key facilities.

If a Russian military base is really destroyed in the attack, it will be a huge loss for Russia.

It should be noted here that Melitopol, as a "military town" in southern Ukraine, has always been the focus of competition between Russia and Ukraine. On the third day of the conflict, which was February 26, the Russian Defense Force Ministry of declared "complete control" of Melitopol.

Based on this, the Russian army deployed important facilities such as military hospitals and military bases in Melitopol.

The battlefield situation is changing rapidly, including fierce frontal battles and confrontations in intelligence, public opinion and other fields. As long as the war continues, this back-and-forth confrontation will not stop. - DayDayNews

Uzbekistan is also well aware of the situation in Melitopol. It used " Dot-U" missiles to bombard the Russian military hospital on April 15, causing injuries to the director and two Russian soldiers. .

In addition, Fedorov, the mayor of Melitopol who announced the Ukrainian army's raid on Melitopol and destroyed a Russian army base this time, was captured after the Russian army took control of the city until March 16. On the same day, Ukraine just exchanged 9 captured Russian soldiers for Fedorov.

From this point of view, it is still unknown whether the Russian military base in Melitopol was destroyed, but what is certain is that the Russian army did not completely intercept the Ukrainian missiles, and the air strike did cause damage to the Russian side. Quite a loss.

4, this is another attack that "exacerbates relations between the United States and Russia."

Please note that Ukraine used long-range multiple rocket launchers to attack Melitopol this time, and Ukraine itself does not have such weapons, so this refers to the recent supply of "Haimas" by the United States to Kiev "Multiple rocket launchers.

There is no doubt that Ukraine's attack on Russia with US-made weapons will not only further deepen the intensity of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, but also intensify the tension in US-Russia relations.

Don’t forget that before this, Russia issued warnings more than once, saying that the United States’ continuous supply of arms to Ukraine was “playing with fire” and would increase the probability of direct military conflict between the United States and Russia.

The battlefield situation is changing rapidly, including fierce frontal battles and confrontations in intelligence, public opinion and other fields. As long as the war continues, this back-and-forth confrontation will not stop. - DayDayNews

If, with the help of "Haimas" missiles, the Ukrainian army really destroys a Russian military base, then the gap between the United States and Russia will become even greater.

5, this is a raid that "changes the direction of the situation in Russia and Ukraine."

On the one hand, according to Russia's original plan, after the Russian army captures Lischichansk and controls the Donbas region, it will move south to seek control of the Wunan region.

On the other hand, Zelensky also said on the 4th that the Ukrainian army has begun to advance in Kherson, Kharkov and on the sea, and is ready to "never give up anything." Prepare.

Today, the Ukrainian army uses "Haimas" rocket launchers to raid Melitopol. not only reflects the improvement of the Ukrainian army's current strength, 's proficient use of long-range weapons such as " Seamas " is also a sign of Russia's The United States released a deterrent signal and practiced the Western weapons it obtained in advance to prepare for the fierce battle that will follow.

In short, this protracted Russian-Ukrainian conflict is entering a new stage, which is also a crucial stage.

Let’s talk about three superficial views on this.

The battlefield situation is changing rapidly, including fierce frontal battles and confrontations in intelligence, public opinion and other fields. As long as the war continues, this back-and-forth confrontation will not stop. - DayDayNews

First, the war between Russia and Ukraine may have entered the middle and late stages, but the battlefield situation is changing rapidly. The more final is, the easier it is for variables to suddenly increase, the battle is often more intense, and the final result will also change accordingly.

After all, it is not uncommon for to fight against , turn defeat into victory, or even "come back with one move". It can only be said that the closer we get to the end, the more critical the moment of competition in tactics, strategy and endurance. There are still many unknowns in the current situation between Russia and Ukraine.

Second, the West’s strong military aid to Ukraine is indeed changing the battlefield situation.

Among other things, the "Haimas" rocket launcher provided by the United States this time dealt a heavy blow to Russia at a critical moment. Not to mention, at the just-concluded G7 and NATO summits, Western countries announced new military aid plans for Ukraine.

It can be seen that the West's "fanning the flames" is not only changing the situation on the Russia-Ukraine battlefield, but also bringing more resistance and uncertainty to the end of the conflict.

The battlefield situation is changing rapidly, including fierce frontal battles and confrontations in intelligence, public opinion and other fields. As long as the war continues, this back-and-forth confrontation will not stop. - DayDayNews

Third, the war between Russia and Ukraine is in full swing, and the risk of war escalation and spillover is also increasing.

After all, if the West "fans the flames" recklessly, Russia will not remain indifferent, let alone unresponsive. No one knows whether Putin, who has already been holding a breath of resentment, will directly go to the United States, Britain, France and Germany to settle accounts.

In short, let me say the same thing, war is cruel, cold-blooded, and ruthless, will not bring any benefits except endless disasters and catastrophes.

When it prospers, the people suffer; when it dies, the people suffer. It’s time to stop this battle that rages from spring to summer.

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